the Day of Remembrance you absolutely must remember. Not
never forget what it was. To commemorate the death of those who were robbed of life, dignity, affection, memories. It is essential, because otherwise there will have learned nothing from history.
As a teacher I have the duty to go to my students this terrible witness, and from year to year, on Memorial Day than on any other day, I forget everything that is on school books, grammar, literature, geography, and they do travel back in time, in history, to remind them of the tragedy that is consumed, and to warn them, because anything can happen and why in other parts of the world is already happening. Again, and without us doing anything to prevent it.
When you study history, you study the history of a people, but at the same time in human history. The Holocaust taught us that man can become unclean beast and kill millions of people. Not armed soldiers, but civilians, women, old people, children, men and women, without even a destroyed wrong reasons, such as the need or greediness. Men like us, and in this sense, everything that has happened we are concerned.
Millions of dead are many. We must explain to the girls, what it means. Do not have to get used to the term "million dead" should be horrified, listening. So we have to understand that nine million are three times the entire population of Rome, for example, all children, boys, all young, all adults and all the elders of Rome. But even this is not the idea. Perhaps it is best to imagine all the spectators in the stadium's largest content and Italy say that if they think that a hundred stages, when full, can have an idea of \u200b\u200bhow many people were removed from the world for no reason. "Remove from the world", "wipe from the face of the Earth" here is what was the purpose of extermination.
absolutely must not forget.
I must say, mei to pupils, it is important that know and study what happened, because it never happens again. I have to say to each other. I have a duty to do so, although every time I'm in pain because I can not - nor want - to get used to.
think those people who you love - I say.
Think about your old cat Mustache, Tweety to your dog, your piano, your beloved books to your iPod. Think of your best shirt, one that does not want to lend to your brother. Think about your mother, to his photographs, the ring that gave her grandmother, the teeth when you were little, which keeps for years in a box of silver. Think of blankets, medicines, garden flowers, the costume new bathroom, your favorite perfume. Look around and choose all the things you enjoy, the ones you need to live and all those you love.
Think of your parents, grandparents, siblings and friends. One by one. And when you did, imagine that for no reason, one day, someone comes along who takes away everything and everyone. Out with the old cat, the dog away, via the school, street clothes, blankets, thermometer, medicines, comb, soap, books and everything else. And if you wonder why this cruelty, the question will remain unanswered because there is no why, if not the ability of Man - at times - to make horrible gestures.
must understand that the horror of the Holocaust is not so much the fact that millions of people have been killed, but the fact that the first were destroyed inside. Every murder is an embarrassment to all humanity.
Imagine the old, men and women, accustomed to modesty, left outdoors, naked as worms, in the eyes of all. Treated worse than most of the stray dogs, with neither food nor water, cold, heat, rain, including lice, fleas and cockroaches. Women and men shaved, his eyes staring into the face cadaverous, who sleep on bunks stacked wood and straw, in addition to the dead, alongside the excrement. Children unaware of tutto, strappati dalle braccia delle madri. Uomini ammazzati dagli stenti, dalla fatica, dalle malattie, dal dolore.
Uomini, donne e bambini che dobbiamo conservare nel cuore.
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