... All'incontro era presente Filippo, un ragazzo che frequenta la 4° liceo e che ha scoperto di essere dislessico soltanto qualche mese fa, grazie all'intuizione di una sua insegnante.
E probabilmente la sua testimonianza è stata ancora più utile delle parole degli esperti: "Vi traccio un quadro riassuntivo della mia carriera scolastica ..."
Inizia così il racconto, divertente e consapevole, di Filippo: "Alle elementari odiavo la mia maestra, credevo che ce l'avesse con me, non riuscivo a capire perchè si accanisse così tanto. Avevo una sfilza di note da record! Ma non perchè disturbavo o mi comportavo male, ma perché dimenticavo il materiale o mi perdevo a giocare con le penne mentre lei spiegava."
E dopo il racconto ironicamente "drammatico" del suo esame di 5° elementare si passa alle medie: "Ero contento di poter ricominciare tutto da capo, con dei professori che non mi conoscevano e quindi non mi giudicavano, ma le difficoltà erano sempre le stesse."
E, ovviamente, crescendo, cresceva anche con lui the lack of esteem and confidence in himself and in high school, the situation has deteriorated further. The first year Philip was rejected, the third too. Then for one year, thanks to the project Intercultural and go to study in Norway: the Norwegian and learned much more quickly than all the other Italians! It can do so simply because he finds his own method of study: "I took a book I had read both in Italian and in English - he says - and with the help of a dictionary I read it in Norwegian. After a month and a half I already knew me get this straight. "
experience that certainly succeeded in raising a little 'self-esteem. But it is time to go: Filippo begins in September the 4th with a new high school teacher:
"At the beginning of the school year I did do the kids a job to review and Philip took 2! I immediately labeled as a lazy boy and distracted, but I was making a big mistake. "
Then one day someone speaks to Professor Philip of dyslexia, explains what it is and how it can occur, so the teacher begins to observe and recognize in him some of the characteristics of the dyslexic.
He speaks with the family that turns to an expert who confirms the diagnosis: Philip is dyslexic. And when he finds out almost 20 years! But her story ... has a happy ending!
few simple trick was enough to resolve its difficulties and improve their educational performance: "Now Philip use the computers in the classroom - the teacher says - We too are the teachers went to meet with some changes: we prefer the checks to those written and oral to assign some exercise less, while for the same purposes and subject to the difficulties supi companions. And the results are quite sufficient. "
The dyslexic learns the same things that they learn to others, but he needs to do it with different methods is not a handicap, and the serenity and awareness of Philip showed him.
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