Please do not misunderstand me in this latest diatribe where I'm going to throw me.
Gymdogs I love, really. They are a fantastic group of girls with great personalities and great exercise.
Although almost too good, seem to have a good work ethic and excellent team spirit instilled by Suzanne Yoculan, if not ne avessero già abbastanza.
Nelle interviste sono sempre allegre, felici, sincere e leali al concetto di squadra, considerando le esperienze individuali che hanno avuto.
Ma, come ho forse già detto, a volte sembra che siano troppo attaccate a questi discorsi ultra-ripetitivi sull’ispirazione.
Mi riferisco a tutte le volte che dicono quelle frasi fatte sulla squadra e sulle gare nelle interviste. Se non sapete di cosa parlo, ecco alcuni esempi:
"Non l’ho fatto per me stessa, ma per la squadra"
"Siamo uscite là fuori e abbiamo fatto del nostro meglio, e il nostro meglio (non) è stato abbastanza"
"I believe enough in myself and the team"
"It gives so much (adjective) to the team"
And I can not stand where they repeat these words like
" spirit "
And the worst of the worst:
" adverse "
(Why Suzanne Yoculan repeats this word so often (as in" we have all kinds of adversity today "), as if there were no tomorrow ? Watch the documentary Under The Lights and count how many times he repeats it! Incredible! For me, to face adversity is when a black kid growing in a neighborhood of white, or try to sneak out of your children from a country at war in a suitcase, not when a group of gymnasts from the platform out of the body in a free race! Suzanne and I like is that he is not using the word incorrectly, it's just hyperbole unjustified)
It is not that there are real emotions behind these answers. Are pearls of wisdom about what is required to be part of a team.
But maybe all these things are now so used and strategic advantage of starting to sound hollow or dull (not just one thing they do, they feel everywhere).
Sometimes the girls interviewed after a race or during training and begin a sputare queste frasi una dopo l’altra.
E so anche che un allenatore deve usare certe parole per motivare i propri atleti e che parole come “lotta”, “potenziale” e “lavoro di squadra” hanno molto valore in questo contesto, ma a volte tutto questo diventa ridicolo. Prendete questo discorso della Yoculan:
"Intendo proprio questo, quando parlo di lotta. Oggi è stato entusiasmante. Questa squadra è fatta di ragazze che amano gareggiare e allontanare le critiche dimostrando che sono infondate. Sono riuscite a lottare per tirare fuori il loro potenziale”
Lottare per tirare fuori il their potential?
But that's why it's good to hear every so often one of the girls express themselves in a true original in an interview. It's funny when they say something intelligent and spontaneous, without the empty phrases and repetitive. It is a breath of fresh air, this should do it more often.
There were these moments over the years, when they had to answer questions about their successes, their teammates, their strengths and weaknesses (even Suzanne has had one of these moments).
These include:
"Oh man! I had a perfect swing!"
Hilary Mauro cries in interview after a race
" Life can be boring if we do not taper conflicts, but when a team manages to get up and fight ... and win ... I am speechless!"
Grace Taylor
"I do not really like to eat with her because she will not let you pick up things from the plate with your hands!"
Abby Stack on Marcia Newby.
"I enjoy spending time idling, because it is rare for us to do"
Amber Trani, gone on to have a free Sunday
"I just can not sleep in the next few days! I have a lot of beer to drink "
Suzanne Yoculan after an important victory
"I see di Non. Time."
Hilary Mauro on the start of the 2009 season.
"Grace came to me and said" it was fun. Go and win !".... and I did it! "
Kupets before exercise floor exercise against Florida.
"Well, this proves that they are prepared on the importance of warming!"
Yoculan after a bad heating of the girls was a great race.
" I do not know what it is, but when See the floor exercise, feel the great chiunque”
Courtney K sul ritorno di McCool
"Finalmente, potremmo avere un’ottima squadra! Grande!”
Tiff Tolnay sul ritorno di McCool
"Su di lei puoi sempre contare."
Suzanne Yoculan sul ritorno di McCool
Anche CourtneyMcCool era felice di tornare:
" Mi sento come se respirassi di nuovo dopo quattordici settimane!"
"Ne avevo bisogno!"
Dopo una gara dopo l’infortunio
Cambiando un pochino argomento:
persino i loro fans sanno come essere poetici!
an article entitled " Gymdogs: you want to go out with me?".
Sean Crane explains why the fan would be perfect for them
"(...) I promise to be the best man who ever divided 14 women, with all the sensitivity that lacks even the Dawson of the show.
If you're tired from training, you will play for the Greatest Hits of Celine Dion with my ukulele.
If you are sad for a sprained ankle, will recite poems by great men like Too $ hort, Tupac and Sir Mix-a-lot.
If you have difficulty with the exercise floor exercise, you'll see some choreography learned from video by Christina Aguilera.
I know it's hard to give me an answer, but do not be hasty me asking a few restraining order against me! "
March 5, 2009
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