Perhaps many of you do not know but in Italy for 8% of the population is dyslexic. But what it means to be dyslexic?
A dyslexic is a person who, in contrast to normal people, has a different learning method.
Many believe that dyslexia is a problem, others call it trouble, but the word that defines exactly this "thing" is the diversity.
The dyslexic is not a stupid person, indeed, in 90% of cases, dyslexics have above-average intelligence. They, however, despite being more intelligent than many other persone, non riescono a scrivere come quest’ultime, non riescono a fare calcoli spesso anche banali e così via; di solito iniziano ad imparare a scrivere in ritardo rispetto ai loro coetanei e anche a parlare.
Un ragazzo che ha questa “diversità” però ha spesso, anzi sempre, delle doti che le persone “normali” non hanno: riescono a fare delle considerazioni di insieme delle cose che spesso gli altri non sanno fare, hanno delle soluzioni geniali nel risolvere problemi di tipo ingegneristico, architettonico, fisico ecc... Magari, mentre una persona normale passa ore ed ore a progettare e disegnare un qualcosa a computer e su carta, da una casa a un bullone, il dislessico non ne ha bisogno, ha una capacità mental design of anything, which makes it really special. Maybe this seems so trivial, but I assure you it is not. These are very sensitive to the details above average, capture details not visible to everyone. For example, can study the works of art better than others, but they can not solve a simple multiplication.
Dyslexia unfortunately is still today seen as a problem, many people reject it, not capendola and believe it is just something invented, but scientific studies show the opposite.
not consider dyslexia a problem or difficulty, diversity is the correct word because no one can consider higher o inferiore ad un dislessico; molte persone famose come fisici, chimici, cantanti, politici ecc.. lo erano e lo sono tutt’ora. Da Leonardo Da Vinci a Einstein, da Washington a Tom Cruise. Sono tutte persone normali, le quali hanno vissuto vite più o meno normali e che, grazie alla loro diversità sono riusciti a far vedere di che cosa erano e sono capaci e hanno saputo far valere le proprie doti.
Einstein, grandissimo fisico, ha sempre avuto, durante la sua carriera scolastica, tantissimi problemi di apprendimento; pensate che alle superiori non volevano accettarlo poiché ritenevano che il suo quoziente intellettivo fosse al di sotto della norma e quindi i suoi insegnanti lo rifiutavano, chiedendo che fosse seguito da un insegnate di support. In his laboratory, where he discovered and studied various physical phenomena had more than the usual blank slate for the accounts and demonstrations, one devoted exclusively to the tables, because he could not learn them.
This diversity can be turned into problem if the dyslexic is not recognized as such. A dyslexic person is almost always considered a slacker, lazy, a student who goes to school only to heat the house and nothing more. This oversight of interpretation by a teacher can cause very heavy losses estimated in the boy himself, becomes depressed and begins to close around them and to form protective barriers that isolate it from the world around him. The boy did not unfortunately
way to recognize this diversity in itself, only from the outside you can recognize it and you can deal with.
To make it become a problem is simple, just give the boy a computer to write correctly, and a calculator to calculate a form, it needs a little 'more time for testing and take a break and relax brain after 40 minutes of explanation. Obviously dyslexia has infinite forms, is never the same for everyone. There is mild to severe forms. People who have dyslexia so that they can not even read because they can not, under stress, to distinguish one character from the other.
refuse to supply to certain a boy the equivalent of removing a pair of glasses in a myopic or a hearing aid to a deaf man. Who would do such a thing? It would be malice. To get some supplies enough to be certified dyslexia which is fairly simple. Many psychologists have special tests that can verify it. Newly established, teachers are forced by law to grant certain procurement and supply them to the boy.
Dyslexia is a diversity that has its pros and cons. We should not fight it, deny it or ignore it ...
Many people do, and it is wrong to, in Italy, compared to many other European countries, we are far behind on this issue and is something very serious. Dyslexia bisogna accettarla ed apprezzarla, nessuno si può permettere di disprezzarla. Chiunque si permettesse di fare ciò, sarebbe una persona ignobile e meschina. Una persona che non ha capito niente della mente umana e della società in cui vive.
Many believe that dyslexia is a problem, others call it trouble, but the word that defines exactly this "thing" is the diversity.
The dyslexic is not a stupid person, indeed, in 90% of cases, dyslexics have above-average intelligence. They, however, despite being more intelligent than many other persone, non riescono a scrivere come quest’ultime, non riescono a fare calcoli spesso anche banali e così via; di solito iniziano ad imparare a scrivere in ritardo rispetto ai loro coetanei e anche a parlare.
Un ragazzo che ha questa “diversità” però ha spesso, anzi sempre, delle doti che le persone “normali” non hanno: riescono a fare delle considerazioni di insieme delle cose che spesso gli altri non sanno fare, hanno delle soluzioni geniali nel risolvere problemi di tipo ingegneristico, architettonico, fisico ecc... Magari, mentre una persona normale passa ore ed ore a progettare e disegnare un qualcosa a computer e su carta, da una casa a un bullone, il dislessico non ne ha bisogno, ha una capacità mental design of anything, which makes it really special. Maybe this seems so trivial, but I assure you it is not. These are very sensitive to the details above average, capture details not visible to everyone. For example, can study the works of art better than others, but they can not solve a simple multiplication.
Dyslexia unfortunately is still today seen as a problem, many people reject it, not capendola and believe it is just something invented, but scientific studies show the opposite.
not consider dyslexia a problem or difficulty, diversity is the correct word because no one can consider higher o inferiore ad un dislessico; molte persone famose come fisici, chimici, cantanti, politici ecc.. lo erano e lo sono tutt’ora. Da Leonardo Da Vinci a Einstein, da Washington a Tom Cruise. Sono tutte persone normali, le quali hanno vissuto vite più o meno normali e che, grazie alla loro diversità sono riusciti a far vedere di che cosa erano e sono capaci e hanno saputo far valere le proprie doti.
Einstein, grandissimo fisico, ha sempre avuto, durante la sua carriera scolastica, tantissimi problemi di apprendimento; pensate che alle superiori non volevano accettarlo poiché ritenevano che il suo quoziente intellettivo fosse al di sotto della norma e quindi i suoi insegnanti lo rifiutavano, chiedendo che fosse seguito da un insegnate di support. In his laboratory, where he discovered and studied various physical phenomena had more than the usual blank slate for the accounts and demonstrations, one devoted exclusively to the tables, because he could not learn them.
This diversity can be turned into problem if the dyslexic is not recognized as such. A dyslexic person is almost always considered a slacker, lazy, a student who goes to school only to heat the house and nothing more. This oversight of interpretation by a teacher can cause very heavy losses estimated in the boy himself, becomes depressed and begins to close around them and to form protective barriers that isolate it from the world around him. The boy did not unfortunately
way to recognize this diversity in itself, only from the outside you can recognize it and you can deal with.
To make it become a problem is simple, just give the boy a computer to write correctly, and a calculator to calculate a form, it needs a little 'more time for testing and take a break and relax brain after 40 minutes of explanation. Obviously dyslexia has infinite forms, is never the same for everyone. There is mild to severe forms. People who have dyslexia so that they can not even read because they can not, under stress, to distinguish one character from the other.
refuse to supply to certain a boy the equivalent of removing a pair of glasses in a myopic or a hearing aid to a deaf man. Who would do such a thing? It would be malice. To get some supplies enough to be certified dyslexia which is fairly simple. Many psychologists have special tests that can verify it. Newly established, teachers are forced by law to grant certain procurement and supply them to the boy.
Dyslexia is a diversity that has its pros and cons. We should not fight it, deny it or ignore it ...
Many people do, and it is wrong to, in Italy, compared to many other European countries, we are far behind on this issue and is something very serious. Dyslexia bisogna accettarla ed apprezzarla, nessuno si può permettere di disprezzarla. Chiunque si permettesse di fare ciò, sarebbe una persona ignobile e meschina. Una persona che non ha capito niente della mente umana e della società in cui vive.
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