On March 26, 2009 was held in Rome from the central management of the Customs a meeting between the president and vice president of CO.I.AE and Dr. Aronica, this Dr. Serroni, to take stock of the situation regarding the recruitment of suitable AE, started in August 2008, following the call March 23.
Before starting the discussion, Dr. Aronson, director of the central staff and organization of the Agency made an important premise to explain the reason for the meeting which was to reassure about the recruitment of all remaining, and also that of having a single partner, the chairman of the committee, in the dialogue between the AD and still eligible to be recruited.
The very fact of having been invited to Rome was to be interpreted as an official confirmation, against us the last of the Agency's bond to his previous will and choice, made earlier in June 2008 when I welcome the special rule paragraph of Article 346. 1 of Law 244/2007 allowing AD, finally, to fill the third band of its staff, subject to the seats reserved for the provision in the contract internal passages, with young staff and graduate, motivated to a fast learning of the problems of working in a constant state of lifelong learning: in short, the Customs Agency for its demand for "mobility", which involves moving, when needed on various "squares customs" in the Union needed a generational change.
After the moment of "down" with the Decree Law 112/2008 for some uncertainty in interpretation, AD has continued its commitment with the plan in June 2008, footnote 2727, which included the recruitment of 1178 eligible within three years 2008/2010, plan, over a range of unique original, it was only amended in January 2009 according to the extraordinary demands, which became increasingly untenable in some southern regions.
Turning then to the first argument agenda of the day, the Director Aronica assured that no problem of maturity of individual regional lists exist: in fact the administration's stance is that the budget law 244/2007, in saying that the Agency has authority to make regional lists of competitions drawing from 2006 and 2007, has determined, with the special rule of paragraph of Article 346. 1, the validity up to exhaustion. The financial
2008, with the stakes of expenditure reported the three years 2008/2010, shall also, automatically, within what period of time customs agency may assume, by which the various regional lists should be understood that, notwithstanding any time limit placed by the general rules, valid and effective until the end of 2010.
On the question of timing, there are two problems to be fulfilled: the first is the training plan, featuring legal contracts work training, which is divided over the three years 2008/2010 and according to the AD which prepared the plan recruitment, implementation of which is already ahead with the times, the second problem is that, following the reduction of staffing as a result of Decree Law 112/2008, the three-year plan of employment may be completed even before 2010, using the deaths of 2009, whose data, however, is not fully known to date which should be measured with the mobility intercompartimentale.
Therefore the timing will be evaluated in the coming weeks on those for now seem to be two options: two calls, one after the other by June the month of June, not excluding that we can make a single call by June, if technically possible in the sense they can cover for that date, all vacancies in the territory following the 2009 closures.
last issue addressed was the stabilization , about which the Director has given a firm guarantee Aronica.
thank, me and vice-president Biagio Committee Member, Dr. Aronson and his staff for the kind welcome given to us. So dear friends
remaining eligible, the danger of damaging expiration of the regional lists is averted, the formal assurance that the assumption is there for all we had, the certainty of the Stabilisation and we also had this statement it authentic ; then you have an out of Gen before or after the month of June is not a whim or an organizational ineptitude administration, but depends on several factors must be taken into account in AD.
We always keep in mind that our situation is so protected by law 244/2007, but it was the Customs Agency to implement this protection for all eligible 2150 GN Although not mandatory but only facoltizzata: our legitimate interest in total flow is due solely to the GN dall'autovincolo that the administration has given itself discretion, on its own accord, with the 2727 document of June 2008 with the commitment to the three years 2008/2010.
So we do not have specific rights to camp but only subordinate to the legitimate interests administration which, fortunately, the same as our
By that I mean, dear friends eligible members and ninth members to the Committee, that if we continue to hinder the work of AD with harassing phone calls or other interventions, there let's just bad because of that AD, for the effort as legally caught, could lead to exhaustion at the end of the GN 2010 .
will do my job as an interface with AD in order to know the developments of this final tranche of recruitment.
And friends who have not wanted to include the Committee will be kept up to date via this blog. Thank you for your attention
President Dr. Rose Alfano CO.I.AE.