Saturday, February 21, 2009

Denise Milani Boobs Nipple

Comunicato del CO.I.A.E.


The Committee Suitable Revenue Agency in the person of the President wishes to express again my heartfelt thanks for the admirable work that the Customs Department is conducting on creep of the national ranking of suitable candidates competitions bandits Revenue Agency, coordinated by Dr. A. Aronson, Director of Central Personnel and Organization, Dr. Cantilena, Director of ' Office for the Coordination of legal status and recruitment of staff and Dr. Gnerre that from August '08 to date have made possible recruitment of some seven hundred Suitable Inland Revenue removing the weak ancestral present in the Agency of Customs, and hoped this additional flow of administrative officials cent'otto Tax providing our entry in the Agency of Customs allows us, first, to realize his dream to work for the tax agencies - specifically for the Customs Agency - but also to give a hand to MISUSE Agency, as today is a call to action more effectively to external threats faced by the economy, the 'environment and health in particular, also fills us with pride, confidence that the Customs Department has demonstrated that to us by investing financial resources at its disposizione nella nostra assunzione, noi, d’altronde possiamo promettere la voglia di lavorare, tanta determinazione e un buon livello di preparazione, che ci consentono di prestare la nostra opera a servizio del paese.
Confidiamo dunque che la vicenda che ci riguarda possa essere vicino al traguardo finale e trovare presto la positiva soluzione con l’esaurimento integrale della Graduatoria Nazionale e dare la possibilità ai rimanenti centottanta Idonei di coronare questo sogno.
Nel ringraziarVi ancora per la pazienza dimostrataci, Vogliate gradire cordiali saluti.

Il Presidente
Dott. Sandro Graziano