Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Yamaha P125a Outboard

Assunzioni Idonei Agenzia Entrate


Sunday, August 2, 2009

Condom Creates Suction Effect

Comunicato del CO.I.AE-CFL

PRESS of August 1, 2009

E 'arrived today Saturday, August 1 il via libera definitivo del Senato alla conversione in legge dl n.78 del 1.7.2009, recante ”Provvedimenti anticrisi, nonché proroga di termini e della partecipazione italiana a missioni internazionali”, il cui art. 17, al comma 7, prevedeva, originalmente, il blocco, per un certo periodo di tempo, delle assunzioni nella PA ad esclusione di alcune categorie :”Sono fatte salve (diceva la norma) le assunzioni dei corpi di polizia, delle forze armate, del Corpo nazionale dei Vigili del fuoco, delle universita', degli enti di ricerca, del personale di magistratura e del comparto scuola nei limiti consentiti dalla normativa vigente”.
Questa disposizione del secondo periodo del comma 7 è stata corretta, in sede Joined by the Boards representative V and VI of the House amendment with the now famous Bernardo17.68 reformulated, which received the favorable opinions of the rapporteur Mrs Chiara Moroni and Undersecretary Alberto Giorgetti (on behalf of the Government), to which the CO. IAF-CFL he had turned to advocate for their members.
The amendment approved by the Boards Joined said: ".. paragraph 7, second period, after the words "subject to the assumptions" to add the following: "the diplomatic," after the words "police" insert the following: "and in charge of border control, expression the latter that we in the Committee, since the release of July 17, referred to, and silences between the concerns of most people at customs.
Therefore, the Chairman of the Committee thanked the Hon. the Chiara Moroni, Hon. the Maurizio Bernardo Undersecretary of the Ministry of Economy and the Hon Alberto Giorgetti. The
under the second sentence of paragraph 7 correct, was then in the final text of the measure AC 2561 Joined fired by the Boards of the following wording: "I am subject to the assumptions of the diplomatic, police forces and government responsible for border control, etc.. etc.. ", unable to escape no one at this point, in that phrase, that the inclusion, alongside the police, government responsible for border control (ie customs) is a rather clear indication of the Government and the Parliament (unless we want to consider a technical oversight, but frankly we do not think so) that the Customs Agency, although part of the group Agents of the tax, detaches, to a certain extent, in the direction of the sector of security that has some peculiarities, as the agencies involved in the fight against fraud in international trade are increasingly linked to the presence of organized crime and various international mafias, and precisely in this direction should read the recent institutional cooperation agreement concluded between the Director-General Customs Dr. Joseph and Dr. Peleggi National Anti-Mafia prosecutor Pietro Grasso.
Now, this President feels he can claim the merit of being promptly intervened, since the morning of 8 July, with separate press the issue useful instructions to remove the assumptions threatened by Article 17 of Decree No 78/2009 paragraph 7, as she feels duty bound to thank all the members of the Committee for the contribution, big or small, has already been given by each to the positive outcome of the intricate question, which came as a bolt from the blue.

With this release, I greet you and wish everyone happy holidays.

The president
Dr. Rosa Alfaro

PS For the avoidance of future alarmism we can assure that the correct CD decree approved by the CDM does not concern us: changes to the Court of Accounts (subject matter, among others, the decree corrective) belong to a different and separate amendment to Bernardo dl 78 and the amendment specifically NF 17:52.