Monday, March 14, 2011

Echoing Javelin To D2nt

The blog of a friend A big

Giorgio mi ha appena detto di aver aperto il suo blog , sono proprio curioso di andarlo a visitare

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Male Waxing Orange County

Il terremoto e il dolore che non vediamo. 168°

The pain that we do not see is the pain of others.

An earthquake devastated land and lives far away. Strikes us, we remain very much unsettled for as long as we see the terrible images. Ten minutes? Twenty? Every so often during the day, we think about and comment with what someone is terrible what is happening. We give a few coins - not all, by the way - and then resume our lives.

The pain of others, in fact, it barely touches. Faced with news and pictures as the ones we see (from afar) through the media, in front of hundreds of thousands of deaths and injuries, to entire towns and villages wiped out dallo tsunami, a vite distrutte, a donne che urlano per la morte dei figli, se quello che vediamo ci colpisse davvero profondamente, bisognerebbe portare il lutto, piangere, disperarsi, smettere di mangiare, non andare al cinema e non festeggiare l’anniversario di matrimonio o il compleanno. Dovremmo rinunciare almeno al superfluo e mandare tutto l’aiuto che possiamo. Invece continuiamo la nostra vita come al solito. Diciamo che non mandiamo niente perché chissà dove vanno a finire i nostri soldi. Oppure ci sentiamo buoni perché componiamo un paio di volte il numero verde dedicato agli aiuti alle vittime del terremoto o dello tsunami.

Ho letto - non ricordo chi l'ha detto – che l’essere umano soffre di più if he is beaten up a callus that if she learned of the death of a thousand strange children.

not see the pain except when we have to close. That's it. It is no reproach, my, neither myself nor to others. Only, I think about it because we stop pretending to be generous for donating two Euros.

Maybe it's better that way. If we suffered for all the evil that surrounds us will no longer live. It would be terrible. Man has learned to protect themselves dall'overdose pain.

But in daily life one should try to see the pain of others. At least those that pass us by, which crossed our lives.

Today came to my school, the mother of a pupil. A woman of about forty years old, without husband (we teachers often do not know if it's because she is a widow, abandoned, betrayed, single mother). With tired eyes tells me he does not know what to do with that child so full of problems, so depressed. Seeking to calm her, but I can not that much, because she has already accumulated a sea of \u200b\u200babsence, and now there is a law that beyond a certain number, will force us to reject.

raises the top end to let me see a stomach stitched and patched with a large gauze from which emerges a tube and a bag.

"Look how I go to work, I, "he says.

are thus obliged to remember that there is also the pain of others, not just mine.

happens frequently in our work, get in touch with dysfunctional families, with tales of degradation, with sick children with alcoholic parents, with kids just like abandoned dogs.

We are obliged, then, to suffer for the pain of others.

Friday, March 11, 2011

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Stupidità, ignoranza, volgarità, egoismo e disonestà. 167°

I'm really tired of stupidity, ignorance, vulgarity, selfishness and dishonesty, which are the five pillars on which rests the Italian company.

I miss the intelligence, culture, education, solidarity and honesty.

But as we have to accept being beaten so low, until quite happy to become accomplices of this decline into barbarism?

If we are honest people, we can no longer read newspapers and watch television news and television programs without a punch in the stomach, we take your breath away.

We are invaded by liars and dishonest and manipulated by unscrupulous people, we are seeing obscene performances, the triumph of the vulgar and stupid. And we can not do anything except look di convincerci che non sta accadendo nulla.

Ho nostalgia delle persone semplici, dei lavoratori onesti, delle canzoni cantate in coro nei pomeriggi d’estate, dei divertimenti quasi ingenui, dei baci rubati sotto i lampioni lontani da occhi indiscreti.

Dove sono i caffè dove i giovani studenti discutevano di arte e di politica? Dove sono finite le passioni, gli ideali per i quali battersi, i princìpi da seguire?

Dov’è l’eleganza da ammirare, l’intelligenza considerata un valore, l’onestà da esibire. E il pudore, la correttezza, la gentilezza, la sincerità, dove sono finiti? Dove sono la fatica, la perseveranza, il sacrificio che portano you get what you dream? Because it is widely thought that only fools fatichino?

I'm really tired of stupid and ignorant admiration, dishonest success, braggarts, rude, dishonest, which are held up as models to follow, to pretend to be selfish, altruistic, boasted of sex that is flaunted everywhere ..

culture is dying, along with education, kindness, intelligence, honesty.

is time to get really to do. It's time to rebel.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

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Network: Google

Google è un motore di ricerca per Internet che non si limita a catalogare il World Wide Web, ma si occupa anche di immagini, foto, newsgroup, notizie, mappe, video, oltre a mantenere una copia cache di tutte le pagine che conosce.

Con un indice che comprende più di otto miliardi di pagine Web, è riconosciuto come il più grande e affidabile tra i motori di ricerca, occupandosi attraverso il suo sito di oltre il 70% di tutte le ricerche effettuate su internet.

L'azienda, che ha il proprio quartier generale a Mountain View in California, the so-called Googleplex, is currently managed by private capital, the largest unit-holders are Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers and Sequoia Capital. In October 2003, discussing a possible initial public offering the company was contacted by Microsoft about a possible agreement or a merger, Google refused the offer.

The word "Google" is derived from googol, a term coined by Milton Sirotta (grandson at the time of the American mathematician Edward Kasner minor) in 1938, to refer to the number represented by 1 followed by 100 zeros. The use of the word done by Google reflects the willingness of society to organize the immense amount of information available on Web The term is also associated with a pun English goggles, binoculars, just because the engine allows you to "watch closely" the network.

On March 9, 2006, Google bought the company Upstartle Writely word processor used by a browser which allows saving files in formats which are often used products, allowing easy interoperability with a variety of personal productivity software. Finally, 9 October 2006, Google acquired the video portal for amateur YouTube, true mass phenomenon among young people for ease of sharing home videos with about 20 million visitors per month, for the astronomical figure of 1.65 billion dollars.

Source: Wikipedia

Monday, March 7, 2011

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8 marzo: è di nuovo la Festa della donna. 166°

March 8:'s New the International Women's Day.

Many women - one of them is me-Women's Day has nothing to say. Indeed, just do not like. I'd just like when I read that women, from March 8 and forever will be respected and that no more sbandiererà their body, which will not take for partying at red lights and bunga bunga, who did not send a gift to friends as if they were cigar boxes or cases of wine.

will celebrate when you do not take big tits absurd to present programs idiotic, that will fill sculettamenti asses and television programs, and that, moreover, do not laugh of those tits and sculettanti tissue, after being put on the catwalk to show the walkway.

will celebrate Women's Day when women are beaten, exploited and raped. Will not be kept away (although more so now they can not easily) from positions of power.

The Women's Day is the feast of the florists, restaurants and pizzerias, discos, pastry, cakes, jewelry.

is not the party of girls raped by herds of cattle, beaten by drunken fathers, husbands jealous, there was no celebration of young groped by employers, by men who define them "whores" or "frigid" if there are.

And maybe those same men receive from the decks of mimosa.

Nor is the feast of infibulated women, raped, whipped, stoned, killed because they dared to make a man a "wrong" such as adultery, even without their consent.

If we want to celebrate the March 8 International Women's Day and let's do it among ourselves, among us women. Let us not celebrate the peasants, the violent, and so not only for that day, to make us shut up.

accepted a flower only by people who respect us on a daily basis.

And most importantly, we scream our anger if any of us in his dignity is trampled upon, and we expect to be respected, always.

If not now, when?

Sunday, March 6, 2011

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È carnevale: siamo seri! 165°

The term "carnival is" it sounds absurd, at this time.

"It's carnival" in what sense?

already by the ancient Greeks and Romans there were parties who had the meaning of "let go for once! ditching the rules, dedicate ourselves to the confusion, a joke and even the debauchery. "

In the Catholic world, after the carnival in Lent came and took away the meat.

But you eat meat today always, Lent or Lent.

Some people love the "fresh meat", and I do not think there is a time of year when it abstains.

"A carnival is all a joke", it says: this seems to me that we face all year. Every day we wake up, read the newspaper and there are always four or five items that make us scream, "But it's a joke." We are often amazed (and we are not at all amused) for these actions seem to us seriously, but unfortunately they are not.

"Semel in Licet insane year," said Seneca. But "once a year is permissible to go crazy, "may be fine in a society where the year is serious.

But - let's be serious - the 'Italy of today looks like the inside of a mental hospital.

I therefore believe that it is time to change the idea of \u200b\u200bthe carnival. We will do so every day of the year will run in each form (the masks honest person, as someone who thinks the good of others, as someone who has a morality, would be most worn), every day will do crazy things, and parties will present, as a joke, naked guests, singing songs and giving dirty necklaces, say crazy things - Perhaps for a joke - and then say it is misunderstood. Every day fregherà, imbroglierà, will go to hell, will "bunga bunga" invent laws that playfully enrich the rich and impoverish the poor, will declare that a certain thing and instead it will be another, honest people will be considered cleft, the cheaters will be rewarded, people will send the top surface and deep ones are thrown to the bottom, unable to be removed will be acclaimed and intelligent and marginalized, the ignorant will work, and the pundits are going to distribute flyers for they will be unemployed. The funeral will be turned into shows where it screams and cheers, and all events will be processed the most unfortunate places where people will be invited to tears to talk about their troubles.

Every day they will laugh mourn the tragic and the ridiculous.

things, moreover, that in Italy there are already too many years.

And in a day of the year, which always call "carnival" (meaning that rises to the flesh, fresh or seasoned, that is), finally, will be allowed to be serious.

Friday, March 4, 2011

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Essere senza scrupoli. 164°

The lack of scruples, on closer inspection, is the basis of any wrongdoing.

A crime committed without being aware, then, do not even know if we can define a "crime."

A scruple is generated by a doubt, the fear of making a mistake. Often it is the care that we brake.

Scruples never have too many in a society like ours.

A force of "do not let too many scruples" we have learned very well to avoid them all. Being unscrupulous, today, is considered able to live and know how to get ahead. " is good, in fact.

The butcher has no scruples and weighs a bit 'carelessly, the fishmonger incarta elderly client bream opaque and sunken eye, the parents do not make sbolognare qualms about the child to the grandparents with any excuse, the lazy motorist no qualms in placing the car in the parking for the disabled, the thief has no scruples in stealing the pension to the old man, the con man on the street reduces the poor, il politico non si fa scrupoli a fare i suoi interessi, ignorando quelli dei cittadini, le aziende non si fanno scrupoli a vendere prodotti scadenti, o nocivi, o perfettamente inutili; le multinazionali non si fanno scrupoli a far lavorare i bambini, i clienti a caccia di buoni affari non si fanno scrupoli a comperare prodotti frutto di lavoro minorile; gli industriali non si fanno scrupoli ad inquinare; i pubblicitari creano messaggi ingannevoli, le televisioni mandano in onda, senza scupoli, programmi spazzatura, stupidi, violenti, anche durante le fasce che dovrebbero essere protette.

Dietro ogni torto, violenza, imbroglio, danno psicologico, c’è sempre qualcuno che non si è fatto scrupoli.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

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Today we talk of a big Internet player,

aNobii (named after dell'Anobium punctatum, the "worm paper") is an Internet social network, a social network on the Internet, devoted to books.

subscribers can make the online library through the ISBN, share reviews, comments, voting, buying and reading data, wish list and tips with other users directly or through groups. The network also allows the exchange and sale of books between users. aNobii allows the display of libraries of other users and performs a calculation of compatibility with its percentage. This maneuver allows the libraries to discover similar and keep an eye on those more inclined to their tastes in order to discover new books and new authors. The books are placed in the library through the ISBN or title of the volume. The book covers can be changed by users if they are not present as unregistered in the search.

Source: Wikipedia