Name: Yulia Lozhechko
better results: gold to the beam in Amsterdam at Euro 2007
Accused of: forget that it is not the only team in
better results: gold to the beam in Amsterdam at Euro 2007
Accused of: forget that it is not the only team in
Yulia won gold in the beam at Euro 2007 and, perhaps the wave of excitement, took a rather sudden decision months after that year. It seems that during qualifying at the World Championships in Stuttgart Yulia so desperately wanted to get into gear in the final beam to decide to make the exit more difficult that would be able to do, a Patterson (double half-turn + on), without consulting the coaches, when they should have done a double dietro. Sfortunatamente per lei e per tutti quanti, è caduta, costando alla squadra diversi punti e non riuscendo a entrare nella finale in trave.
Alexander Kiryashov, uno degli allenatori con più esperienza, pensa che la ragione del comportamento di Yulia derivi da un problema psicologico. Afferma “So di cosa si tratta, ma preferisco non parlarne. Quando parliamo, lei e noi allenatori, dice che va tutto bene, ma poi inizia a provare le cose da sola e arrivano i problemi. Sappiamo che la Lozhechko sta passando un periodo difficile. Stiamo cercando di aiutarla e spero che tutto si risolva presto”. Mmmm.
Punizione: Yulia non ha potuto allenarsi al centro di Round Lake per diversi mesi dopo i Mondiali. L’allenatore Andrei Rodionenko explained his decision: "I have come to the conclusion that if an athlete is unable to put aside their personal interests for the good of the team, then they must leave the sport. Keep up the morale of the team is more important than the whims of one individual, even if he has talent. "
Rating: medium to high (?)
Maybe in Russia have always had this mentality of "team first" and Yulia shook a little 'this concept, and saw that his decision would weighed on the team, it would be best to talk with the coaches before the Patterson. But on the other
part, Yulia is so young, all the gymnasts are so young and we know that adolescents are likely to take inappropriate decisions without thinking. But anyway, whether or not it was right to exclude from training (doing a wonderful athlete to lose valuable time to train), I do not know.
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