Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Skype Multiconference

Justice is to give
what needs

Brent Corrigan School Crush

About The term dyslexia

Talking about dyslexia is to talk about reading and writing processes that become automatic after the first phase of learning, so it is more difficult to learn or not deliberately resist learning rather than take possession of these skills.
Most children learn to write by themselves and, usually, 90% of first grade students learn the alphabetic code in two months, regardless of teaching method in which they are exposed. There are children
who may have difficulty in reading, spelling and do the calculations or to memorize the multiplication table, or in the most trivial things, like reading the clock or tie his shoes.
's why they are often labeled as lazy, lazy or unintelligent. Instead, they ONLY
dyslexia: Dyslexia is a different style of learning. "
From "The eagles are born to fly"
Ross Grenci
Edizioni La Meridiana

Veyron Engine Blueprints

The term derives from the greek
Dis (difficulty) + lexia (read)
specific learning disorders :
dyscalculia dysgraphia

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Period Late And Increased Mucus

DSA in high schools

Distribution DSA (specific learning disorders) in secondary schools:

Cool Nickname For Angela

Dyslexia which is around us

Perhaps many of you do not know but in Italy for 8% of the population is dyslexic. But what it means to be dyslexic?
A dyslexic is a person who, in contrast to normal people, has a different learning method.
Many believe that dyslexia is a problem, others call it trouble, but the word that defines exactly this "thing" is the diversity.
The dyslexic is not a stupid person, indeed, in 90% of cases, dyslexics have above-average intelligence. They, however, despite being more intelligent than many other persone, non riescono a scrivere come quest’ultime, non riescono a fare calcoli spesso anche banali e così via; di solito iniziano ad imparare a scrivere in ritardo rispetto ai loro coetanei e anche a parlare.
Un ragazzo che ha questa “diversità” però ha spesso, anzi sempre, delle doti che le persone “normali” non hanno: riescono a fare delle considerazioni di insieme delle cose che spesso gli altri non sanno fare, hanno delle soluzioni geniali nel risolvere problemi di tipo ingegneristico, architettonico, fisico ecc... Magari, mentre una persona normale passa ore ed ore a progettare e disegnare un qualcosa a computer e su carta, da una casa a un bullone, il dislessico non ne ha bisogno, ha una capacità mental design of anything, which makes it really special. Maybe this seems so trivial, but I assure you it is not. These are very sensitive to the details above average, capture details not visible to everyone. For example, can study the works of art better than others, but they can not solve a simple multiplication.
Dyslexia unfortunately is still today seen as a problem, many people reject it, not capendola and believe it is just something invented, but scientific studies show the opposite.
not consider dyslexia a problem or difficulty, diversity is the correct word because no one can consider higher o inferiore ad un dislessico; molte persone famose come fisici, chimici, cantanti, politici ecc.. lo erano e lo sono tutt’ora. Da Leonardo Da Vinci a Einstein, da Washington a Tom Cruise. Sono tutte persone normali, le quali hanno vissuto vite più o meno normali e che, grazie alla loro diversità sono riusciti a far vedere di che cosa erano e sono capaci e hanno saputo far valere le proprie doti.
Einstein, grandissimo fisico, ha sempre avuto, durante la sua carriera scolastica, tantissimi problemi di apprendimento; pensate che alle superiori non volevano accettarlo poiché ritenevano che il suo quoziente intellettivo fosse al di sotto della norma e quindi i suoi insegnanti lo rifiutavano, chiedendo che fosse seguito da un insegnate di support. In his laboratory, where he discovered and studied various physical phenomena had more than the usual blank slate for the accounts and demonstrations, one devoted exclusively to the tables, because he could not learn them.
This diversity can be turned into problem if the dyslexic is not recognized as such. A dyslexic person is almost always considered a slacker, lazy, a student who goes to school only to heat the house and nothing more. This oversight of interpretation by a teacher can cause very heavy losses estimated in the boy himself, becomes depressed and begins to close around them and to form protective barriers that isolate it from the world around him. The boy did not unfortunately
way to recognize this diversity in itself, only from the outside you can recognize it and you can deal with.
To make it become a problem is simple, just give the boy a computer to write correctly, and a calculator to calculate a form, it needs a little 'more time for testing and take a break and relax brain after 40 minutes of explanation. Obviously dyslexia has infinite forms, is never the same for everyone. There is mild to severe forms. People who have dyslexia so that they can not even read because they can not, under stress, to distinguish one character from the other.
refuse to supply to certain a boy the equivalent of removing a pair of glasses in a myopic or a hearing aid to a deaf man. Who would do such a thing? It would be malice. To get some supplies enough to be certified dyslexia which is fairly simple. Many psychologists have special tests that can verify it. Newly established, teachers are forced by law to grant certain procurement and supply them to the boy.
Dyslexia is a diversity that has its pros and cons. We should not fight it, deny it or ignore it ...
Many people do, and it is wrong to, in Italy, compared to many other European countries, we are far behind on this issue and is something very serious. Dyslexia bisogna accettarla ed apprezzarla, nessuno si può permettere di disprezzarla. Chiunque si permettesse di fare ciò, sarebbe una persona ignobile e meschina. Una persona che non ha capito niente della mente umana e della società in cui vive.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Desmume Soul Silver Mac

The story of Philip - La Gazzetta del Canavese April 27, 2007

... All'incontro era presente Filippo, un ragazzo che frequenta la 4° liceo e che ha scoperto di essere dislessico soltanto qualche mese fa, grazie all'intuizione di una sua insegnante.
E probabilmente la sua testimonianza è stata ancora più utile delle parole degli esperti: "Vi traccio un quadro riassuntivo della mia carriera scolastica ..."
Inizia così il racconto, divertente e consapevole, di Filippo: "Alle elementari odiavo la mia maestra, credevo che ce l'avesse con me, non riuscivo a capire perchè si accanisse così tanto. Avevo una sfilza di note da record! Ma non perchè disturbavo o mi comportavo male, ma perché dimenticavo il materiale o mi perdevo a giocare con le penne mentre lei spiegava."
E dopo il racconto ironicamente "drammatico" del suo esame di 5° elementare si passa alle medie: "Ero contento di poter ricominciare tutto da capo, con dei professori che non mi conoscevano e quindi non mi giudicavano, ma le difficoltà erano sempre le stesse."
E, ovviamente, crescendo, cresceva anche con lui the lack of esteem and confidence in himself and in high school, the situation has deteriorated further. The first year Philip was rejected, the third too. Then for one year, thanks to the project Intercultural and go to study in Norway: the Norwegian and learned much more quickly than all the other Italians! It can do so simply because he finds his own method of study: "I took a book I had read both in Italian and in English - he says - and with the help of a dictionary I read it in Norwegian. After a month and a half I already knew me get this straight. "
experience that certainly succeeded in raising a little 'self-esteem. But it is time to go: Filippo begins in September the 4th with a new high school teacher:
"At the beginning of the school year I did do the kids a job to review and Philip took 2! I immediately labeled as a lazy boy and distracted, but I was making a big mistake. "
Then one day someone speaks to Professor Philip of dyslexia, explains what it is and how it can occur, so the teacher begins to observe and recognize in him some of the characteristics of the dyslexic.
He speaks with the family that turns to an expert who confirms the diagnosis: Philip is dyslexic. And when he finds out almost 20 years! But her story ... has a happy ending!
few simple trick was enough to resolve its difficulties and improve their educational performance: "Now Philip use the computers in the classroom - the teacher says - We too are the teachers went to meet with some changes: we prefer the checks to those written and oral to assign some exercise less, while for the same purposes and subject to the difficulties supi companions. And the results are quite sufficient. "
The dyslexic learns the same things that they learn to others, but he needs to do it with different methods is not a handicap, and the serenity and awareness of Philip showed him.

Letter Changing Dealer

Albert Einstein:

"We need a new way of thinking to solve the problems caused by old thinking"

Friday, February 15, 2008

Implants For Two Front Teeth

Albert Einstein (1879-1955 )

Einstein is considered the greatest scientist of all time, along with Newton.
From the perspective of dyslexia, the case of Einstein is singular because the news we have of him are contradictory with certainty is that it defines a dyslexic, who suffers from a form of autism, but whoever says that this has helped create an aura of romance around his figure.
The reality is that little Albert spoke late, he struggled to bond with peers and learned to read at the age of nine.
's biographer Pais says that although the family was originally of Einstein could apprensioniperché be delayed after beginning to speak after a long time, suddenly calmed down, seeing that Albert began to speak whole sentences from two to three years.
His sister said: "The development during childhood, proceeded slowly. He had some difficulty with the language, so that it was feared that he would never learn to speak ... Every phrase uttered repeated it to himself to vove low, moving his lips. This habit persisted for up to seven years ", but the maternal grandmother wrote in a letter to a relative, a few months after the second birthday of Albert, that" she was already sharing ideas fun. "

According to the biographer Clark, a reason molto più plausibile del suo lento sviluppo del linguaggio è la soluzione più semplice, suggerita dal figlio di Einstein, Hanz Albert, che dice che suo padre si isolò dal mondo quando era ancora un ragazzo. "Mi disse che i suoi insegnanti riferivano che ... era tardivo, asociale e sempre immerso nelle sue assurde fantasie".

Anche una domestica un giorno gli diede dello stupido, perché aveva notato la sua abitudine a ripetere tutto due volte. In realtà quando gli veniva rivolta una domanda, elaborava la risposta nella sua mente e faceva una prova sottovoce, poi la ripeteva a voce alta quando era sicuro che fosse giusta.

Se uno accetta questa interpretazione, altre informazioni ci aiuteranno to judge the skills of language after Einstein began to speak.

Einstein entered school at age six and, despite popular belief, some biographers report that he had a good performance. When he was seven, his mother wrote, "Yesterday Albert took his vows: is it still number one, his report card is brilliant." Yet his teachers described him in very idyllic! The same Einstei reports: "As a child never went particularly well or poorly in school. My main weakness was a poor memory, especially with regard to words and texts, do not crowd my memory with the facts that I could easily find in an encyclopedia. "

Outside the school he loved to engage in manual activities, which make carvings, set to work with a metal construction and play with a model of a steam locomotive that had given him a relative.

The family environment of the small Einstein offered abundant mental stimulation can develop their potential.

age of twelve, Einstein was reading physics books. At thirteen, after reading Critique of Pure Reason and the work of other philosophers, Einstein adopted Kant as his favorite author, also read Darwin. Many people believe that those who suffer from dyslexia is stingy with academic lectures, even complex ones like those made by Einstein. In reality this is not so, at least not for everyone.

The truth is that he has many of the typical symptoms of dyslexia: transposition and omission of letters, numbers and formulas in the writing and sentences out of order.

the age of fifteen, Albert left school for bad grades in many subjects such as history and German, and moved to Milan with his family. The following year he moved to Switzerland in Arrau. Once again, Einstein was dissatisfied with the teaching that he received regular lessons and jumped.

He himself admitted that he was too confident and too independent to comply with expectations of all its teachers.
As a student Einstein was boring and intimidating the school and preferred to study alone Physics and the violin.
's true. Einstein did not passed the exams to enter university, because, besides having only sixteen, two years below average, had not studied.

In 1900, in fact, managed to pass the final exams by studying the notes of a classmate: However, his professor did not allow TI to continue their studies.
Einstein's father wanted his son svolgesse technical job, a decision Einstein found difficult to take. Consequently, as he himself admitted later, avoid committing to a "profession practice", not preparing for the entrance examination.
It is also true that, after graduation, Einstein had difficulty finding a job. This was due primarily to the fact that its independent nature, intellectual and rebellious, made him, as he called himself "a pariah (a member of a low caste of southern India) in the academic community."

A professor said, "You have a flaw: you can not say anything." Einstein changed three jobs in a short time, but not because of dispturbi learning.

Yet Einstein himself was to declare that it was a good student; he knew he had little memory she could not write correctly especially the lyrics.

Unable to solve problems in mathematics and science, invented a strategy, in his study had a slate where the tables were written: Einstein did not I ever learn! It is thought that it was his unusual way of solving problems and being a "dreamer" who helped him become the greatest scientist in the world.

From "The eagles are born to fly"
Ross Grenci
Edizioni La Meridiana

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Loette Breakthrough Bleeding

Albert Einstein: The VIP

Cadillac Cts кноп


Dyslexia can hide a heavy dose of ingenuity.
can not be said that dyslexic children have not made honor, in all ages and in all fields.
This list of "celebrities" dyslexia, which was produced by Thomas G. West, founder of the Virginia Krasnow Institute for Advanced Study specializes in research on dyslexia.
WRITERS: Hans Christian Anderson, Gustave Flaubert, Margaux Hemingway, Agatha Christie, Mark Twain, Lewis Carroll, Walt Disney, William Butler Yeats, Jules Verne.
Leader: Julius Caesar, Napoleon.
U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, George Washington, John Fitzgerald Kennedy.
SCIENZIATI: Charles Darwin, Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein, Michael Faraday, James Clerk Maxwell.
ARTISTI: Leonardo Da Vinci, Michelangelo, Raffaello, Vincent Van Gogh, Auguste Rodin, Pablo Picasso.
MUSICISTI: Mozart, Beethoven, Harry Belafonte, John Lennon, Noel Gallagher (Oasis).
West - two dyslexic children and himself struck by the disease - at some point in his life decided to deal with this problem from an 'other perspective: investigating potential and those special qualities that many dyslexics show to have . Hence his theory, outlined in the book "In the Mind's Eye": Dyslexia is a condition that is bound in a 'high percentage of cases, special qualities and intelligence very much alive. It is "a strange mix - West said speaking at the conference on dyslexia dall'AID organized - and difficulties of outstanding talent." Dyslexia is not a psychological disorder, said West, but is linked to genetic causes and constitutional. The brains of dyslexic children present, ie, alterations in its functioning, but it is as if to compensate for these deficits were further enhanced caratteristiche.E what are the qualities found among dyslexics? They have a more visual way of thinking, says West, that is to carry associations of images and show a more comprehensive approach to the problems with special skills in understanding complex systems in business and economic sciences. Show a particular propensity for art, but also for new technologies, science and engineering. In most cases, it adds the excellent 'expert in the use of computers and new technologies. If today dyslexics Are often the last class - said the West - certainly become the first in the world of the future in technology. " But among those "marked" by this disorder also stands out as one: the extreme dexterity, so that, says West, "many Americans are dyslexic famous surgeons in the medical and circulating a joke: if you have to get work, make sure before your surgeon does not know how to spell. " And it is not hearsay it also demonstrates the very high percentage of dyslexics among scientists at MIT are said to suffer from dyslexia, said, "is precisely the disease at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.