Beatrice mi dice: “Non so come si danno i voti”
Gli insegnanti giovani vorrebbero spesso fare la domanda “Come si danno i voti?”, ma, vergognandosi parecchio, perché sono convinti che dovrebbero saperlo fare, non la pongono quasi mai. La grande maggioranza degli insegnanti con più esperienza, poi, mai e poi mai ammetterebbe any doubt about how to assess pupils. Instead of having doubts is the only thing that makes sense.
I think young teachers should not be ashamed. They should do those who give the ratings without posing any problem.
There are many books on evaluation, but I do not think that laws serve much purpose. Especially because, almost invariably, are written by people who have never taught. It should, however, think the time, and time, all on the question of the vote.
Voting is just a number that is assigned to the work of a student, and which should be certification of the level of knowledge and skills achieved. The most important vote is 6, because on 6 regulates all other votes, with the criterion of 'a bit more, more, much more (or less, of course)
When we give a value of 6, we make a big mistake: we fill the Our idea of \u200b\u200b"enough".
What I fill the sixth, however, is not the same for everyone: for me means one thing for another colleague of mine, for the pupil, the father, the mother wants to say something else. Even fellow interpret differently the hope that you get: what goes well in school studies and interprets it as "that little vote," and for what goes wrong in school means "good grade". Dunque non significa nulla di preciso e oggettivo. Uno, nessuno e centomila: il voto è uno, ma ha centomila significati e quindi, nessun vero significato.
Chi ci dice che la nostra idea di “sufficienza” sia giusta? E chi ci dice che la nostra idea di “eccellenza” sia corretta?
Inoltre, il valore del voto cambia, non solo da insegnante a insegnante, da tipo di scuola a tipo di scuola, ma anche da un ordine di scuola ad un altro. Prendiamo la scuola media (da un po’ di tempo chiamata “scuola secondaria di primo grado).
Io, insegnante, do 6 e lo considero un rimprovero, perché voglio fare capire al ragazzo che quello che fa non basta. Ma per un altro I consider it a prize pupil, in view of the fact that he has already given the maximum.
you consider the 6 parent satisfaction, because you always took a boy 4. Or put a vote, why do you think "just enough" is too little. And so on.
"Sa 6", "Sa 7" expressions are absurd. But what does "knowing 6", as if it was the safest thing in the world and objective?
In high school they use a lot more evaluations 'objective,' to score. Many are convinced that the way they evaluate both the maximum objectivity, but, in reality, those who said that the score that decide to assign to each part of the year is right? And, above all, who assures us that the correct understanding of that period, to which we give the vote "10" corresponds to a knowledge of the subject by 10?
is the problem of evidence ministerial Invalsi it makes sense to evaluate the students about something that maybe the teacher has decided not to teach, focusing on something he considered more important? And who determines that what he has chosen to include those who prepared the evidence Invalsi (without having any knowledge of the situation, classes, social and cultural realities) is more than just chose the teacher (anche in base alla conoscenza di tutti gli alunni della classe e dei loro bisogni didattico-educativi)?. E chi stabilisce che cosa rende effettivamente più preparato un ragazzo di scuola media, quando ogni giorno constatiamo che il successo lavorativo ha una grande quantità di variabili, che vanno ben al di là dei risultati scolastici?
E perché non si dà un punteggio anche alle condizioni emotive, o di salute, dell’alunno mentre svolgeva il compito assegnato? Oppure alla spigliatezza, alla sicurezza, alla velocità, ecc.? E se effettivamente questo extra punteggio fosse inserito, chi ci dice che sia davvero giusto inserirlo?
E perché non inseriamo anche la variabile “condizioni emotional or health teacher and correct "? Because, let's be honest, an influence on voting po'anche nervousness, fatigue, repetition of certain corrections, the frustration of finding the same error on ten different tasks and the fact that they did not understand anything of what so Fatigue explained. What happens is that the tenth child who was wrong six furious as if he had made the mistake, for ten consecutive times. And if his handwriting is awful and it forces you to put three times as long and hard, or take a magnifying glass to see if it is a "a" or an "o", or to tilt the paper in any direction to see if you can figure out if it says "" saddle "or" in ", the vote is affected in some way. It's like finding a hair in a nice plate of spaghetti with clams.
Children also should - at least - always be aware of what each rating means. But too often we can not explain why we have confused ourselves.
Too often, the vote becomes a small or large weapon, gratification, revenge. The only one we have and to which many of us can not do without. And it is also why many refuse to agree on the value of the vote. As long as there remains the possibility of filling it with something subjective, personnel, which can change as needed, remains a power in our hands. Thin, but always power.
So, dear Beatrice, it is very normal that you have not figured out how to give you the votes.
It is important that you know how you do not give.
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