Sunday, January 23, 2011

Scope Mouthwash Swallowed

The law is equal for everyone (but you would not think). 149 °

Mi scuserete se d’ora in poi non metterò più la elle maiuscola alla parola “Legge”. Non mi sembra che la legge italiana meriti una maiuscola.

Non sono mai riuscita a capire se effettivamente un ricco e potente che va in prigione venga trattato come una persona qualunque. Sinceramente ne dubito molto. Una cosa è certa: non viene trattato allo stesso modo né dai media né dalla gente comune.

Leggo che un Tale di cui ho rimosso il nome, finalmente finito dietro le sbarre per la non piccola colpa di favoreggiamento aggravato alla mafia e rivelazione di segreto istruttorio, spent the first night in jail in a "peaceful". On the day of his arrest was greeted by applause from handshakes, pats on the shoulder, eyes shining with tears and real. I did not see well if it was accompanied to the entrance of the prison of Rebibbia from a blue car, but I do not be surprised if it were so. I read that "led to jail in the image of Our Lady, Santa Rosalia, patron saint of Palermo, the Gospel" and said he was sustained by faith.

I wonder: What's interesting to me that if he spent the night "serene" or "troubled"? Actually I would rather know that he spent the night regretted what he had done on the assumption that if you have locked up - even so powerful - there must be a little bit of truth.

And why emphasize his back and that the journalists of news that has brought Saints, Madonnas and gospel? Is the question that should attract the sympathy of Catholics, proving himself a mystic lamb. But if it were to take some small fault (the law sometimes works a little, after all), while aiding, where he kept his saints and Madonnas that they should keep him on the right path?

they tell us that another big guy went to see him after that first night in jail, and "the two are moved, they cried together. " Apart from that this interests me very little, but because we tell him, I wonder. How many people are locked up in prisons (and not in prison ", Minister of Education) Italian? And how come we do not know anything about them and how they spent the night? They all cells as that assigned to this? That will eat the exact same slop of others, if others eat slop?

of prisoners being held in Italian prisons, overcrowded, sanitary conditions unlivable, we know something only when they commit suicide, hanging himself, or poisoned with drugs, severing his carotid artery, putting his head in a bag di plastica fino alla morte. Solo nel 2010 si sono suicidati sessantatré detenuti, fra l’indifferenza generale.

Ma per il Tale i riflettori sono accesi e le rotative girano.

Il Tale afferma di non meritare la condanna. Oddio, magari lo pensa perché vede che fuori ci sono fior di mascalzoni ancora in libertà e lui, forse a ragione, in fondo, dice “Caio, che ne ha fatte di tutti i colori (tanto per fare degli esempi, a caso: corruzione, concorso esterno in associazione mafiosa, finanziamento illecito a partiti, falso in bilancio, e magari anche concussione e favoreggiamento della prostituzione minorile), è ancora fuori e io, soltanto per un po’ di favoreggiamento, mi sono preso seven years? "Indeed

's that remain perplexed. If the law were in law would be too much, Dick, and long ago, and have already thrown away the key. But no.

The law is absolutely not the same for everyone, and even the treatment of offenders (those who commit crimes are so called) excellent. Certainly not in prison will turn to that call by name, or saying "You, come here." I still call "president" if he was president, "doctor" if he was a doctor, "attorney" if he was a lawyer, "Commander" if he was Commander. What if the prince called "Prince." But what is more serious, I would call "honorable" if he had been honorable. Although honorable, deserves a prison when there is very little, I think.

"The law in its majestic equality, forbids the rich as the poor to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets and to steal bread." Is a phrase attributed to Anatole France, which is a great truth. In fact, the law is the law equal for all those who have no money to pay lawyers. Or for those who only has one. For others, those who have those lawyers-mastiff that many times we see, the law is discutibilissima extremely changeable, moody and versatile. For them, the law should be "interpreted". To help them, of course.


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