Ho una brutta sensazione. 161°
Purtroppo è da un po’ di tempo che ho una brutta sensazione. Quella di essere intrappolata in una enorme fregatura.
Se avete voglia di seguirmi nel ragionamento, continuate a leggere.
from a question: are we all equal or not? Let me explain: we are all equal and we have to somehow have the same rights, or are different, have different value, some people are superior to others and therefore we have different rights?
In a democracy, is instinctive to say that we are all equal. But do not let us say, Think about it a bit 'above, before you decide.
do not know if we are all equal.
To do that we should be clear about what it means to be "equal." If it means having the same intelligence, the same sensitivity, same creativity, honesty, ability, desire to work, to work for others, then no, we are not all equal. God forbid. There are hordes of incompetent of dishonest people who do not want to work, who think only of themselves. Are not we all like them.
We should also be clear what we mean by "law": human rights, civil, political, are those who, in a community, it is for each individual. Rights are inviolable and inalienable rights of survival and human dignity: the right to eat at least enough to survive, to live in a sheltered place and dignity, to shelter from the cold, the right health and education, freedom of speech and thought, the right to be treated with respect, to maintain their dignity.
But have to ask, but the rights belong to everyone, regardless of moral or intellectual qualities?
Here, more precisely, this is the question: even dishonest, looters, criminals, fools and stupid people should have rights?
Or should be reserved for more rights for those most deserving, because they are more intelligent, better educated or more honest?
I think there are rights that must accrue to everyone, including criminals, the ignorant, unable to.
Faced with these rights, basic needs, we must all be equal.
Those who earn their own abilities are not rights, but extra benefits. It is right that those who have more ability, more intelligence, more courage would have greater benefits.
And we came to this problem in our society not only happens rarely that a person of value - moral and intellectual - is rewarded, but it happens a lot more benefits that are reserved for criminals and dishonest.
According to the medieval and feudal mentality - sorry if it makes it much easier to highlight the concept - the nobles and members of the clergy were worth much more than the people of the third state. Doctors, merchants, craftsmen, farmers, writers had no real socio-political power. Nobles and clergy were appropriate setsso the concept of value, deciding that the value was tied to the nobility and the rule of "religious." Simplifying again, the concept was this: we are worth more because we are part of the nobility and clergy, and you must serve, revere and work with us because you are inferior. And the concept was accepted by all as fair and even obvious.
power has allowed them to keep things as they were for many years, for centuries, until a different mentality has found its way, has changed the concept of "value" and introduced the concept that we are equal.
I do not want to dwell.
is visible to all (those who want to see, of course) the fact that the Italian company now consists of a minority of rich, filthy rich and powerful, and a majority of middle-class often small children, poor people and poor people. Are not they the ones who have the political and economic power. They are the rich and powerful. And that's what causes me anxiety and restlessness: yell known that that will change things, that will give more resources to education and health, that will solve the problem of unemployment, which will organize facilities for children, young, poor and elderly. They claim that lower taxes, which will help young people, which will eliminate waste, control pollution, to fight the mafia and the underworld.
Instead they do nothing. Leave things as they are and, if possible, worse. They make the rich get rich and the poor poorer. They cut up everything that we use (everything is public), more on what we eat (bread, pasta), and encourage all who use them (all private) and what have they (yachts, villas, air , etc.).. Because if you end up in cow health and education, they do not care nothing about, why not attend public hospitals or public schools.
The powerful claim that we are working for their welfare, to continue to have parties and travel, while we pull the belt.
Floor convince us that because they are higher and we lower our duty to admire them and served and revered.
So we went back to the Middle Ages. And without people being aware of it.
absurd is not a huge rip-off?