Sunday, March 6, 2011

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È carnevale: siamo seri! 165°

The term "carnival is" it sounds absurd, at this time.

"It's carnival" in what sense?

already by the ancient Greeks and Romans there were parties who had the meaning of "let go for once! ditching the rules, dedicate ourselves to the confusion, a joke and even the debauchery. "

In the Catholic world, after the carnival in Lent came and took away the meat.

But you eat meat today always, Lent or Lent.

Some people love the "fresh meat", and I do not think there is a time of year when it abstains.

"A carnival is all a joke", it says: this seems to me that we face all year. Every day we wake up, read the newspaper and there are always four or five items that make us scream, "But it's a joke." We are often amazed (and we are not at all amused) for these actions seem to us seriously, but unfortunately they are not.

"Semel in Licet insane year," said Seneca. But "once a year is permissible to go crazy, "may be fine in a society where the year is serious.

But - let's be serious - the 'Italy of today looks like the inside of a mental hospital.

I therefore believe that it is time to change the idea of \u200b\u200bthe carnival. We will do so every day of the year will run in each form (the masks honest person, as someone who thinks the good of others, as someone who has a morality, would be most worn), every day will do crazy things, and parties will present, as a joke, naked guests, singing songs and giving dirty necklaces, say crazy things - Perhaps for a joke - and then say it is misunderstood. Every day fregherà, imbroglierà, will go to hell, will "bunga bunga" invent laws that playfully enrich the rich and impoverish the poor, will declare that a certain thing and instead it will be another, honest people will be considered cleft, the cheaters will be rewarded, people will send the top surface and deep ones are thrown to the bottom, unable to be removed will be acclaimed and intelligent and marginalized, the ignorant will work, and the pundits are going to distribute flyers for they will be unemployed. The funeral will be turned into shows where it screams and cheers, and all events will be processed the most unfortunate places where people will be invited to tears to talk about their troubles.

Every day they will laugh mourn the tragic and the ridiculous.

things, moreover, that in Italy there are already too many years.

And in a day of the year, which always call "carnival" (meaning that rises to the flesh, fresh or seasoned, that is), finally, will be allowed to be serious.


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