Ci sono momenti della vita in cui il dolore afferra proprio te.
Un dolore tagliente come un rasoio, freddo come un candelotto di ghiaccio, lacerante come il morso di una tigre.
Tocca a te passare attraverso la tempesta, adesso, non hai scampo.
Allora vorresti chiudere fuori tutto il mondo e stare abbracciato ai tuoi cari, in silenzio. Vorresti addormentarti profondamente per non soffrire.
Provi un dolore così quando muore una persona che ami. Una madre, un padre, una sorella, per esempio.
It is true that death is nothing. Death is a great deal, because it changes you. More than any joy.
That person is so important for you leaves you alone, in spite of your pain.
She's gone somewhere and you'll never see her again. Never again, nowhere. Never, under any circumstances. You can go look in the dark bottom of the seas, you can walk without stopping and searching among the crowd of all countries of the world, take all the deserts and all the cities, but no more.
can not hear you if you speak.
This loss will seem incredible, but the world continues indifferent to exist and always the same, even if you cease to be the same as before, because that person is no longer so important here.
When the pain you must endure your touch and wait for him to leave. It will happen when you learn to live life without her. Sooner or later you can, and pain will replace a deep sadness and nostalgia later.
And then be able to smile, remembering the times spent together. It's already happened before.
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