Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Scooter Wheels Metal Core For Sale

Quello che non serve si butta. 156°

Non solo “Quello che non funziona si butta” (post 83°), ma anche quello che non serve.

Lo hanno scoperto sulla loro pelle cento bellissimi Husky da slitta che, dato che non servivano più perché i turisti erano molto diminuiti, sono stati massacrati con una bella fucilata in mezzo agli occhi azzurri e finiti da un colpo di grazia vibrato con a knife. A bullet for one and no one else, to save even those. That's why the knife. For pity's sake. Because the worker "has seen horrible scenes." I find it hard not to believe it, because the scenes are horrible just thinking about it. The black and white robe stained red with blood are not beautiful to imagine.

The Husky is guilty of being a good dog, playful, strong, strong, sweet and docile. A perfect dog to roam tourists from Vancouver, running on the sled through the snow. But now tourists, unfortunately for them, are a few: What are all those husky? Nothing. What is not needed is thrown, it's simple.

The solution was to kill them like dogs.


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