Friday, March 11, 2011

Salvage Motorcycle Titles Nj

Stupidità, ignoranza, volgarità, egoismo e disonestà. 167°

I'm really tired of stupidity, ignorance, vulgarity, selfishness and dishonesty, which are the five pillars on which rests the Italian company.

I miss the intelligence, culture, education, solidarity and honesty.

But as we have to accept being beaten so low, until quite happy to become accomplices of this decline into barbarism?

If we are honest people, we can no longer read newspapers and watch television news and television programs without a punch in the stomach, we take your breath away.

We are invaded by liars and dishonest and manipulated by unscrupulous people, we are seeing obscene performances, the triumph of the vulgar and stupid. And we can not do anything except look di convincerci che non sta accadendo nulla.

Ho nostalgia delle persone semplici, dei lavoratori onesti, delle canzoni cantate in coro nei pomeriggi d’estate, dei divertimenti quasi ingenui, dei baci rubati sotto i lampioni lontani da occhi indiscreti.

Dove sono i caffè dove i giovani studenti discutevano di arte e di politica? Dove sono finite le passioni, gli ideali per i quali battersi, i princìpi da seguire?

Dov’è l’eleganza da ammirare, l’intelligenza considerata un valore, l’onestà da esibire. E il pudore, la correttezza, la gentilezza, la sincerità, dove sono finiti? Dove sono la fatica, la perseveranza, il sacrificio che portano you get what you dream? Because it is widely thought that only fools fatichino?

I'm really tired of stupid and ignorant admiration, dishonest success, braggarts, rude, dishonest, which are held up as models to follow, to pretend to be selfish, altruistic, boasted of sex that is flaunted everywhere ..

culture is dying, along with education, kindness, intelligence, honesty.

is time to get really to do. It's time to rebel.


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