Article 1 - Name - This committee has the name CO.IAF - CFL (Tax Agents Board Eligible - Contract for Training and Employment). Hereinafter referred to as the Committee.
Article 2 - See - The Committee is based in Via Giovanni Bovio, No 27-70052 Bisceglie (BA). The seat will vary according to needs.
Article 3 - Purpose - The Committee is proposed as the main purpose of taking all appropriate further to the procedures published in the Official Gazette, Series IV Special Competitions and Examinations No 84, October 21, 2005 and No. 28 of 6 April 2007 for hiring contract of training and employment of 1,500 and 500 staff respectively, the third functional area, pay band F1, administrative and fiscal activities, and stabilization of a time limit of all the assumptions with CFL.
The Committee, in compliance with current laws and democratic methods, will implement all activities deemed appropriate and useful for the attainment of set objectives and organize events, meetings, dialogues and discussions (including electronic means). The Committee will also adhere to and maintain relations with other membership organizations of any kind.
The activities of the Committee not for profit and will be self-financed by members of the Committee.
Article 4 - Membership Committee
Membership the committee is free and without any discrimination of race, gender, political ideology, religious or trade union, provided that the members are found to be suitable and / or recruited to the CFL with bankruptcy proceedings under Article 3. Membership of the committee will make it impossible to engage in behaviors and activities contrary to the goals are achieved.
membership is expressed by signing the Annex "Application Form" accompanied by a copy of a valid identity document to be delivered also by Information Technology.
Upon accession, the President or his representative, by e-mail confirming the acceptance accession to the Committee.
Article 5 - Termination
Membership of the Committee does not have time constraints, so any member can withdraw at any time by giving notice in writing (including electronically) to the President or his designee.
Article 6 - Board and powers
The only decision-making body is the Assembly decides by absolute majority. The Assembly elects a President and three Vice Presidents who will constitute the Executive Committee, as well as give, where appropriate, regional coordinators, who will form the Territorial Council of the Committee.
The Assembly meets in the ordinary way once a year at the initiative of the President or in an extraordinary manner every time the President and the Directors deem it necessary.
The President serves as spokesman and coordinator of the committee could be put in place after consulting the Board, any activity needed to achieve the objectives of giving information to members. The President, in consultation with the Directors and after consultation with the Regional Coordinators for territorial jurisdiction, decide on the possibility of expulsion from the committee who are pursuing activities or behaviors that hinder the achievement of the objectives of Article 3 or which display the same, the President or other members dangers or responsibilities related to the work of the committee or who damage the image.
If, in the opinion of the President, requires the adoption of a decision by vote, they considered the logistical and organizational requirements, may indicate how and when to express your preferences. Such a vote could also take place by Information Technology. The records of the votes will be kept by the President or his appointee. The President, on its own initiative or upon proposal of the Directors may propose, specify and appoint other officers or pictures on how to improve the organizational structure of the Board (eg, secretary, treasurer, webmaster, etc.)..
The Steering Committee is the body in supporting the activities of the President, assisted in organizing the management of resources; replace him when absent or prevented in institutional relations.
The Council is the Territorial Committee, Delegate to the right specification, at regional level care at the regional level, relations with institutions and other organizations or associations. Inform the Executive of the activities in a timely and relates to the very outcome of the activities implemented.
responsible for relations with the members in their respective geographical area and takes care of the distribution of documents and communications of the President and the Board. Provides the collection of subscriptions and contributions in their respective geographical area.
Article 7 - The Organisation of the Committee
internal and external activities of the committee will be put in place primarily by Information Technology. The accession will lead to admission to a mailing-list only of members by which you can participate in the life and activities of the Committee. To facilitate the conduct of business, we may also have other electronic means (websites, blogs, etc..), And set up special e-mail addresses managed by the President or his appointees. The documentation for the work of the Committee will be kept by the President or by his agent. As for the membership fees collected and managed for the purposes of the committee determines the use of a special pay mail addressed to the Committee. The movement of money if they will give account on a quarterly basis by sending to all members of the relevant statement. That the Committee will support the costs for achieving the targets set are expected to participate equally in all members on pain of expulsion.
Article 8 - TERM AND TERMINATION - The Committee remains alive until otherwise decided by majority in the Assembly, which has the dissolution or adhesion free association to another already approved involved in achieving the statutory objectives, end on the achievement of the objectives of Article 3. The President, or his agent to arrange the formalities for the dissolution of the committee.
The accession of the above art. 4 results in a transitional payment of a contribution of €. 5.00 as an initial self-financing of the Committee, pending that, when fully implemented, the assembly shall, upon proposal of the President, after consulting the Board, a monthly contribution of members to address over time the costs of normal operation the associative structure.
Bisceglie, 21/04/2009