Saturday, January 22, 2011

Congratulations Pregnant

Do not call it more "nano". 148 °

If you happen to refer to any being dishonest, despicable, immoral, depraved, which is also very low in stature, not calls more "nano" in a derogatory sense.

What if it also suffers from baldness, do not add "bald" to "dwarf".

not cited for contempt in the words of Fabrizio de Andrè "beats the drum language
far as to say that a dwarf is a bitch for sure because his heart is too, too close to the asshole."
The depraved and dishonest would be liable even if it were slender and had his hair thick and shiny.

Do not do it for him. Think about how they feel about people with dwarfism. Or even people of small stature. Or those bald. Do it for them.

If we stop, everyone, to use "nano" as an offense, to end up offending groped a doubt offend many.

If so we will continue to call the low "otherwise high" or "with pseudonana.

not use "fat" refers to persons who are overweight, just because you did something and you want to hit him. Being overweight is not an argument to counter different ideas.

's like saying "negro" black, "Southerner" to the south.

I happened to hear two guys arguing. both Italians. One shouted to another, "Albanian." Has become a national insult.

so happen to hear children and be on "Mongol", the 'handicapped', the "delayed", the "cap", the "fat".

And you see mothers, found that silent, as if it were the most normal thing in the world.

If you encounter a dishonest, a mafioso, a briber, un incapace, che è di bassa statura, non chiamatelo “nano”. Chiamatelo “disonesto” o “mafioso”, o “corruttore”, o “incapace”. Dategli il nome che merita, e lasciate stare i nani.


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