Monday, March 9, 2009

Ticket Rate Of Adventure Island,2010

Comunicato del Nuovo Presidente del CO.I.AE


am today, after the handover with Dr.. Sandra Graziano, formally the New Chairman of the Board Suitable AE.
thank everyone for their confidence, which will be reciprocated with the effort they put in using the assignment in achieving the goal of exhausting la graduatoria unica nazionale quanto prima.
Ringrazio il Presidente uscente Sandro Graziano per avermi indicato quale suo possibile successore e il Vice Presidente Biagio Stasi, che costituisce l’anello di congiunzione tra il passato, il presente e l’immediato domani, per aver dato la sua disponibilità, su mio invito, a continuare a ricoprire l’incarico di Vice Presidente.
Facendo il punto della situazione a oggi abbiamo questi dati: ultimo chiamato, nella tornata di marzo 2009, è il dott.Ulacco che occupa la posizione 1969 nella GN, per cui restano per esaurire la graduatoria 181 idonei.

La prima operazione sarà, quindi, quella di ricontarci subito dopo le rinunce del 23 marzo, To which end I pray that our colleagues will sign 23 of the Committee to send the data on waivers in the regions of Calabria, Campania, Puglia, Lazio - no. central Umbria, Tuscany, Emilia Romagna, Liguria, Lombardy, Trento, Veneto and Friuli Venezia Giulia.
conservative calculation 35 waivers, which would be quickly replaced at least according to Dr.. Serroni (mail on 16 February I turned to the Committee members), rising to 146 eligible still out.

The second step is to figure out if the will is still yet to exhaust the list.

no later than Feb. 5 Giorgetti Hon Secretary before the Senate Finance Committee has assured responding to question on the subject of Senator Barbolini that the activities in this regard carried out by the Customs have been finalized the recruitment of suitable candidates in the competition held by the Agency of Customs and those carried out by the Revenue until all of its rankings.
And these activities carried out by the Customs at the end of the sliding value of the single national ranking, have been, since April of 2008, carried out very well (and the technical management of human resources, with a harmonic balance, which will only make that good administration, including expectations Interior represented by trade unions traditional expectations of the external represented by the Committee with the help of some unions, and, in particular, not just with the help of dr. Serroni of UGL in the last crucial steps towards the total collapse of the GN, and legally complying with the existing regulatory constraints) by Dr. Aronica Director of Central Personnel Agency and its staff are always ready commendable and sensitive to issues from time to time proposed by the Committee, who thanked and officially took the protesters away from those few voices that were raised during the visit of March 23 and does not represent the line and the thought of the Committee.

its part in the release of the UGL 16/2/2009 tells us that we are moving towards the definition of the national ranking, with the call of the last eligible no later than September.

The third step is to verify the validity time of our NG. The Inland Revenue prot. No 2008/3467 of 10.1.2008, for the purpose of implementing the provisions of art. 1, paragraph 345, Act 244/2007, has approved a single national list, which took over the rankings (regional) formed as a result of the procedures already being performed by the Agency with the proclamations No 84, October 21, 2005 and No. 28, published April 6, 2007 OJ special series in competitive examinations.
The aforementioned single national list was published on 16.1.2008, the date from which they start to effect the terms for three years pursuant to art. 35/ter n.165/2001 of Legislative Decree, which was introduced by paragraph 87 of Article. 3 Law No. 244/2007, provides .
Article. 35/ter was then amended by the Senate in 1167, coming from Room No. 1441/quater in the sense that the periods of validity of the rankings it was four years after its publication, and this would all be protected from any other interpretation that would give about the legal effect of the single national list.
However, as the AS 1167 is likely to remain at the pole due to engorgement of the work of Parliament, whose actual voting day, putting into account the Easter holidays and the slowing of work during the elections in June, reduce to just over 45, back to the agonizing question of whether the temporal validity of individual regional lists in the competition notices No 84, October 21, 2005 and No. 28 of 6 April 2007 are believed to be absorbed by the validity of single national list published on 01.16.2008.

The individual regional lists have different timing for the approval and publication: Regarding the competition in the notice 84, 21 October 2005 rankings of Lombardy and Piedmont were approved June 1, 2006, the Tuscany on May 29, May 16 that the Veneto, Friuli Venezia Giulia the ranking of the day May 8. So that
such as grading for the Friuli Venezia Giulia, which was approved by decision of 8 May 2006 published on the website of the Regional Directorate of the same day, has its own deadline 's May 8, 2009: Now, can this list be published on May 8 properly considered as published in 2006 16.1 in 2008 with a maturity of fiction in January 2011?
is doubtful: the decision of 8 May 2006 FVG of the DRD is the final act of that specific process regional competition, while the national ranking is a unique place it regional foreign procedure, taking shape as an administrative act that does not conclude any bankruptcy proceedings, but is merely instrumental to achieving a particular end, which is that of 'implementation of paragraph 345 of' art. 1 of law 244/2007, and an administrative act of this kind can not, even for reasons of practicality and technical opportunities, evading the law, which provides for the expiry of three years from the date of publication of individual regional lists, so that Competition 2005/2006 FVG expires by law on May 8, 2009.
Moreover, the legal safeguards relating to insolvency proceedings carried out must be activated, for example for the recognition of a compensable injury, holding the various regional lists and not only national ranking (among other things compiled with different criteria than those typical of the regional lists about the same score), which is a administrative act irrelevant compared to the insolvency procedures performed.

The issue should be clarified with AD.

remains to consider the problem quarter resulting from the earlier times and that is that out-of GN.
Dr. Gnerre (mail January 5 Committee) provided, even by the deaths of 2009, recruitment at the latest by June 30.
Our position is that is carried out, after that of March 23, a final call for all remaining eligible at this point will be, conservatively, about 146 before waivers, you figure around 30/32% in the first instance, would bring the appropriate left to assume about 100 units.
The problem then is: Can AD do a single and final results for the replacement of the alleged March 35 dropouts over the remaining 100 to call, partly because of the well-founded fear that some regional lists are no longer effective in the early days May, by the end of April nearly 135 eligible?

In this sense, the Committee intends to act, with the indispensable help of all members, CFL that is suitable, as well as Trade Unions friends, because, according to some calculations set out below, we believe we are, we all remaining doubt in the staffing.
The number of the remaining amount of 135 is, in fact, in February 2009, lower than budgeted expenditure in 2008 to the third area as part of the Strategic Planning Agency, the business plan for the year 2008 number of 200 (Source website Internet Customs) referred only to be checked for correct final balance at year end: recruitment to be done to exhaust the only national ranking can therefore certainly be considered covered.

The question is do with the staff of the Central Area Customs could tighten the timing of recruitment technically

reasoned that if Dr. Gnerre alternative, on January 5, 2009 to the terminations of the remaining assumptions expected at most by 30 June, the same can advance in accordance with these Theoretical calculations for now but likely to occur with AD, 30 April.

If, then, to administer the problem is one of several criticisms of the staff according to the outputs that will be in 2009, so as to make a more proper redistribution of resources in the field, compared to the following table the distribution of the 181 eligible remaining:

Lombardia Veneto

Piemonte / Val d'Aosta, Friuli Venezia Giulia

Trento / Bolzano
Emilia / Romagna Tuscany

this can also be made according to the outputs have already been planned in the business plan for 2009, despite the fluctuating legislative intent on automatic exits: 40 years of contributions or 40 years of actual service.

This presidency, therefore, is to formally state reached the goal of the Institutional Committee, with a final assumption by April 30.

is vital for us to be engaged in a short time also given the pressure of the economic crisis that threatens all of vicino, singoli e sistema – Paese alla sicurezza del quale l’Amministrazione doganale può contribuire anche con l’utilizzo di noi ultimi dislocati sul campo, per compensare quelle criticità di personale individuate da AD, a far rispettare con rigore e intelligenza il Codice doganale comunitario nell’interesse dell’Italia e della stessa Unione Europea.

Aspetto i suggerimenti del membri del Comitato per migliorare questo programma o rettificarlo ove errato, con l’obiettivo di entrare tutti insieme, dalla posizione 1970 alla 2150.
Vi terrò costantemente informati dell’attività svolta con invio di una mail settimanale e ogni volta che motivi ostativi di qualunque genere dovessero presentarsi, praying at the same time, not to take individual initiatives or make phone calls to the staff of Dr. Aronica, that would hamper my work as president and that the Agency would be unnecessarily harassed, we are running out, so we do not create obstacles to the work of who is doing everything to complete our intake.
A strong wish for all those called in March 2009 and meet again soon with all new and old, recruited from August 2008 to April 2009 hiring to celebrate May 1, 2009.

Rosa Alfaro


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