Saturday, February 5, 2011

Driver Pctv 150e/55e Seven

Il suicidio di un adolescente. 157°

Suicide in itself is very difficult to accept. But the suicide of a teenager is untenable. Anyone who has somehow crossed his life with a suicide knows that it can be terrible sense of powerlessness that grips you. "Why," "if" and "maybe", you think. Not "why did he do?" But "because I did not understand? Why did not ask me anything? Because no one has noticed anything? If I had said something, even if I had imagined, perhaps .. "

Suicide is the most terrible failures and causes the most excruciating pain. Whoever kills leaves and leaves you with your questions answered. It is the rejection of life and from all over the world, including yourself that remains.

not want to talk to their parents. A parent dies with the suicide. A child who kills himself takes away the parents.

not want to talk to teachers, pain and fear they feel when they read of a teenager who commits suicide. Afraid it might happen to them a child who commits suicide. Pain because suicide is the negation of life, the life that they, at school, should be taught to deal with. And pain and fear as a boy in class who had committed suicide for years that shows that their work did not help to save him from himself and maybe, if they had explained questo, se avessero detto quello, avrebbe potuto salvarsi.

Voglio parlare della vita e dei ragazzi che non sanno viverla.

La cosa più importante della vita è proprio la vita stessa. Tutto quello che facciamo, pensiamo, desideriamo avviene nella vita. Senza vita non c’è più niente. La vita sa essere bella ma anche terribile. Quando si dice di un ragazzo che muore che “aveva tutta la vita davanti” si dice che non aveva vissuto e non potrà più farlo.

Un adolescente è come un bruco che deve diventare farfalla. Noi, che dovremmo fargli vedere la farfalla che c’è in lui, a volte non ci riusciamo. Noi, insegnanti e genitori, che sappiamo per esperienza which will become butterfly, sometimes does not know how to listen and recognize all the pain, all the despair that a boy tries to see themselves and believe caterpillar forever. "Forever" is an eternal time to accept for those who are ill. The boy who commits suicide is incapable of understanding that pain is temporary, that every fool that can happen to be soon forgotten, that nothing happens if you do not have the girl, because sooner or later meet, what you can live your life even if you've discovered to be homosexual, this time called the "best age" is in fact, for many, an age terrible, but it will pass.

We adults have a duty to prevent this dead-end despair that can lead to suicide. The boys and girls who do not accept themselves, their lives, and the frustration that comes from the note that is not peaceful as they wish, they may want a permanent escape, an exit from the world to save them, that all gates in a flash their suffering. They do not want to suffer, why not find a reason to do so, because they are convinced that there is no solution. They feel that the pain will only increase, because they will never be beautiful, skinny, how society wants them. Will not succeed, will not be loved. Caterpillars will remain forever, while others are already butterflies.

Dominika was seventeen. He was a teenager. At 9 am on a school he took a rope from the gym, he hung in the bathroom and it was gone forever.

Dominika she looked in the mirror and saw fat. Too fat. It was not like the thought that the company wanted. He tried many times with diets to remove the extra pounds - perhaps only-you saw on his body. The boy who loved chose another. Normal. Right. Love can not be an obligation. But she has been living proof of the fact that his body was just right. Who knows what will have suffered. How will cry. Sola with herself and with her being burn forever. If he had confided. If you had asked us to all of us, even strangers. Had he been able to wait. If he had written in a theme. If he had warned her friends. If he had asked for help from the teacher of the first hour. If there had been a gym rope. If he had written on facebook, maybe one of us would read, perhaps we would have known how to help, we would save him from himself and his desperation to burn forever. Why did they do in school? Why did he do today? Why has not asked for help from parents? If, if, if. Maybe, maybe, maybe. Why, why, why.

Dear Dominika, you were wrong to go così. Bastava solo aspettare e avresti vissuto chissà quanti anni. Avevi tutta la vita davanti.

"Paradiso sto arrivando", ha scritto. Spero che, almeno, esista davvero un paradiso.


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