Thursday, July 30, 2009

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Comunicato UIL-PA: Assunzioni Dogane

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Comunicato Salfi- Buone notizie per CFL ed idonei

Thursday, July 23, 2009

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Comunicato CO.I.AE-CFL



Guys, we favor the amendment Bernardo was confirmed in the maxi-amendment presented today by the Government on 23 July 2561 dl AC 78/2009. Except
unfavorable surprises us in the Senate, I feel excluded, we can say that I've made.
And so I like it here transcribe the statement of 17 July when the Committee has begun to set up a possible victory

Who is responsible for monitoring the border, beyond the police?
Customs, in my opinion.
Already at the National Constitutional Assembly (Article 117, paragraph 2, point q), the subjects of exclusive legislative competence of government, protection of national borders e dalla profilassi internazionale sono, comunque, collegate alle dogane, materia questa anch’essa di esclusiva competenza legislativa statale.
Ma è a livello comunitario che meglio emerge come le amministrazioni doganali dei Paesi membri costituiscano a tutti gli effetti “servizi preposti al controllo alle frontiere degli Stati membri”. Ciò, a me sembra, ma posso anche sbagliarmi, emerga dall’allegato documento che contiene una interrogazione parlamentare al Consiglio dei Ministri CE e relativa risposta. Si dice, qui, che le amministrazioni doganali degli Stati membri sono “servizi preposti al controllo alle frontiere”. Mi si dice che, operativamente, in Italia il controllo border is given to various bodies, the Guardia di Finanza, the Carabinieri, State Police and the Coast Guard, in the surveillance of borders, there is, however, the involvement of the Customs, whose staff to ensure compliance with the provisions on customs and other laws to be applied by customs, proceed directly, or by the soldiers of the Guardia di Finanza, the visit of vehicles of any kind, luggage and other items possession of persons crossing the customs line at the customs areas or circulating in the same space.

Well, after the amendment Bernardo 17.68 on July 16, the second sentence of paragraph 7 of Article. 17 of dl No. 78/2009 is as follows:
"are subject to the assumptions of the diplomatic personnel of police and border control officers , armed forces, the national corps of firefighters, universities, institutions of research staff of the judiciary and the school division to the extent permitted by law. "
Now, if the Guardia di Finanza, the Carabinieri, the State Police are police, as individual-organization could be "in charge of border control, other than the Guardia di Finanza, Carabinieri and State Police se non le Dogane?
Non certamente il corpo della Guardia costiera che appartiene alla marina militare e quindi alle forze armate, di per sé escluse dal blocco delle assunzioni.

Ma questa riflessione, che, comunque, va presa col beneficio di inventario, porta ad una seconda e importante considerazione : dal secondo comma del comma 7 dell’art. 17 del dl n. 78/2009, come riformulato a seguito dell’emendamento 17.68, emergerebbe anche che l’Agenzia delle dogane, pur inserita nel comparto delle Agenzie fiscali, ha un quid pluris di qualificazione professionale nel senso che ha peculiarità e specificità che sono proprie del comparto sicurezza.
Se così è, sarebbe auspicabile che The Committee would also like to think as our Vice President, to continue, once it achieves the purposes of exhaustion of the NG and the conversion of the CFL, even this new and fascinating battle.
Boys, in any case expect the conversion of the dl 78 and see how things really are and then decide on future strategies for action>.

Force Committee! We'll make it ....

President COIAF-CFL
Dr. Rosa Alfaro

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PARERE Commissione del Lavoro sul Decreto Anticrisi


N. 2561-A

BILL submitted by the President of the Council of Ministers
(Berlusconi) and the
Minister of Economy and Finance
agreement with the defense minister
with Interior Minister
and Minister of Justice
Conversion Law Decree-Law 1 July 2009, n. 78, on anti-crisis measures and extension of terms and of the Italian participation in international missions
Presented on 1 July 2009

(Presenters: MORONI, the Commission V;
FUGATTI for the VI Commission)

NOTE: V standing committees (Budget, Treasury and Planning) and VI (Finance), July 21, 2009, have decided to report favorably on the bill. On the same date, the Boards have asked to be allowed to report orally .

XI (public and private work)
XI The Commission considered the draft law
C. 2561, laying down "into law of decree-law No. 78, 2009, on anti-crisis measures and extension of terms and of the Italian participation in international missions;
with the following observations:
Page 25
5) Article 17, paragraph 7, indicates the need for the ban on recruitment to the government, therein, is not true for the recruitment of employees of the Customs, whose bankruptcy has been fully completed , as well as the ranking of staff from the inspection and supervision of the Ministry of Labour and institutions compulsory insurance, also expected the particular importance of these tasks to be done to protect the rights of workers and their safety in the workplace;

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

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Tuesday, July 21, 2009

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An attack on straight leg Government against the conversion of the CFL

inform all workers and employees and as CFL FP CGIL we immediately turned to understanding the true scope of the footnote 09.07.2009 95492/RU of procured new restrictions went recruitment crisis in the Decree Law No 1 July 2008 78. Despite le ufficiose rassicurazioni fornite dall'Agenzia, relativamente alla conversione dei rapporti in essere, la nostra O.S. ha immediatamente richiesto spiegazioni alla Direzione del personale per comprendere se vengano meno gli impegni assunti dall'Amministrazione con le OO.SS. non più di 10/15 gg fa. Naturalmente sottolineiamo l'ambiguità del Governo, a cui qualche O.S. continua a dare credito, che parrebbe intervenire a gamba tesa, su una questione su cui le Agenzie avevano già dato il loro assenso.Terremo le costantemente informato i colleghi interessati. Roma, 14 luglio 2009
Per la CGIL/FP Pastorino Giovanni - Florindo Iervolino

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