La fragilità delle donne è solo apparente. Le donne sono forti. Sono state paragonate alle rose, che sono delicate, ma protette dalle spine. Ma le donne non sono rose. Le donne sono camelie, perché, come le camelie, sono forti e non hanno bisogno delle spine.
Le donne sono forti e coraggiose, ognuna a modo suo. Se serve sanno tirar fuori le unghie e le spine.
Sopportano il dolore e la fatica, senza cedere, senza risparmiarsi. Come le camelie, sono sensibili, but resist.
Women are protective. They are sweet and hard, as needed. They know and they know so much about silence. They can be aggressive and submissive. They are teachers believe in letting the man to be their weakest, they need help and protection. Because they know that humans need to believe. Why are women they love.
Some women are so smart that they did not even need to prove to everyone. They hide their intelligence. Women who think women who are exhausted to raise children with such difficulty, working women, mend, cook, iron, wash, care for, organize, and make believe that humans are things from nothing, because the important things is really all him. Why are women they love.
women who write, read, play politics, photograph, paint, travel, talk, invent, build, heal, teach, suffer, cry and always will pop up. Women who know how to fight without fear, as appropriate. How
camellias, women need to be treated, watered. But this does not mean they are delicate.
Women who sell and prostitute themselves for money or power, are not fragile and delicate. I'm stupid.
In the language of flowers, the Camellia means "perfect beauty and superiority not performed." Women are not haughty roses, camellias are, they do not need to show their superiority.
There are also men who are strong, sensitive, intelligent and brave. They are men who are like women. And vice versa. Never say more than a smart woman is a woman with balls.
Women, is the moment of rescue.
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