about "responsible for border control ".......
body in charge of customs
The customs were a paramilitary force responsible for supervisory functions with the Customs of the Kingdom of Sardinia, in 1862 merged into the customs body of the guard. Upon restoration of the House of Savoy after the Napoleonic period the Piedmontese government, explicitly acknowledging the superiority of the administrative institutions of the French model than the previous system, chose to maintain, among others, the essential elements buoyancy Customs trans.
In particular, since the so-called "active Customs Service" - whose officers were in fact referred to as "responsible" and had the task of guarding the land and sea borders in order to repress the smuggling contributing to the maintenance of public order - had made good proof, it was decided to keep him alive under the name of the Royal Corps of Supervisors of Customs and duties of the parent Napoleonic .
Our first analysis of the safety officers of paragraph 7 of the notorious art. 17 was therefore well founded!
Greetings to all.
President COIAF-CFL
Dr. Rosa Alfaro
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Thesis Statement On Abortion
Comunicato Co.I.AF.cfl
Objective achieved: scroll GN!
Finally we made it! It lacked only the determination No. 30463 of October 21, 2009.
Who would have thought that distant day of Thursday, March 8, 2007 when it was published in the Statute of CO.I.AE our Blog!
Our motto at that time was "When you dream alone is a dream when you dream begins in two reality" and we who have wanted to see, in 2150 young people in society have a role but not destitute of tireless workers and fair, we saw the wonderful reality of the exhaustion of total national ranking. Thanks to life!
Thanks to all the previous presidents, notably thanks to all those who managed to pass the epic undertaking of those tortured and fought (torn from the Government, in a confrontation with MPs of the two assemblies that have generously assisted us) special rules of paragraphs of Article 345 and 346. 1 of Law No 244 of 24.12.2007.
Thanks to all those who believed in us, thanks to the Customs Agency, and in particular to Dr. Peleggi and Dr. Aronson, who does not regret the choice made by the project of training and work experience of 20 June 2008, which provided in the three years 2008/2010 to 1178 units of well-known.
After the impasse and the temporary stop caused by the objective interpretation of uncertainty. 74 of Decree Law 112 of June 25, 2008, that seemed to cast a sinister light on our way to the assumption, that the dignity, the Agency Customs determined to implement his training plan, with no measure 870 of July 31, 2008 called the first national ranking of only 465 eligible, published on 16.1.2008, remained after the assumption by the Inland Revenue of the quota assigned to the same 750 eligible. This was followed by determinations of 1 October 2008 with 163 called the November 7, 2008 with 260 of February 17, 2009 called and called 108, up to the March 9, 2009 when I assumed the Chairmanship of the Committee, with the goal of completing the work of their predecessors, leading to complete exhaustion the GN with the call of the last 182 eligible.
on 26 March after they were received, together Vice President Dr. Biagio Stasi, Dr. Aronson, who confirmed the continued willingness of exhausting the list, however, within the year.
and with a fixed 2 July 2009 they were called, about 182 remaining, 62 with suitable contract signing scheduled for July 23, when, as a bolt from the blue, fell on our heads, suitable and CFL, the heavy tile of paragraph 7 of 'Art. 17 of Decree Law 78 of July 1, 2009 that made the blood freeze in the veins of everybody, including the same Customs Agency: intuition in that provision, not just a problem of interpretation, as it was for art. 74, dl 78, June 2008, but a lock for an indefinite period of recruitment a qualunque titolo, che riportava le lancette della nostra storia, di combattenti per la dignità del lavoro, indietro a quell’ ormai lontano giovedì 8 marzo del 2007!
Le circostanze esterne negative stavano uccidendo tutti i nostri sogni a due passi dal traguardo finale! La situazione sembrava senza vie di uscita.
Questa Presidenza, supportata dal Direttivo del Comitato, si è battuta, con l’aiuto degli iscritti, ciascuno per quel che ha potuto, da leone per mobilitare tutti i referenti politici perché ciò non accadesse, formulando suggerimenti idonei per trovare una soluzione positiva alla nostra “piccola grande storia”.
E alla fine siamo stati graziati dal famoso emendamento Bernardo 17.68 NF, which received the favorable opinions of the rapporteur Mrs Chiara Moroni and Undersecretary Alberto Giorgetti (on behalf of the Government), to which the Presidency of the Committee was directed to plead the cause of their members.
should, therefore, renewed, once again, our thanks to the Hon Secretary at the Ministry of Economy Alberto Giorgetti and rapporteur of the Commission meeting V and VI of the House the Hon Chiara Moroni. As President
Thank you again Dr. Peleggi and Dr. Aronson for their iron will to take all appropriate AE of the training plan in June 2008. I thank the entire staff of Dr. Aronica, in particular Dr. Cantilena and Dr. Gnerre, for the extraordinary availability shown against the Committee and my own.
Thanks are finally all'UGL Serroni of Dr. Joseph and Dr. Robert Cefalo UIL trade unions that there were real neighbors in advocating our cause, in this great "adventure" at the end of which there is been allowed to gain a highly professional work (Uber Alles!, as some have always supported !!!).
this president, as mentioned above, formal recognition that achieving the intended results of the old institutional CO.I.AE.
remains now to achieve the other targets set by the CFL CO.IAF, that of converting all remaining CFL.
Bisceglie, 23 Ottobre 2009
Il Presidente COIAF-CFL
Dott.ssa Rosa Alfano
Finally we made it! It lacked only the determination No. 30463 of October 21, 2009.
Who would have thought that distant day of Thursday, March 8, 2007 when it was published in the Statute of CO.I.AE our Blog!
Our motto at that time was "When you dream alone is a dream when you dream begins in two reality" and we who have wanted to see, in 2150 young people in society have a role but not destitute of tireless workers and fair, we saw the wonderful reality of the exhaustion of total national ranking. Thanks to life!
Thanks to all the previous presidents, notably thanks to all those who managed to pass the epic undertaking of those tortured and fought (torn from the Government, in a confrontation with MPs of the two assemblies that have generously assisted us) special rules of paragraphs of Article 345 and 346. 1 of Law No 244 of 24.12.2007.
Thanks to all those who believed in us, thanks to the Customs Agency, and in particular to Dr. Peleggi and Dr. Aronson, who does not regret the choice made by the project of training and work experience of 20 June 2008, which provided in the three years 2008/2010 to 1178 units of well-known.
After the impasse and the temporary stop caused by the objective interpretation of uncertainty. 74 of Decree Law 112 of June 25, 2008, that seemed to cast a sinister light on our way to the assumption, that the dignity, the Agency Customs determined to implement his training plan, with no measure 870 of July 31, 2008 called the first national ranking of only 465 eligible, published on 16.1.2008, remained after the assumption by the Inland Revenue of the quota assigned to the same 750 eligible. This was followed by determinations of 1 October 2008 with 163 called the November 7, 2008 with 260 of February 17, 2009 called and called 108, up to the March 9, 2009 when I assumed the Chairmanship of the Committee, with the goal of completing the work of their predecessors, leading to complete exhaustion the GN with the call of the last 182 eligible.
on 26 March after they were received, together Vice President Dr. Biagio Stasi, Dr. Aronson, who confirmed the continued willingness of exhausting the list, however, within the year.
and with a fixed 2 July 2009 they were called, about 182 remaining, 62 with suitable contract signing scheduled for July 23, when, as a bolt from the blue, fell on our heads, suitable and CFL, the heavy tile of paragraph 7 of 'Art. 17 of Decree Law 78 of July 1, 2009 that made the blood freeze in the veins of everybody, including the same Customs Agency: intuition in that provision, not just a problem of interpretation, as it was for art. 74, dl 78, June 2008, but a lock for an indefinite period of recruitment a qualunque titolo, che riportava le lancette della nostra storia, di combattenti per la dignità del lavoro, indietro a quell’ ormai lontano giovedì 8 marzo del 2007!
Le circostanze esterne negative stavano uccidendo tutti i nostri sogni a due passi dal traguardo finale! La situazione sembrava senza vie di uscita.
Questa Presidenza, supportata dal Direttivo del Comitato, si è battuta, con l’aiuto degli iscritti, ciascuno per quel che ha potuto, da leone per mobilitare tutti i referenti politici perché ciò non accadesse, formulando suggerimenti idonei per trovare una soluzione positiva alla nostra “piccola grande storia”.
E alla fine siamo stati graziati dal famoso emendamento Bernardo 17.68 NF, which received the favorable opinions of the rapporteur Mrs Chiara Moroni and Undersecretary Alberto Giorgetti (on behalf of the Government), to which the Presidency of the Committee was directed to plead the cause of their members.
should, therefore, renewed, once again, our thanks to the Hon Secretary at the Ministry of Economy Alberto Giorgetti and rapporteur of the Commission meeting V and VI of the House the Hon Chiara Moroni. As President
Thank you again Dr. Peleggi and Dr. Aronson for their iron will to take all appropriate AE of the training plan in June 2008. I thank the entire staff of Dr. Aronica, in particular Dr. Cantilena and Dr. Gnerre, for the extraordinary availability shown against the Committee and my own.
Thanks are finally all'UGL Serroni of Dr. Joseph and Dr. Robert Cefalo UIL trade unions that there were real neighbors in advocating our cause, in this great "adventure" at the end of which there is been allowed to gain a highly professional work (Uber Alles!, as some have always supported !!!).
this president, as mentioned above, formal recognition that achieving the intended results of the old institutional CO.I.AE.
remains now to achieve the other targets set by the CFL CO.IAF, that of converting all remaining CFL.
Bisceglie, 23 Ottobre 2009
Il Presidente COIAF-CFL
Dott.ssa Rosa Alfano
What To Write In Muslim Wedding Cards
Agenzia Dogane: Ultimo scorrimento graduatoria
Determinazione n° 30463 del 21 ottobre 2009 - Assegnazione sede a 120 candidati dichiarati idonei nell’ambito delle selezioni pubbliche dell’Agenzia delle entrate per l’assunzione con contratto di formazione e lavoro di 1500 e 500 funzionari - pdf
Determinazione n° 30463 del 21 ottobre 2009 - Assegnazione sede a 120 candidati dichiarati idonei nell’ambito delle selezioni pubbliche dell’Agenzia delle entrate per l’assunzione con contratto di formazione e lavoro di 1500 e 500 funzionari - pdf
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Can You Buy Knives In Solingen
comunicato ugl
"Il COIAF – CFL, nell’esprimere umana solidarietà ai tirocinanti delle Entrate term employment for their story, believes it can render a useful Service Sample publishing on its website the following statement UGL tax agencies containing information that may interest them.
"Il COIAF – CFL, nell’esprimere umana solidarietà ai tirocinanti delle Entrate term employment for their story, believes it can render a useful Service Sample publishing on its website the following statement UGL tax agencies containing information that may interest them.
President COIAF-CFL "
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Yamaha P125a Outboard
Assunzioni Idonei Agenzia Entrate
Determination No. 25391 August 10, 2009 - Assigning based at the Regional Directorate for the Friuli Venezia Giulia of candidates present in the rankings of the Revenue - Pdf
Determination No. 1372 of August 10, 2009 - Assigning based at the Regional Directorate for the Veneto region of present candidates in the rankings of the Revenue - pdf
Determination No. 6876 of August 7, 2009 - Recruitment and assignment of based at the Regional Directorate of Lombardy for the candidates present in the rankings of the Revenue - pdf
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Condom Creates Suction Effect
Comunicato del CO.I.AE-CFL
PRESS of August 1, 2009
E 'arrived today Saturday, August 1 il via libera definitivo del Senato alla conversione in legge dl n.78 del 1.7.2009, recante ”Provvedimenti anticrisi, nonché proroga di termini e della partecipazione italiana a missioni internazionali”, il cui art. 17, al comma 7, prevedeva, originalmente, il blocco, per un certo periodo di tempo, delle assunzioni nella PA ad esclusione di alcune categorie :”Sono fatte salve (diceva la norma) le assunzioni dei corpi di polizia, delle forze armate, del Corpo nazionale dei Vigili del fuoco, delle universita', degli enti di ricerca, del personale di magistratura e del comparto scuola nei limiti consentiti dalla normativa vigente”.
Questa disposizione del secondo periodo del comma 7 è stata corretta, in sede Joined by the Boards representative V and VI of the House amendment with the now famous Bernardo17.68 reformulated, which received the favorable opinions of the rapporteur Mrs Chiara Moroni and Undersecretary Alberto Giorgetti (on behalf of the Government), to which the CO. IAF-CFL he had turned to advocate for their members.
The amendment approved by the Boards Joined said: ".. paragraph 7, second period, after the words "subject to the assumptions" to add the following: "the diplomatic," after the words "police" insert the following: "and in charge of border control, expression the latter that we in the Committee, since the release of July 17, referred to, and silences between the concerns of most people at customs.
Therefore, the Chairman of the Committee thanked the Hon. the Chiara Moroni, Hon. the Maurizio Bernardo Undersecretary of the Ministry of Economy and the Hon Alberto Giorgetti. The
under the second sentence of paragraph 7 correct, was then in the final text of the measure AC 2561 Joined fired by the Boards of the following wording: "I am subject to the assumptions of the diplomatic, police forces and government responsible for border control, etc.. etc.. ", unable to escape no one at this point, in that phrase, that the inclusion, alongside the police, government responsible for border control (ie customs) is a rather clear indication of the Government and the Parliament (unless we want to consider a technical oversight, but frankly we do not think so) that the Customs Agency, although part of the group Agents of the tax, detaches, to a certain extent, in the direction of the sector of security that has some peculiarities, as the agencies involved in the fight against fraud in international trade are increasingly linked to the presence of organized crime and various international mafias, and precisely in this direction should read the recent institutional cooperation agreement concluded between the Director-General Customs Dr. Joseph and Dr. Peleggi National Anti-Mafia prosecutor Pietro Grasso.
With this release, I greet you and wish everyone happy holidays.
PRESS of August 1, 2009
E 'arrived today Saturday, August 1 il via libera definitivo del Senato alla conversione in legge dl n.78 del 1.7.2009, recante ”Provvedimenti anticrisi, nonché proroga di termini e della partecipazione italiana a missioni internazionali”, il cui art. 17, al comma 7, prevedeva, originalmente, il blocco, per un certo periodo di tempo, delle assunzioni nella PA ad esclusione di alcune categorie :”Sono fatte salve (diceva la norma) le assunzioni dei corpi di polizia, delle forze armate, del Corpo nazionale dei Vigili del fuoco, delle universita', degli enti di ricerca, del personale di magistratura e del comparto scuola nei limiti consentiti dalla normativa vigente”.
Questa disposizione del secondo periodo del comma 7 è stata corretta, in sede Joined by the Boards representative V and VI of the House amendment with the now famous Bernardo17.68 reformulated, which received the favorable opinions of the rapporteur Mrs Chiara Moroni and Undersecretary Alberto Giorgetti (on behalf of the Government), to which the CO. IAF-CFL he had turned to advocate for their members.
The amendment approved by the Boards Joined said: ".. paragraph 7, second period, after the words "subject to the assumptions" to add the following: "the diplomatic," after the words "police" insert the following: "and in charge of border control, expression the latter that we in the Committee, since the release of July 17, referred to, and silences between the concerns of most people at customs.
Therefore, the Chairman of the Committee thanked the Hon. the Chiara Moroni, Hon. the Maurizio Bernardo Undersecretary of the Ministry of Economy and the Hon Alberto Giorgetti. The
under the second sentence of paragraph 7 correct, was then in the final text of the measure AC 2561 Joined fired by the Boards of the following wording: "I am subject to the assumptions of the diplomatic, police forces and government responsible for border control, etc.. etc.. ", unable to escape no one at this point, in that phrase, that the inclusion, alongside the police, government responsible for border control (ie customs) is a rather clear indication of the Government and the Parliament (unless we want to consider a technical oversight, but frankly we do not think so) that the Customs Agency, although part of the group Agents of the tax, detaches, to a certain extent, in the direction of the sector of security that has some peculiarities, as the agencies involved in the fight against fraud in international trade are increasingly linked to the presence of organized crime and various international mafias, and precisely in this direction should read the recent institutional cooperation agreement concluded between the Director-General Customs Dr. Joseph and Dr. Peleggi National Anti-Mafia prosecutor Pietro Grasso.
Now, this President feels he can claim the merit of being promptly intervened, since the morning of 8 July, with separate press the issue useful instructions to remove the assumptions threatened by Article 17 of Decree No 78/2009 paragraph 7, as she feels duty bound to thank all the members of the Committee for the contribution, big or small, has already been given by each to the positive outcome of the intricate question, which came as a bolt from the blue.
With this release, I greet you and wish everyone happy holidays.
The president
Dr. Rosa Alfaro
Dr. Rosa Alfaro
PS For the avoidance of future alarmism we can assure that the correct CD decree approved by the CDM does not concern us: changes to the Court of Accounts (subject matter, among others, the decree corrective) belong to a different and separate amendment to Bernardo dl 78 and the amendment specifically NF 17:52.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Princess Gwenevere And The Jewel Riders
Comunicato CO.I.AE-CFL
Well, after the amendment Bernardo 17.68 on July 16, the second sentence of paragraph 7 of Article. 17 of dl No. 78/2009 is as follows:
"are subject to the assumptions of the diplomatic personnel of police and border control officers , armed forces, the national corps of firefighters, universities, institutions of research staff of the judiciary and the school division to the extent permitted by law. "
Now, if the Guardia di Finanza, the Carabinieri, the State Police are police, as individual-organization could be "in charge of border control, other than the Guardia di Finanza, Carabinieri and State Police se non le Dogane?
Non certamente il corpo della Guardia costiera che appartiene alla marina militare e quindi alle forze armate, di per sé escluse dal blocco delle assunzioni.
Ma questa riflessione, che, comunque, va presa col beneficio di inventario, porta ad una seconda e importante considerazione : dal secondo comma del comma 7 dell’art. 17 del dl n. 78/2009, come riformulato a seguito dell’emendamento 17.68, emergerebbe anche che l’Agenzia delle dogane, pur inserita nel comparto delle Agenzie fiscali, ha un quid pluris di qualificazione professionale nel senso che ha peculiarità e specificità che sono proprie del comparto sicurezza.
Se così è, sarebbe auspicabile che The Committee would also like to think as our Vice President, to continue, once it achieves the purposes of exhaustion of the NG and the conversion of the CFL, even this new and fascinating battle.
Boys, in any case expect the conversion of the dl 78 and see how things really are and then decide on future strategies for action>.
Force Committee! We'll make it ....
President COIAF-CFL
Dr. Rosa Alfaro
http://documenti. camera.it/Leg16/Dossier/Testi/D09078B.htm
Guys, we favor the amendment Bernardo was confirmed in the maxi-amendment presented today by the Government on 23 July 2561 dl AC 78/2009. Except
unfavorable surprises us in the Senate, I feel excluded, we can say that I've made.
And so I like it here transcribe the statement of 17 July when the Committee has begun to set up a possible victory
Who is responsible for monitoring the border, beyond the police?
Customs, in my opinion.
Already at the National Constitutional Assembly (Article 117, paragraph 2, point q), the subjects of exclusive legislative competence of government, protection of national borders e dalla profilassi internazionale sono, comunque, collegate alle dogane, materia questa anch’essa di esclusiva competenza legislativa statale.
Ma è a livello comunitario che meglio emerge come le amministrazioni doganali dei Paesi membri costituiscano a tutti gli effetti “servizi preposti al controllo alle frontiere degli Stati membri”. Ciò, a me sembra, ma posso anche sbagliarmi, emerga dall’allegato documento che contiene una interrogazione parlamentare al Consiglio dei Ministri CE e relativa risposta. Si dice, qui, che le amministrazioni doganali degli Stati membri sono “servizi preposti al controllo alle frontiere”. Mi si dice che, operativamente, in Italia il controllo border is given to various bodies, the Guardia di Finanza, the Carabinieri, State Police and the Coast Guard, in the surveillance of borders, there is, however, the involvement of the Customs, whose staff to ensure compliance with the provisions on customs and other laws to be applied by customs, proceed directly, or by the soldiers of the Guardia di Finanza, the visit of vehicles of any kind, luggage and other items possession of persons crossing the customs line at the customs areas or circulating in the same space.
Guys, we favor the amendment Bernardo was confirmed in the maxi-amendment presented today by the Government on 23 July 2561 dl AC 78/2009. Except
unfavorable surprises us in the Senate, I feel excluded, we can say that I've made.
And so I like it here transcribe the statement of 17 July when the Committee has begun to set up a possible victory
Who is responsible for monitoring the border, beyond the police?
Customs, in my opinion.
Already at the National Constitutional Assembly (Article 117, paragraph 2, point q), the subjects of exclusive legislative competence of government, protection of national borders e dalla profilassi internazionale sono, comunque, collegate alle dogane, materia questa anch’essa di esclusiva competenza legislativa statale.
Ma è a livello comunitario che meglio emerge come le amministrazioni doganali dei Paesi membri costituiscano a tutti gli effetti “servizi preposti al controllo alle frontiere degli Stati membri”. Ciò, a me sembra, ma posso anche sbagliarmi, emerga dall’allegato documento che contiene una interrogazione parlamentare al Consiglio dei Ministri CE e relativa risposta. Si dice, qui, che le amministrazioni doganali degli Stati membri sono “servizi preposti al controllo alle frontiere”. Mi si dice che, operativamente, in Italia il controllo border is given to various bodies, the Guardia di Finanza, the Carabinieri, State Police and the Coast Guard, in the surveillance of borders, there is, however, the involvement of the Customs, whose staff to ensure compliance with the provisions on customs and other laws to be applied by customs, proceed directly, or by the soldiers of the Guardia di Finanza, the visit of vehicles of any kind, luggage and other items possession of persons crossing the customs line at the customs areas or circulating in the same space.
Well, after the amendment Bernardo 17.68 on July 16, the second sentence of paragraph 7 of Article. 17 of dl No. 78/2009 is as follows:
"are subject to the assumptions of the diplomatic personnel of police and border control officers , armed forces, the national corps of firefighters, universities, institutions of research staff of the judiciary and the school division to the extent permitted by law. "
Now, if the Guardia di Finanza, the Carabinieri, the State Police are police, as individual-organization could be "in charge of border control, other than the Guardia di Finanza, Carabinieri and State Police se non le Dogane?
Non certamente il corpo della Guardia costiera che appartiene alla marina militare e quindi alle forze armate, di per sé escluse dal blocco delle assunzioni.
Ma questa riflessione, che, comunque, va presa col beneficio di inventario, porta ad una seconda e importante considerazione : dal secondo comma del comma 7 dell’art. 17 del dl n. 78/2009, come riformulato a seguito dell’emendamento 17.68, emergerebbe anche che l’Agenzia delle dogane, pur inserita nel comparto delle Agenzie fiscali, ha un quid pluris di qualificazione professionale nel senso che ha peculiarità e specificità che sono proprie del comparto sicurezza.
Se così è, sarebbe auspicabile che The Committee would also like to think as our Vice President, to continue, once it achieves the purposes of exhaustion of the NG and the conversion of the CFL, even this new and fascinating battle.
Boys, in any case expect the conversion of the dl 78 and see how things really are and then decide on future strategies for action>.
Force Committee! We'll make it ....
President COIAF-CFL
Dr. Rosa Alfaro
White Bump On Gums Painful
PARERE Commissione del Lavoro sul Decreto Anticrisi
NOTE: V standing committees (Budget, Treasury and Planning) and VI (Finance), July 21, 2009, have decided to report favorably on the bill. On the same date, the Boards have asked to be allowed to report orally .
XI (public and private work)
N. 2561-A
BILL submitted by the President of the Council of Ministers
(Berlusconi) and the
Minister of Economy and Finance
agreement with the defense minister
with Interior Minister
and Minister of Justice
Conversion Law Decree-Law 1 July 2009, n. 78, on anti-crisis measures and extension of terms and of the Italian participation in international missions
Presented on 1 July 2009
(Presenters: MORONI, the Commission V;
FUGATTI for the VI Commission)
N. 2561-A
BILL submitted by the President of the Council of Ministers
(Berlusconi) and the
Minister of Economy and Finance
agreement with the defense minister
with Interior Minister
and Minister of Justice
Conversion Law Decree-Law 1 July 2009, n. 78, on anti-crisis measures and extension of terms and of the Italian participation in international missions
Presented on 1 July 2009
(Presenters: MORONI, the Commission V;
FUGATTI for the VI Commission)
NOTE: V standing committees (Budget, Treasury and Planning) and VI (Finance), July 21, 2009, have decided to report favorably on the bill. On the same date, the Boards have asked to be allowed to report orally .
XI (public and private work)
XI The Commission considered the draft law
C. 2561, laying down "into law of decree-law No. 78, 2009, on anti-crisis measures and extension of terms and of the Italian participation in international missions;
with the following observations:
C. 2561, laying down "into law of decree-law No. 78, 2009, on anti-crisis measures and extension of terms and of the Italian participation in international missions;
with the following observations:
Page 25
5) Article 17, paragraph 7, indicates the need for the ban on recruitment to the government, therein, is not true for the recruitment of employees of the Customs, whose bankruptcy has been fully completed , as well as the ranking of staff from the inspection and supervision of the Ministry of Labour and institutions compulsory insurance, also expected the particular importance of these tasks to be done to protect the rights of workers and their safety in the workplace;
5) Article 17, paragraph 7, indicates the need for the ban on recruitment to the government, therein, is not true for the recruitment of employees of the Customs, whose bankruptcy has been fully completed , as well as the ranking of staff from the inspection and supervision of the Ministry of Labour and institutions compulsory insurance, also expected the particular importance of these tasks to be done to protect the rights of workers and their safety in the workplace;
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Olive Oil To Remove Ticks
An attack on straight leg Government against the conversion of the CFL
inform all workers and employees and as CFL FP CGIL we immediately turned to understanding the true scope of the footnote 09.07.2009 95492/RU of procured new restrictions went recruitment crisis in the Decree Law No 1 July 2008 78. Despite le ufficiose rassicurazioni fornite dall'Agenzia, relativamente alla conversione dei rapporti in essere, la nostra O.S. ha immediatamente richiesto spiegazioni alla Direzione del personale per comprendere se vengano meno gli impegni assunti dall'Amministrazione con le OO.SS. non più di 10/15 gg fa. Naturalmente sottolineiamo l'ambiguità del Governo, a cui qualche O.S. continua a dare credito, che parrebbe intervenire a gamba tesa, su una questione su cui le Agenzie avevano già dato il loro assenso.Terremo le costantemente informato i colleghi interessati. Roma, 14 luglio 2009
An attack on straight leg Government against the conversion of the CFL
inform all workers and employees and as CFL FP CGIL we immediately turned to understanding the true scope of the footnote 09.07.2009 95492/RU of procured new restrictions went recruitment crisis in the Decree Law No 1 July 2008 78. Despite le ufficiose rassicurazioni fornite dall'Agenzia, relativamente alla conversione dei rapporti in essere, la nostra O.S. ha immediatamente richiesto spiegazioni alla Direzione del personale per comprendere se vengano meno gli impegni assunti dall'Amministrazione con le OO.SS. non più di 10/15 gg fa. Naturalmente sottolineiamo l'ambiguità del Governo, a cui qualche O.S. continua a dare credito, che parrebbe intervenire a gamba tesa, su una questione su cui le Agenzie avevano già dato il loro assenso.Terremo le costantemente informato i colleghi interessati. Roma, 14 luglio 2009
Per la CGIL/FP Pastorino Giovanni - Florindo Iervolino
Thursday, May 14, 2009
High Soft Cervix 2 Days Before Af
A few random photos ...
What odd grown Tamarjan. Now they can also choose the clothes themselves.
Wow, the body of the Chus have already won two rounds of the competition for the worst body. With this photo, it could certainly win one for the worst clothing for the heat! He seems to be to play football more than anything else.
The Hermit shows the rest of the team because it is mandatory to use the body.
Un allenatore molto, molto felice. Sembra che il volteggio l'abbia fatto lui al posto della Kupets!
Mmmm. Sono un po' confusa. Qui c'è dietro una decisione molto complicata: metterla in piedi sulla sedia in modo che sia un po' più alta rispetto agli altri o lasciarla per terra in modo che la differenza di altezza sia la stessa ma la ginnasta sembri meno stupida? Mmmm.
Ma quanti milioni di addominali ha la Krasnianska?!
Pavs di nuovo in trave con gli occhi chiusi. Ma sappiamo tutti a cosa sta pensando, no?
Catalina Ponor fa del suo meglio per essere la risposta rumena a Paris Hilton.
Dorothee Henzler and her friends make sure that the crowd knows that once again the German team has chosen the ugliest body ... and they are proud.
Chus Not even like the body with the flames under the armpits.
Wow, the body of the Chus have already won two rounds of the competition for the worst body. With this photo, it could certainly win one for the worst clothing for the heat! He seems to be to play football more than anything else.
I love the old Soviet style: simple, so the eighties and so Russian! If we are to see Izbasa, leg warmers are back in fashion!
Sanskrit Malayalam House Names
few curiosities from the world of gymnastics
Elena Shushunova ha incontrato il suo futuro marito dopo un incidente in auto. Lui era il meccanico che le ha riparato la macchina. Lei ha detto a Gymnastics Greats di averlo sposato solo per non dover pagare la riparazione!
La parola ginnastica deriva dal greco gumnus, che sigifica “allenarsi nudi”.
Secondo il canale televisivo WFTV, due allenatori in California sono stati arrestati perché pungevano le ginnaste con delle viti quando non si allenavano al massimo del loro potenziale. Uno degli allenatori ha affermato che lo facevano perché il dolore causato da un errore della ginnasta sarebbe stato enormemente maggiore di quello causato dalle viti che usavano per convincerle a concentrarsi. Spero che li mettano dentro e buttino via la chiave.
Quando Svetlana Boginskaya era ragazzina, si allenava per quattro giorni a casa, dieci a Round Lake, quattro a casa e così via. Sua madre le chiedeva al telefono di tornare a casa, chiedendole perché stava facendo tutto ciò. Sveta ha detto a un giornalista “Mia madre non capisce tutto questo saltellare e stare con le gambe in aria. Le fa paura. He never competed a few times live and on television. You would have called home to hear her say all these things? ". Since then, he remained in Round Lake.
Aloha Gymfest presented by Kokokahi Gymnastics club each year in Hawaii, the trophies for the gymnasts are made of shells.
Larissa Latynina, the famous Ukrainian gymnast who won tons of medals, is now 74 years and still swims for forty minutes a day.
A reporter asked Yang Yilin if his parents had watched his race AA bronze medal in Beijing. She replied that she did not know.
At the 1976 Olympics, Japanese gymnast Shun Fujimoto led his team to victory contro la Russia gareggiando sugli ultimi due attrezzi con la rotula fratturata dopo l’esercizio al corpo libero. Non lo disse a nessuno e ottenne il suo punteggio più alto agli anelli, un 9.7, con un arrivo precisissimo che gli costò immenso dolore.
Quando Missy Peregrym vide per la prima volta la sua controfigura, Isabelle Severino, per il film Stick It, disse che era terrorizzata perché la Severino era forte e muscolosa. Disse al regista, "Non ce la farò mai a diventare così grossa!"
Una madre-blogger per il Houston Chronicle ha scritto che vedere l’allenamento di ginnastica della figlia di due anni con le sue amiche è come osservare qualcuno che cerca di “domare un gruppo di scimmie drogate”!
Un ginnasta pachistano è stato arrestato perché avrebbe gettato dell’acido su una ex fidanzata quando lei e i suoi genitori avevano rifiutato la sua proposta di matrimonio.
Uno spettatore confuso ha postato la seguente domanda su
Yahoo answers: perché le ginnaste camminano in modo così strano nelle pause tra un attrezzo e l’altro? Bella domanda, diranno alcuni.
Natalia Bobrova è stata l’unica ginnasta russa a vincere una medaglia ai Mondiali del 1993.
- from the archive of an exercise salon (May 5, 2009) -
Nicolae Forminte told the Romanian newspaper Jurnalul have started doing gymnastics when she learned not to to play football because it was too low nor do athletics because it did not fit the physical.
Courtney McCool has a summer job by choreographer Precision for Choreography, a small company in which Alicia Sacramone will also work.
Once the 100 meters at the Olympic Games were part of gymnastics.
According to the Brazilian newspaper Veja, Daiane Dos Santos of the legs have to absorb 600 kg of weight every time you run that gave the movement its name. You can also jump to a height of 2.8 meters (the average gymnast stops at 2 meters). No wonder it has been made in both knees.
Beth Tweddle and his coach took part in the transmission Britannica Ready, Steady Cook, in which guests bring some famous race of their choice ingredients to cook with a professional chef. Beth led chest di pollo, mais in scatola, sedano, una carota e un po’ di fragole.
Carol Angela Orchard ha iniziato la sua carriera di ginnasta dopo un’audizione per entrare in un gruppo di cheerleader. Doveva imparare a fare una ruota, ma lei nemmeno sapeva cosa fosse! Così, per impararla si è iscritta a un corso di ginnastica.
Courtney McCool has a summer job by choreographer Precision for Choreography, a small company in which Alicia Sacramone will also work.
Once the 100 meters at the Olympic Games were part of gymnastics.
According to the Brazilian newspaper Veja, Daiane Dos Santos of the legs have to absorb 600 kg of weight every time you run that gave the movement its name. You can also jump to a height of 2.8 meters (the average gymnast stops at 2 meters). No wonder it has been made in both knees.
Beth Tweddle and his coach took part in the transmission Britannica Ready, Steady Cook, in which guests bring some famous race of their choice ingredients to cook with a professional chef. Beth led chest di pollo, mais in scatola, sedano, una carota e un po’ di fragole.
Carol Angela Orchard ha iniziato la sua carriera di ginnasta dopo un’audizione per entrare in un gruppo di cheerleader. Doveva imparare a fare una ruota, ma lei nemmeno sapeva cosa fosse! Così, per impararla si è iscritta a un corso di ginnastica.
Elena Shushunova ha incontrato il suo futuro marito dopo un incidente in auto. Lui era il meccanico che le ha riparato la macchina. Lei ha detto a Gymnastics Greats di averlo sposato solo per non dover pagare la riparazione!
La parola ginnastica deriva dal greco gumnus, che sigifica “allenarsi nudi”.
Secondo il canale televisivo WFTV, due allenatori in California sono stati arrestati perché pungevano le ginnaste con delle viti quando non si allenavano al massimo del loro potenziale. Uno degli allenatori ha affermato che lo facevano perché il dolore causato da un errore della ginnasta sarebbe stato enormemente maggiore di quello causato dalle viti che usavano per convincerle a concentrarsi. Spero che li mettano dentro e buttino via la chiave.
Quando Svetlana Boginskaya era ragazzina, si allenava per quattro giorni a casa, dieci a Round Lake, quattro a casa e così via. Sua madre le chiedeva al telefono di tornare a casa, chiedendole perché stava facendo tutto ciò. Sveta ha detto a un giornalista “Mia madre non capisce tutto questo saltellare e stare con le gambe in aria. Le fa paura. He never competed a few times live and on television. You would have called home to hear her say all these things? ". Since then, he remained in Round Lake.
Aloha Gymfest presented by Kokokahi Gymnastics club each year in Hawaii, the trophies for the gymnasts are made of shells.
Larissa Latynina, the famous Ukrainian gymnast who won tons of medals, is now 74 years and still swims for forty minutes a day.
A reporter asked Yang Yilin if his parents had watched his race AA bronze medal in Beijing. She replied that she did not know.
At the 1976 Olympics, Japanese gymnast Shun Fujimoto led his team to victory contro la Russia gareggiando sugli ultimi due attrezzi con la rotula fratturata dopo l’esercizio al corpo libero. Non lo disse a nessuno e ottenne il suo punteggio più alto agli anelli, un 9.7, con un arrivo precisissimo che gli costò immenso dolore.
Quando Missy Peregrym vide per la prima volta la sua controfigura, Isabelle Severino, per il film Stick It, disse che era terrorizzata perché la Severino era forte e muscolosa. Disse al regista, "Non ce la farò mai a diventare così grossa!"
Una madre-blogger per il Houston Chronicle ha scritto che vedere l’allenamento di ginnastica della figlia di due anni con le sue amiche è come osservare qualcuno che cerca di “domare un gruppo di scimmie drogate”!
Un ginnasta pachistano è stato arrestato perché avrebbe gettato dell’acido su una ex fidanzata quando lei e i suoi genitori avevano rifiutato la sua proposta di matrimonio.
Uno spettatore confuso ha postato la seguente domanda su
Yahoo answers: perché le ginnaste camminano in modo così strano nelle pause tra un attrezzo e l’altro? Bella domanda, diranno alcuni.
Natalia Bobrova è stata l’unica ginnasta russa a vincere una medaglia ai Mondiali del 1993.
Broken Capillaries All Over Body
...Beh, più o meno. Il mio corpo è tornato a Melbourne, in Australia, ma il mio cervello vaga ancora tra Kyiv, in Ucrina e Shanghai in Cina, ultimi posti in cui ho appoggiato la testa. Ma è bello essere a casa.
Prima di farvi vedere le foto degli Europei vorrei postare questa breve intervista. Vi ricordate che dopo Pechino Una Ginnasta da Salotto aveva meditato sul possibile ritiro di Beth Tweddle?
Si stava per ritirare? Avrebbe aspettato i Mondiali o no?
Dopo quel post, ho inviato una mail al sito di Beth chiedendo informazioni sulle sue intenzioni future.
Me ne ero dimenticata fino a quando, la settimana prima degli Europei, ho ricevuto an email in which she asked me if I was interested to hear his plans. Of course I was interested and, after his wonderful performance at the Europeans, I sent the answers to some questions. Here, for fans of Tweddle, some clarification on his future.
how you lived your success of the Europeans?
It was wonderful! Earlier this year I did not know if I'd managed to get there because my main goal was the World Championships in October. But if I were ready for the Europeans, then ok.
did not know what score I got because of the new code and that was the first real race of the year after the Olympics scorso. Il fatto di aver vinto è una conferma di poter continuare almeno per quest’anno.
Pensi di gareggiare ai Mondiali, o magari anche oltre?
Se tutto va come deve andare, gareggerò ai Mondiali. Per quanto riguarda il dopo, non so. Se ancora lo vorrò e continuerò a fare bene, allora spero di continuare e prenderò ogni gara così come viene.
Come ti vedi dopo il ritiro?
Ad essere sincera, non saprei. Forse all’inizio mi sentirò un po’ smarrita visto che è stata una parte molto importante della mia vita per così tanti anni.
Sei pronta per il ritiro, psicologicamente and physically?
I'll be ready when the time comes.
Are you still studying?
I graduated in sports science and I did a course in sports massage. Now I am studying physiotherapy.
What do you think will be your career?
I always wanted to become a physical therapist, so I hope in something. In addition, I and others have founded Total Gymnastics, a program to teach gymnastics to elementary school teachers. Later expanded the program to other areas, such as teaching children and the days of the sport. Now we are just beginning.
Prima di farvi vedere le foto degli Europei vorrei postare questa breve intervista. Vi ricordate che dopo Pechino Una Ginnasta da Salotto aveva meditato sul possibile ritiro di Beth Tweddle?
Si stava per ritirare? Avrebbe aspettato i Mondiali o no?
Dopo quel post, ho inviato una mail al sito di Beth chiedendo informazioni sulle sue intenzioni future.
Me ne ero dimenticata fino a quando, la settimana prima degli Europei, ho ricevuto an email in which she asked me if I was interested to hear his plans. Of course I was interested and, after his wonderful performance at the Europeans, I sent the answers to some questions. Here, for fans of Tweddle, some clarification on his future.
how you lived your success of the Europeans?
It was wonderful! Earlier this year I did not know if I'd managed to get there because my main goal was the World Championships in October. But if I were ready for the Europeans, then ok.
did not know what score I got because of the new code and that was the first real race of the year after the Olympics scorso. Il fatto di aver vinto è una conferma di poter continuare almeno per quest’anno.
Pensi di gareggiare ai Mondiali, o magari anche oltre?
Se tutto va come deve andare, gareggerò ai Mondiali. Per quanto riguarda il dopo, non so. Se ancora lo vorrò e continuerò a fare bene, allora spero di continuare e prenderò ogni gara così come viene.
Come ti vedi dopo il ritiro?
Ad essere sincera, non saprei. Forse all’inizio mi sentirò un po’ smarrita visto che è stata una parte molto importante della mia vita per così tanti anni.
Sei pronta per il ritiro, psicologicamente and physically?
I'll be ready when the time comes.
Are you still studying?
I graduated in sports science and I did a course in sports massage. Now I am studying physiotherapy.
What do you think will be your career?
I always wanted to become a physical therapist, so I hope in something. In addition, I and others have founded Total Gymnastics, a program to teach gymnastics to elementary school teachers. Later expanded the program to other areas, such as teaching children and the days of the sport. Now we are just beginning.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Most Reliable Computer
Comunicato CO.I.AF-CFL- Costituzione nuovo direttivo
let everyone know, through the publication on this blog, that according to Art. CO.I.AF-6 of the Statute of the CFL, having been completed the formalities of tax registration shall be considered elected and operating since May 1, 2009 the Executive Committee comprises:
Mr. President. ssa Rose Alfano,
Dr. Biagio Stasi,
Dr. Francesco Amato
dr. Mirko Zantedeschi, the latter being entrusted with the delegation for relations with the press.
Bisceglie, 01/05/2009
President Dr. Rose Alfano
let everyone know, through the publication on this blog, that according to Art. CO.I.AF-6 of the Statute of the CFL, having been completed the formalities of tax registration shall be considered elected and operating since May 1, 2009 the Executive Committee comprises:
Mr. President. ssa Rose Alfano,
Dr. Biagio Stasi,
Dr. Francesco Amato
dr. Mirko Zantedeschi, the latter being entrusted with the delegation for relations with the press.
Bisceglie, 01/05/2009
President Dr. Rose Alfano
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Farmville Facebook Newsfeed
Article 1 - Name - This committee has the name CO.IAF - CFL (Tax Agents Board Eligible - Contract for Training and Employment). Hereinafter referred to as the Committee.
Article 2 - See - The Committee is based in Via Giovanni Bovio, No 27-70052 Bisceglie (BA). The seat will vary according to needs.
Article 3 - Purpose - The Committee is proposed as the main purpose of taking all appropriate further to the procedures published in the Official Gazette, Series IV Special Competitions and Examinations No 84, October 21, 2005 and No. 28 of 6 April 2007 for hiring contract of training and employment of 1,500 and 500 staff respectively, the third functional area, pay band F1, administrative and fiscal activities, and stabilization of a time limit of all the assumptions with CFL.
The Committee, in compliance with current laws and democratic methods, will implement all activities deemed appropriate and useful for the attainment of set objectives and organize events, meetings, dialogues and discussions (including electronic means). The Committee will also adhere to and maintain relations with other membership organizations of any kind.
The activities of the Committee not for profit and will be self-financed by members of the Committee.
Article 4 - Membership Committee
Membership the committee is free and without any discrimination of race, gender, political ideology, religious or trade union, provided that the members are found to be suitable and / or recruited to the CFL with bankruptcy proceedings under Article 3. Membership of the committee will make it impossible to engage in behaviors and activities contrary to the goals are achieved.
membership is expressed by signing the Annex "Application Form" accompanied by a copy of a valid identity document to be delivered also by Information Technology.
Upon accession, the President or his representative, by e-mail confirming the acceptance accession to the Committee.
Article 5 - Termination
Membership of the Committee does not have time constraints, so any member can withdraw at any time by giving notice in writing (including electronically) to the President or his designee.
Article 6 - Board and powers
The only decision-making body is the Assembly decides by absolute majority. The Assembly elects a President and three Vice Presidents who will constitute the Executive Committee, as well as give, where appropriate, regional coordinators, who will form the Territorial Council of the Committee.
The Assembly meets in the ordinary way once a year at the initiative of the President or in an extraordinary manner every time the President and the Directors deem it necessary.
The President serves as spokesman and coordinator of the committee could be put in place after consulting the Board, any activity needed to achieve the objectives of giving information to members. The President, in consultation with the Directors and after consultation with the Regional Coordinators for territorial jurisdiction, decide on the possibility of expulsion from the committee who are pursuing activities or behaviors that hinder the achievement of the objectives of Article 3 or which display the same, the President or other members dangers or responsibilities related to the work of the committee or who damage the image.
If, in the opinion of the President, requires the adoption of a decision by vote, they considered the logistical and organizational requirements, may indicate how and when to express your preferences. Such a vote could also take place by Information Technology. The records of the votes will be kept by the President or his appointee. The President, on its own initiative or upon proposal of the Directors may propose, specify and appoint other officers or pictures on how to improve the organizational structure of the Board (eg, secretary, treasurer, webmaster, etc.)..
The Steering Committee is the body in supporting the activities of the President, assisted in organizing the management of resources; replace him when absent or prevented in institutional relations.
The Council is the Territorial Committee, Delegate to the right specification, at regional level care at the regional level, relations with institutions and other organizations or associations. Inform the Executive of the activities in a timely and relates to the very outcome of the activities implemented.
responsible for relations with the members in their respective geographical area and takes care of the distribution of documents and communications of the President and the Board. Provides the collection of subscriptions and contributions in their respective geographical area.
Article 7 - The Organisation of the Committee
internal and external activities of the committee will be put in place primarily by Information Technology. The accession will lead to admission to a mailing-list only of members by which you can participate in the life and activities of the Committee. To facilitate the conduct of business, we may also have other electronic means (websites, blogs, etc..), And set up special e-mail addresses managed by the President or his appointees. The documentation for the work of the Committee will be kept by the President or by his agent. As for the membership fees collected and managed for the purposes of the committee determines the use of a special pay mail addressed to the Committee. The movement of money if they will give account on a quarterly basis by sending to all members of the relevant statement. That the Committee will support the costs for achieving the targets set are expected to participate equally in all members on pain of expulsion.
Article 8 - TERM AND TERMINATION - The Committee remains alive until otherwise decided by majority in the Assembly, which has the dissolution or adhesion free association to another already approved involved in achieving the statutory objectives, end on the achievement of the objectives of Article 3. The President, or his agent to arrange the formalities for the dissolution of the committee.
The accession of the above art. 4 results in a transitional payment of a contribution of €. 5.00 as an initial self-financing of the Committee, pending that, when fully implemented, the assembly shall, upon proposal of the President, after consulting the Board, a monthly contribution of members to address over time the costs of normal operation the associative structure.
Bisceglie, 21/04/2009
Article 1 - Name - This committee has the name CO.IAF - CFL (Tax Agents Board Eligible - Contract for Training and Employment). Hereinafter referred to as the Committee.
Article 2 - See - The Committee is based in Via Giovanni Bovio, No 27-70052 Bisceglie (BA). The seat will vary according to needs.
Article 3 - Purpose - The Committee is proposed as the main purpose of taking all appropriate further to the procedures published in the Official Gazette, Series IV Special Competitions and Examinations No 84, October 21, 2005 and No. 28 of 6 April 2007 for hiring contract of training and employment of 1,500 and 500 staff respectively, the third functional area, pay band F1, administrative and fiscal activities, and stabilization of a time limit of all the assumptions with CFL.
The Committee, in compliance with current laws and democratic methods, will implement all activities deemed appropriate and useful for the attainment of set objectives and organize events, meetings, dialogues and discussions (including electronic means). The Committee will also adhere to and maintain relations with other membership organizations of any kind.
The activities of the Committee not for profit and will be self-financed by members of the Committee.
Article 4 - Membership Committee
Membership the committee is free and without any discrimination of race, gender, political ideology, religious or trade union, provided that the members are found to be suitable and / or recruited to the CFL with bankruptcy proceedings under Article 3. Membership of the committee will make it impossible to engage in behaviors and activities contrary to the goals are achieved.
membership is expressed by signing the Annex "Application Form" accompanied by a copy of a valid identity document to be delivered also by Information Technology.
Upon accession, the President or his representative, by e-mail confirming the acceptance accession to the Committee.
Article 5 - Termination
Membership of the Committee does not have time constraints, so any member can withdraw at any time by giving notice in writing (including electronically) to the President or his designee.
Article 6 - Board and powers
The only decision-making body is the Assembly decides by absolute majority. The Assembly elects a President and three Vice Presidents who will constitute the Executive Committee, as well as give, where appropriate, regional coordinators, who will form the Territorial Council of the Committee.
The Assembly meets in the ordinary way once a year at the initiative of the President or in an extraordinary manner every time the President and the Directors deem it necessary.
The President serves as spokesman and coordinator of the committee could be put in place after consulting the Board, any activity needed to achieve the objectives of giving information to members. The President, in consultation with the Directors and after consultation with the Regional Coordinators for territorial jurisdiction, decide on the possibility of expulsion from the committee who are pursuing activities or behaviors that hinder the achievement of the objectives of Article 3 or which display the same, the President or other members dangers or responsibilities related to the work of the committee or who damage the image.
If, in the opinion of the President, requires the adoption of a decision by vote, they considered the logistical and organizational requirements, may indicate how and when to express your preferences. Such a vote could also take place by Information Technology. The records of the votes will be kept by the President or his appointee. The President, on its own initiative or upon proposal of the Directors may propose, specify and appoint other officers or pictures on how to improve the organizational structure of the Board (eg, secretary, treasurer, webmaster, etc.)..
The Steering Committee is the body in supporting the activities of the President, assisted in organizing the management of resources; replace him when absent or prevented in institutional relations.
The Council is the Territorial Committee, Delegate to the right specification, at regional level care at the regional level, relations with institutions and other organizations or associations. Inform the Executive of the activities in a timely and relates to the very outcome of the activities implemented.
responsible for relations with the members in their respective geographical area and takes care of the distribution of documents and communications of the President and the Board. Provides the collection of subscriptions and contributions in their respective geographical area.
Article 7 - The Organisation of the Committee
internal and external activities of the committee will be put in place primarily by Information Technology. The accession will lead to admission to a mailing-list only of members by which you can participate in the life and activities of the Committee. To facilitate the conduct of business, we may also have other electronic means (websites, blogs, etc..), And set up special e-mail addresses managed by the President or his appointees. The documentation for the work of the Committee will be kept by the President or by his agent. As for the membership fees collected and managed for the purposes of the committee determines the use of a special pay mail addressed to the Committee. The movement of money if they will give account on a quarterly basis by sending to all members of the relevant statement. That the Committee will support the costs for achieving the targets set are expected to participate equally in all members on pain of expulsion.
Article 8 - TERM AND TERMINATION - The Committee remains alive until otherwise decided by majority in the Assembly, which has the dissolution or adhesion free association to another already approved involved in achieving the statutory objectives, end on the achievement of the objectives of Article 3. The President, or his agent to arrange the formalities for the dissolution of the committee.
The accession of the above art. 4 results in a transitional payment of a contribution of €. 5.00 as an initial self-financing of the Committee, pending that, when fully implemented, the assembly shall, upon proposal of the President, after consulting the Board, a monthly contribution of members to address over time the costs of normal operation the associative structure.
Bisceglie, 21/04/2009
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Boobs Without Any Cloths
Finals to tools
The finals were great the tools, the best day of all. As you probably know, Beth won the parallel bars and floor exercise. He made some wonderful parallel, without feet touching the rails and vertical fear. Semenova was good with his silver, but she missed the cut above the year Beth. I liked the third place Anja Brinker: did a clean operation, after a great week that was rewarded with a medal. But I was disappointed to see Becky Downie just missed too many medals in those days.
Ariella Kaeslin has surprised everyone with the same swing of Sacramone (?), Including Julie Berger, surprisingly powerful for being so petite and pretty and dynamics Kalashnyk. The Romanian
were very brave in the beam. Although it was the shadow of Tamarjan, I was struck by the maturity of Dragoi, who was so calm for his young age. The Tamarjan has been so inconsistent this week that it was nice to finally see her win. What about Yana Demyanchuk? After a terrible heat, but was very good! And what goes fast?? I have never seen an exercise in the beam so fast. Eventually the more advanced are fifteen seconds!
Valeria Maksyuta, which I liked very much during the week for his grace, today made a bad beam without even falling. Perhaps because he spent time furiously to messages with whomever and then try to get only one or two minutes before getting into the beam!
I was sorry for the loss of Jasmine Zimmerman, because it's been good all week. It also has a beautiful music for free and the body was a little different, which always helps!
But the final floor exercise was the best for me, even though the audience was a bit 'confused by the scores: there were protests about the low score for Ferrari, although he had a double and a double back carpio. I'm happy for her medal anyway, as he struggled like a dog. The public has also complained about the scoring of Semenova, but much lower than the Tweddle, although the choreography of the Russian was much better than the British, two Semenova of the arrivals were very very low. But what I admired most of today Tweddle, as well as acrobatic and great strides in the choreography, was the precision and accuracy of the jump in arrivals from jumps. It takes its time displaying to the judges that landed perfectly. Very clever.
We are all confused by the score of Izbasa, only 13,900 if I remember correctly. Did not complete the attached? What happened? Forminte fun to see that the judges went around asking, "Why, why, why ???".
Grande Beth!
The finals were great the tools, the best day of all. As you probably know, Beth won the parallel bars and floor exercise. He made some wonderful parallel, without feet touching the rails and vertical fear. Semenova was good with his silver, but she missed the cut above the year Beth. I liked the third place Anja Brinker: did a clean operation, after a great week that was rewarded with a medal. But I was disappointed to see Becky Downie just missed too many medals in those days.
Ariella Kaeslin has surprised everyone with the same swing of Sacramone (?), Including Julie Berger, surprisingly powerful for being so petite and pretty and dynamics Kalashnyk. The Romanian
were very brave in the beam. Although it was the shadow of Tamarjan, I was struck by the maturity of Dragoi, who was so calm for his young age. The Tamarjan has been so inconsistent this week that it was nice to finally see her win. What about Yana Demyanchuk? After a terrible heat, but was very good! And what goes fast?? I have never seen an exercise in the beam so fast. Eventually the more advanced are fifteen seconds!
Valeria Maksyuta, which I liked very much during the week for his grace, today made a bad beam without even falling. Perhaps because he spent time furiously to messages with whomever and then try to get only one or two minutes before getting into the beam!
I was sorry for the loss of Jasmine Zimmerman, because it's been good all week. It also has a beautiful music for free and the body was a little different, which always helps!
But the final floor exercise was the best for me, even though the audience was a bit 'confused by the scores: there were protests about the low score for Ferrari, although he had a double and a double back carpio. I'm happy for her medal anyway, as he struggled like a dog. The public has also complained about the scoring of Semenova, but much lower than the Tweddle, although the choreography of the Russian was much better than the British, two Semenova of the arrivals were very very low. But what I admired most of today Tweddle, as well as acrobatic and great strides in the choreography, was the precision and accuracy of the jump in arrivals from jumps. It takes its time displaying to the judges that landed perfectly. Very clever.
We are all confused by the score of Izbasa, only 13,900 if I remember correctly. Did not complete the attached? What happened? Forminte fun to see that the judges went around asking, "Why, why, why ???".
Simpsons Quality Decline
And the crown goes a. ..
Ouch of the Day: poor Youn Dufournet. It was not his best week of rest, and today it was different. She fell banging his head on the first or second diagonal and you could see he was about to cry. In the third landed in the face and was almost crying. Poor thing. Did they put ice on my ankle, maybe the reason why she fell. I had to close my eyes and pray during the exercise he could do the last diagonal without being too bad.
Doubt of the Day: Emily Weapons. What happened? I was not careful, but seems to have fallen twice from parallel. He seemed very disappointed and did not want to start over. He spoke with the coach, made the salute and walked away crying. It did not seem injured, however.
Ladies of the Day: you are thinking of a gymnast, or maybe that girl who wore jeans red and yellow jersey. But no, this award goes to Khorkina. Yeah, the Queen was present, as was said. I've noticed for his trick from miles away! Now it seemed nice, with blacks pants and a pink striped shirt with white collar and cuffs. She wore very high heels, which I would be afraid to even try, figuriamci to get around to putting on the steps of the Forum. Everything was normal, until you put a bright orange jacket over a white shirt! Where are the police when there would be no need?
Disappointment of the day: I was sorry for the beam Becky Downie. Was competing very well and was even in the lead after the first rotation. He did very well to parallel, but then the beam here, a dropped and rolled after the release. The well has been the floor exercise, which was perhaps even worse because it could be among the best.
Injury of the Day: for those who had doubts, ho visto la povera Goryunova durante la gara maschile, fasciata e annoiata, che con l’ipod nelle orecchie si tagliava via la pelle dei calli dal palmo della mano. Era in un angolino che si massaggiava la caviglia. Non sembra una di quelle finte delle russe, a meno che non sia una grande attrice!
As you know, today was the day of Semenova, how boring. Luckily has everything I like: grace, difficulty and no drop!
The best of the day: This award goes to Afanasyeva safe for the exercise floor exercise. He wobble all week and I'm still waiting for a better beam from her. And speaking of its beam, the other day saying that she could fall even when standing still: he was doing that today walk that makes her and Semenova before starting the exercise floor exercise and for a moment lost his balance! Fortunately, the music had not yet begun. Despite this, the year was wonderful, with excellent reach to the last breath and without bias. Now I have something to smile about!
"A gymnast from Salon was right" of the day!: goes to Ariella Kaeslin.
I said I was in good shape and that improves with age. I was right! The English Izurieta was in third position until the last rotation the Ariella has gone before (with that awful body with the valve / mask). I must say that I'm happy. Vaulting Izurieta and girder were excellent but the body is free? Very acrobatic, but where was the choreography? A painful spectacle.
The best of the day: This award goes to Afanasyeva safe for the exercise floor exercise. He wobble all week and I'm still waiting for a better beam from her. And speaking of its beam, the other day saying that she could fall even when standing still: he was doing that today walk that makes her and Semenova before starting the exercise floor exercise and for a moment lost his balance! Fortunately, the music had not yet begun. Despite this, the year was wonderful, with excellent reach to the last breath and without bias. Now I have something to smile about!
"A gymnast from Salon was right" of the day!: goes to Ariella Kaeslin.
I said I was in good shape and that improves with age. I was right! The English Izurieta was in third position until the last rotation the Ariella has gone before (with that awful body with the valve / mask). I must say that I'm happy. Vaulting Izurieta and girder were excellent but the body is free? Very acrobatic, but where was the choreography? A painful spectacle.
Ouch of the Day: poor Youn Dufournet. It was not his best week of rest, and today it was different. She fell banging his head on the first or second diagonal and you could see he was about to cry. In the third landed in the face and was almost crying. Poor thing. Did they put ice on my ankle, maybe the reason why she fell. I had to close my eyes and pray during the exercise he could do the last diagonal without being too bad.
Doubt of the Day: Emily Weapons. What happened? I was not careful, but seems to have fallen twice from parallel. He seemed very disappointed and did not want to start over. He spoke with the coach, made the salute and walked away crying. It did not seem injured, however.
Ladies of the Day: you are thinking of a gymnast, or maybe that girl who wore jeans red and yellow jersey. But no, this award goes to Khorkina. Yeah, the Queen was present, as was said. I've noticed for his trick from miles away! Now it seemed nice, with blacks pants and a pink striped shirt with white collar and cuffs. She wore very high heels, which I would be afraid to even try, figuriamci to get around to putting on the steps of the Forum. Everything was normal, until you put a bright orange jacket over a white shirt! Where are the police when there would be no need?
bad girl of the day: tie between Van and Annemarie Wallegham Tamarjan, which were presented for delivery of the medals until much after the start. I felt there was something wrong when that starts to have frightening Romanian coach cell phone calls shortly before the march of the victors. Then he called them both to the speaker, but have not reached the same, so they started without them. Aagje arrived about a minute later, Tamarjan but even later. When I waited for the bus to return to the metro, I saw the bus with the athletes of the Romanian woman still angry, as if it had just been scolded for something. Annamarie has had a difficult race, as it is fall once or twice the floor exercise. Too bad, because that year is wonderful.
Disappointment of the day: I was sorry for the beam Becky Downie. Was competing very well and was even in the lead after the first rotation. He did very well to parallel, but then the beam here, a dropped and rolled after the release. The well has been the floor exercise, which was perhaps even worse because it could be among the best.
element of the day: the entry into Emily beam weapons. It is a variation of that of Ferrari (which now did not even laugh a little ', since even the body was acceptable): It begins with a vertical divaricata with your legs bent and ends on the bridge. Very nice.
Bang! of the day: even for Valentina Holenkova was a great day: it is falling on the last diagonal floor exercise and in general seemed less sure. Will do everything to earn a medal on the parallel bars or beam. I keep my fingers crossed!
Bang! of the day: even for Valentina Holenkova was a great day: it is falling on the last diagonal floor exercise and in general seemed less sure. Will do everything to earn a medal on the parallel bars or beam. I keep my fingers crossed!
Injury of the Day: for those who had doubts, ho visto la povera Goryunova durante la gara maschile, fasciata e annoiata, che con l’ipod nelle orecchie si tagliava via la pelle dei calli dal palmo della mano. Era in un angolino che si massaggiava la caviglia. Non sembra una di quelle finte delle russe, a meno che non sia una grande attrice!
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