Saturday, October 24, 2009

Thesis Statement On Abortion

Comunicato Co.I.AF.cfl

Objective achieved: scroll GN!

Finally we made it! It lacked only the determination No. 30463 of October 21, 2009.
Who would have thought that distant day of Thursday, March 8, 2007 when it was published in the Statute of CO.I.AE our Blog!
Our motto at that time was "When you dream alone is a dream when you dream begins in two reality" and we who have wanted to see, in 2150 young people in society have a role but not destitute of tireless workers and fair, we saw the wonderful reality of the exhaustion of total national ranking. Thanks to life!
Thanks to all the previous presidents, notably thanks to all those who managed to pass the epic undertaking of those tortured and fought (torn from the Government, in a confrontation with MPs of the two assemblies that have generously assisted us) special rules of paragraphs of Article 345 and 346. 1 of Law No 244 of 24.12.2007.
Thanks to all those who believed in us, thanks to the Customs Agency, and in particular to Dr. Peleggi and Dr. Aronson, who does not regret the choice made by the project of training and work experience of 20 June 2008, which provided in the three years 2008/2010 to 1178 units of well-known.
After the impasse and the temporary stop caused by the objective interpretation of uncertainty. 74 of Decree Law 112 of June 25, 2008, that seemed to cast a sinister light on our way to the assumption, that the dignity, the Agency Customs determined to implement his training plan, with no measure 870 of July 31, 2008 called the first national ranking of only 465 eligible, published on 16.1.2008, remained after the assumption by the Inland Revenue of the quota assigned to the same 750 eligible. This was followed by determinations of 1 October 2008 with 163 called the November 7, 2008 with 260 of February 17, 2009 called and called 108, up to the March 9, 2009 when I assumed the Chairmanship of the Committee, with the goal of completing the work of their predecessors, leading to complete exhaustion the GN with the call of the last 182 eligible.
on 26 March after they were received, together Vice President Dr. Biagio Stasi, Dr. Aronson, who confirmed the continued willingness of exhausting the list, however, within the year.
and with a fixed 2 July 2009 they were called, about 182 remaining, 62 with suitable contract signing scheduled for July 23, when, as a bolt from the blue, fell on our heads, suitable and CFL, the heavy tile of paragraph 7 of 'Art. 17 of Decree Law 78 of July 1, 2009 that made the blood freeze in the veins of everybody, including the same Customs Agency: intuition in that provision, not just a problem of interpretation, as it was for art. 74, dl 78, June 2008, but a lock for an indefinite period of recruitment a qualunque titolo, che riportava le lancette della nostra storia, di combattenti per la dignità del lavoro, indietro a quell’ ormai lontano giovedì 8 marzo del 2007!
Le circostanze esterne negative stavano uccidendo tutti i nostri sogni a due passi dal traguardo finale! La situazione sembrava senza vie di uscita.
Questa Presidenza, supportata dal Direttivo del Comitato, si è battuta, con l’aiuto degli iscritti, ciascuno per quel che ha potuto, da leone per mobilitare tutti i referenti politici perché ciò non accadesse, formulando suggerimenti idonei per trovare una soluzione positiva alla nostra “piccola grande storia”.
E alla fine siamo stati graziati dal famoso emendamento Bernardo 17.68 NF, which received the favorable opinions of the rapporteur Mrs Chiara Moroni and Undersecretary Alberto Giorgetti (on behalf of the Government), to which the Presidency of the Committee was directed to plead the cause of their members.
should, therefore, renewed, once again, our thanks to the Hon Secretary at the Ministry of Economy Alberto Giorgetti and rapporteur of the Commission meeting V and VI of the House the Hon Chiara Moroni. As President

Thank you again Dr. Peleggi and Dr. Aronson for their iron will to take all appropriate AE of the training plan in June 2008. I thank the entire staff of Dr. Aronica, in particular Dr. Cantilena and Dr. Gnerre, for the extraordinary availability shown against the Committee and my own.

Thanks are finally all'UGL Serroni of Dr. Joseph and Dr. Robert Cefalo UIL trade unions that there were real neighbors in advocating our cause, in this great "adventure" at the end of which there is been allowed to gain a highly professional work (Uber Alles!, as some have always supported !!!).

this president, as mentioned above, formal recognition that achieving the intended results of the old institutional CO.I.AE.

remains now to achieve the other targets set by the CFL CO.IAF, that of converting all remaining CFL.

Bisceglie, 23 Ottobre 2009

Il Presidente COIAF-CFL
Dott.ssa Rosa Alfano

What To Write In Muslim Wedding Cards

Agenzia Dogane: Ultimo scorrimento graduatoria

Determinazione n° 30463 del 21 ottobre 2009 - Assegnazione sede a 120 candidati dichiarati idonei nell’ambito delle selezioni pubbliche dell’Agenzia delle entrate per l’assunzione con contratto di formazione e lavoro di 1500 e 500 funzionari - pdf

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Can You Buy Knives In Solingen

comunicato ugl

"Il COIAF – CFL, nell’esprimere umana solidarietà ai tirocinanti delle Entrate term employment for their story, believes it can render a useful Service Sample publishing on its website the following statement UGL tax agencies containing information that may interest them.

President COIAF-CFL "