Thursday, February 14, 2008

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Dyslexia can hide a heavy dose of ingenuity.
can not be said that dyslexic children have not made honor, in all ages and in all fields.
This list of "celebrities" dyslexia, which was produced by Thomas G. West, founder of the Virginia Krasnow Institute for Advanced Study specializes in research on dyslexia.
WRITERS: Hans Christian Anderson, Gustave Flaubert, Margaux Hemingway, Agatha Christie, Mark Twain, Lewis Carroll, Walt Disney, William Butler Yeats, Jules Verne.
Leader: Julius Caesar, Napoleon.
U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, George Washington, John Fitzgerald Kennedy.
SCIENZIATI: Charles Darwin, Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein, Michael Faraday, James Clerk Maxwell.
ARTISTI: Leonardo Da Vinci, Michelangelo, Raffaello, Vincent Van Gogh, Auguste Rodin, Pablo Picasso.
MUSICISTI: Mozart, Beethoven, Harry Belafonte, John Lennon, Noel Gallagher (Oasis).
West - two dyslexic children and himself struck by the disease - at some point in his life decided to deal with this problem from an 'other perspective: investigating potential and those special qualities that many dyslexics show to have . Hence his theory, outlined in the book "In the Mind's Eye": Dyslexia is a condition that is bound in a 'high percentage of cases, special qualities and intelligence very much alive. It is "a strange mix - West said speaking at the conference on dyslexia dall'AID organized - and difficulties of outstanding talent." Dyslexia is not a psychological disorder, said West, but is linked to genetic causes and constitutional. The brains of dyslexic children present, ie, alterations in its functioning, but it is as if to compensate for these deficits were further enhanced caratteristiche.E what are the qualities found among dyslexics? They have a more visual way of thinking, says West, that is to carry associations of images and show a more comprehensive approach to the problems with special skills in understanding complex systems in business and economic sciences. Show a particular propensity for art, but also for new technologies, science and engineering. In most cases, it adds the excellent 'expert in the use of computers and new technologies. If today dyslexics Are often the last class - said the West - certainly become the first in the world of the future in technology. " But among those "marked" by this disorder also stands out as one: the extreme dexterity, so that, says West, "many Americans are dyslexic famous surgeons in the medical and circulating a joke: if you have to get work, make sure before your surgeon does not know how to spell. " And it is not hearsay it also demonstrates the very high percentage of dyslexics among scientists at MIT are said to suffer from dyslexia, said, "is precisely the disease at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.


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