Albert Einstein (1879-1955 ) Einstein is considered the greatest scientist of all time, along with Newton.
From the perspective of dyslexia, the case of Einstein is singular because the news we have of him are contradictory with certainty is that it defines a dyslexic, who suffers from a form of autism, but whoever says that this has helped create an aura of romance around his figure.
The reality is that little Albert spoke late, he struggled to bond with peers and learned to read at the age of nine.
's biographer Pais says that although the family was originally of Einstein could apprensioniperché be delayed after beginning to speak after a long time, suddenly calmed down, seeing that Albert began to speak whole sentences from two to three years.
His sister said: "The development during childhood, proceeded slowly. He had some difficulty with the language, so that it was feared that he would never learn to speak ... Every phrase uttered repeated it to himself to vove low, moving his lips. This habit persisted for up to seven years ", but the maternal grandmother wrote in a letter to a relative, a few months after the second birthday of Albert, that" she was already sharing ideas fun. "
According to the biographer Clark, a reason molto più plausibile del suo lento sviluppo del linguaggio è la soluzione più semplice, suggerita dal figlio di Einstein, Hanz Albert, che dice che suo padre si isolò dal mondo quando era ancora un ragazzo. "Mi disse che i suoi insegnanti riferivano che ... era tardivo, asociale e sempre immerso nelle sue assurde fantasie".
Anche una domestica un giorno gli diede dello stupido, perché aveva notato la sua abitudine a ripetere tutto due volte. In realtà quando gli veniva rivolta una domanda, elaborava la risposta nella sua mente e faceva una prova sottovoce, poi la ripeteva a voce alta quando era sicuro che fosse giusta.
Se uno accetta questa interpretazione, altre informazioni ci aiuteranno to judge the skills of language after Einstein began to speak.
Einstein entered school at age six and, despite popular belief, some biographers report that he had a good performance. When he was seven, his mother wrote, "Yesterday Albert took his vows: is it still number one, his report card is brilliant." Yet his teachers described him in very idyllic! The same Einstei reports: "As a child never went particularly well or poorly in school. My main weakness was a poor memory, especially with regard to words and texts, do not crowd my memory with the facts that I could easily find in an encyclopedia. "
Outside the school he loved to engage in manual activities, which make carvings, set to work with a metal construction and play with a model of a steam locomotive that had given him a relative.
The family environment of the small Einstein offered abundant mental stimulation can develop their potential.
age of twelve, Einstein was reading physics books. At thirteen, after reading Critique of Pure Reason and the work of other philosophers, Einstein adopted Kant as his favorite author, also read Darwin. Many people believe that those who suffer from dyslexia is stingy with academic lectures, even complex ones like those made by Einstein. In reality this is not so, at least not for everyone.
The truth is that he has many of the typical symptoms of dyslexia: transposition and omission of letters, numbers and formulas in the writing and sentences out of order.
the age of fifteen, Albert left school for bad grades in many subjects such as history and German, and moved to Milan with his family. The following year he moved to Switzerland in Arrau. Once again, Einstein was dissatisfied with the teaching that he received regular lessons and jumped.
He himself admitted that he was too confident and too independent to comply with expectations of all its teachers.
As a student Einstein was boring and intimidating the school and preferred to study alone Physics and the violin.
's true. Einstein did not passed the exams to enter university, because, besides having only sixteen, two years below average, had not studied.
In 1900, in fact, managed to pass the final exams by studying the notes of a classmate: However, his professor did not allow TI to continue their studies.
Einstein's father wanted his son svolgesse technical job, a decision Einstein found difficult to take. Consequently, as he himself admitted later, avoid committing to a "profession practice", not preparing for the entrance examination.
It is also true that, after graduation, Einstein had difficulty finding a job. This was due primarily to the fact that its independent nature, intellectual and rebellious, made him, as he called himself "a pariah (a member of a low caste of southern India) in the academic community."
A professor said, "You have a flaw: you can not say anything." Einstein changed three jobs in a short time, but not because of dispturbi learning.
Yet Einstein himself was to declare that it was a good student; he knew he had little memory she could not write correctly especially the lyrics.
Unable to solve problems in mathematics and science, invented a strategy, in his study had a slate where the tables were written: Einstein did not I ever learn! It is thought that it was his unusual way of solving problems and being a "dreamer" who helped him become the greatest scientist in the world.
From "The eagles are born to fly"
Ross Grenci
Edizioni La Meridiana