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Monday, March 14, 2011
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Male Waxing Orange County
The pain that we do not see is the pain of others.
An earthquake devastated land and lives far away. Strikes us, we remain very much unsettled for as long as we see the terrible images. Ten minutes? Twenty? Every so often during the day, we think about and comment with what someone is terrible what is happening. We give a few coins - not all, by the way - and then resume our lives.
The pain of others, in fact, it barely touches. Faced with news and pictures as the ones we see (from afar) through the media, in front of hundreds of thousands of deaths and injuries, to entire towns and villages wiped out dallo tsunami, a vite distrutte, a donne che urlano per la morte dei figli, se quello che vediamo ci colpisse davvero profondamente, bisognerebbe portare il lutto, piangere, disperarsi, smettere di mangiare, non andare al cinema e non festeggiare l’anniversario di matrimonio o il compleanno. Dovremmo rinunciare almeno al superfluo e mandare tutto l’aiuto che possiamo. Invece continuiamo la nostra vita come al solito. Diciamo che non mandiamo niente perché chissà dove vanno a finire i nostri soldi. Oppure ci sentiamo buoni perché componiamo un paio di volte il numero verde dedicato agli aiuti alle vittime del terremoto o dello tsunami.
Ho letto - non ricordo chi l'ha detto – che l’essere umano soffre di più if he is beaten up a callus that if she learned of the death of a thousand strange children.
not see the pain except when we have to close. That's it. It is no reproach, my, neither myself nor to others. Only, I think about it because we stop pretending to be generous for donating two Euros.
Maybe it's better that way. If we suffered for all the evil that surrounds us will no longer live. It would be terrible. Man has learned to protect themselves dall'overdose pain.
But in daily life one should try to see the pain of others. At least those that pass us by, which crossed our lives.
Today came to my school, the mother of a pupil. A woman of about forty years old, without husband (we teachers often do not know if it's because she is a widow, abandoned, betrayed, single mother). With tired eyes tells me he does not know what to do with that child so full of problems, so depressed. Seeking to calm her, but I can not that much, because she has already accumulated a sea of \u200b\u200babsence, and now there is a law that beyond a certain number, will force us to reject.
raises the top end to let me see a stomach stitched and patched with a large gauze from which emerges a tube and a bag.
"Look how I go to work, I, "he says.
are thus obliged to remember that there is also the pain of others, not just mine.
happens frequently in our work, get in touch with dysfunctional families, with tales of degradation, with sick children with alcoholic parents, with kids just like abandoned dogs.
We are obliged, then, to suffer for the pain of others.
Friday, March 11, 2011
Salvage Motorcycle Titles Nj
I'm really tired of stupidity, ignorance, vulgarity, selfishness and dishonesty, which are the five pillars on which rests the Italian company.
I miss the intelligence, culture, education, solidarity and honesty.
But as we have to accept being beaten so low, until quite happy to become accomplices of this decline into barbarism?
If we are honest people, we can no longer read newspapers and watch television news and television programs without a punch in the stomach, we take your breath away.
We are invaded by liars and dishonest and manipulated by unscrupulous people, we are seeing obscene performances, the triumph of the vulgar and stupid. And we can not do anything except look di convincerci che non sta accadendo nulla.
Ho nostalgia delle persone semplici, dei lavoratori onesti, delle canzoni cantate in coro nei pomeriggi d’estate, dei divertimenti quasi ingenui, dei baci rubati sotto i lampioni lontani da occhi indiscreti.
Dove sono i caffè dove i giovani studenti discutevano di arte e di politica? Dove sono finite le passioni, gli ideali per i quali battersi, i princìpi da seguire?
Dov’è l’eleganza da ammirare, l’intelligenza considerata un valore, l’onestà da esibire. E il pudore, la correttezza, la gentilezza, la sincerità, dove sono finiti? Dove sono la fatica, la perseveranza, il sacrificio che portano you get what you dream? Because it is widely thought that only fools fatichino?
I'm really tired of stupid and ignorant admiration, dishonest success, braggarts, rude, dishonest, which are held up as models to follow, to pretend to be selfish, altruistic, boasted of sex that is flaunted everywhere ..
culture is dying, along with education, kindness, intelligence, honesty.
is time to get really to do. It's time to rebel.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Cervix High And Hard 7dpo
Google è un motore di ricerca per Internet che non si limita a catalogare il World Wide Web, ma si occupa anche di immagini, foto, newsgroup, notizie, mappe, video, oltre a mantenere una copia cache di tutte le pagine che conosce.
Con un indice che comprende più di otto miliardi di pagine Web, è riconosciuto come il più grande e affidabile tra i motori di ricerca, occupandosi attraverso il suo sito di oltre il 70% di tutte le ricerche effettuate su internet.
L'azienda, che ha il proprio quartier generale a Mountain View in California, the so-called Googleplex, is currently managed by private capital, the largest unit-holders are Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers and Sequoia Capital. In October 2003, discussing a possible initial public offering the company was contacted by Microsoft about a possible agreement or a merger, Google refused the offer.
The word "Google" is derived from googol, a term coined by Milton Sirotta (grandson at the time of the American mathematician Edward Kasner minor) in 1938, to refer to the number represented by 1 followed by 100 zeros. The use of the word done by Google reflects the willingness of society to organize the immense amount of information available on Web The term is also associated with a pun English goggles, binoculars, just because the engine allows you to "watch closely" the network.
On March 9, 2006, Google bought the company Upstartle Writely word processor used by a browser which allows saving files in formats which are often used products, allowing easy interoperability with a variety of personal productivity software. Finally, 9 October 2006, Google acquired the video portal for amateur YouTube, true mass phenomenon among young people for ease of sharing home videos with about 20 million visitors per month, for the astronomical figure of 1.65 billion dollars.
Monday, March 7, 2011
Funny Indian Wedding Invitation Words
March 8:'s New the International Women's Day.
Many women - one of them is me-Women's Day has nothing to say. Indeed, just do not like. I'd just like when I read that women, from March 8 and forever will be respected and that no more sbandiererà their body, which will not take for partying at red lights and bunga bunga, who did not send a gift to friends as if they were cigar boxes or cases of wine.
will celebrate when you do not take big tits absurd to present programs idiotic, that will fill sculettamenti asses and television programs, and that, moreover, do not laugh of those tits and sculettanti tissue, after being put on the catwalk to show the walkway.
will celebrate Women's Day when women are beaten, exploited and raped. Will not be kept away (although more so now they can not easily) from positions of power.
The Women's Day is the feast of the florists, restaurants and pizzerias, discos, pastry, cakes, jewelry.
is not the party of girls raped by herds of cattle, beaten by drunken fathers, husbands jealous, there was no celebration of young groped by employers, by men who define them "whores" or "frigid" if there are.
And maybe those same men receive from the decks of mimosa.
Nor is the feast of infibulated women, raped, whipped, stoned, killed because they dared to make a man a "wrong" such as adultery, even without their consent.
If we want to celebrate the March 8 International Women's Day and let's do it among ourselves, among us women. Let us not celebrate the peasants, the violent, and so not only for that day, to make us shut up.
accepted a flower only by people who respect us on a daily basis.
And most importantly, we scream our anger if any of us in his dignity is trampled upon, and we expect to be respected, always.
If not now, when?
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Best Antibiotics For Std
The term "carnival is" it sounds absurd, at this time.
"It's carnival" in what sense?
already by the ancient Greeks and Romans there were parties who had the meaning of "let go for once! ditching the rules, dedicate ourselves to the confusion, a joke and even the debauchery. "
In the Catholic world, after the carnival in Lent came and took away the meat.
But you eat meat today always, Lent or Lent.
Some people love the "fresh meat", and I do not think there is a time of year when it abstains.
"A carnival is all a joke", it says: this seems to me that we face all year. Every day we wake up, read the newspaper and there are always four or five items that make us scream, "But it's a joke." We are often amazed (and we are not at all amused) for these actions seem to us seriously, but unfortunately they are not.
"Semel in Licet insane year," said Seneca. But "once a year is permissible to go crazy, "may be fine in a society where the year is serious.
But - let's be serious - the 'Italy of today looks like the inside of a mental hospital.
I therefore believe that it is time to change the idea of \u200b\u200bthe carnival. We will do so every day of the year will run in each form (the masks honest person, as someone who thinks the good of others, as someone who has a morality, would be most worn), every day will do crazy things, and parties will present, as a joke, naked guests, singing songs and giving dirty necklaces, say crazy things - Perhaps for a joke - and then say it is misunderstood. Every day fregherà, imbroglierà, will go to hell, will "bunga bunga" invent laws that playfully enrich the rich and impoverish the poor, will declare that a certain thing and instead it will be another, honest people will be considered cleft, the cheaters will be rewarded, people will send the top surface and deep ones are thrown to the bottom, unable to be removed will be acclaimed and intelligent and marginalized, the ignorant will work, and the pundits are going to distribute flyers for they will be unemployed. The funeral will be turned into shows where it screams and cheers, and all events will be processed the most unfortunate places where people will be invited to tears to talk about their troubles.
Every day they will laugh mourn the tragic and the ridiculous.
things, moreover, that in Italy there are already too many years.
And in a day of the year, which always call "carnival" (meaning that rises to the flesh, fresh or seasoned, that is), finally, will be allowed to be serious.
Friday, March 4, 2011
The Departure Times From Pier Head Liverpool
The lack of scruples, on closer inspection, is the basis of any wrongdoing.
A crime committed without being aware, then, do not even know if we can define a "crime."
A scruple is generated by a doubt, the fear of making a mistake. Often it is the care that we brake.
Scruples never have too many in a society like ours.
A force of "do not let too many scruples" we have learned very well to avoid them all. Being unscrupulous, today, is considered able to live and know how to get ahead. "
The butcher has no scruples and weighs a bit 'carelessly, the fishmonger incarta elderly client bream opaque and sunken eye, the parents do not make sbolognare qualms about the child to the grandparents with any excuse, the lazy motorist no qualms in placing the car in the parking for the disabled, the thief has no scruples in stealing the pension to the old man, the con man on the street reduces the poor, il politico non si fa scrupoli a fare i suoi interessi, ignorando quelli dei cittadini, le aziende non si fanno scrupoli a vendere prodotti scadenti, o nocivi, o perfettamente inutili; le multinazionali non si fanno scrupoli a far lavorare i bambini, i clienti a caccia di buoni affari non si fanno scrupoli a comperare prodotti frutto di lavoro minorile; gli industriali non si fanno scrupoli ad inquinare; i pubblicitari creano messaggi ingannevoli, le televisioni mandano in onda, senza scupoli, programmi spazzatura, stupidi, violenti, anche durante le fasce che dovrebbero essere protette.
Dietro ogni torto, violenza, imbroglio, danno psicologico, c’è sempre qualcuno che non si è fatto scrupoli.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Free Abortion Boston Ma
aNobii (named after dell'Anobium punctatum, the "worm paper") is an Internet social network, a social network on the Internet, devoted to books.
subscribers can make the online library through the ISBN, share reviews, comments, voting, buying and reading data, wish list and tips with other users directly or through groups. The network also allows the exchange and sale of books between users. aNobii allows the display of libraries of other users and performs a calculation of compatibility with its percentage. This maneuver allows the libraries to discover similar and keep an eye on those more inclined to their tastes in order to discover new books and new authors. The books are placed in the library through the ISBN or title of the volume. The book covers can be changed by users if they are not present as unregistered in the search.
Monday, February 28, 2011
How Much Do You Think It Cost To Build A Go Kart
Ci sono momenti della vita in cui il dolore afferra proprio te.
Un dolore tagliente come un rasoio, freddo come un candelotto di ghiaccio, lacerante come il morso di una tigre.
Tocca a te passare attraverso la tempesta, adesso, non hai scampo.
Allora vorresti chiudere fuori tutto il mondo e stare abbracciato ai tuoi cari, in silenzio. Vorresti addormentarti profondamente per non soffrire.
Provi un dolore così quando muore una persona che ami. Una madre, un padre, una sorella, per esempio.
It is true that death is nothing. Death is a great deal, because it changes you. More than any joy.
That person is so important for you leaves you alone, in spite of your pain.
She's gone somewhere and you'll never see her again. Never again, nowhere. Never, under any circumstances. You can go look in the dark bottom of the seas, you can walk without stopping and searching among the crowd of all countries of the world, take all the deserts and all the cities, but no more.
can not hear you if you speak.
This loss will seem incredible, but the world continues indifferent to exist and always the same, even if you cease to be the same as before, because that person is no longer so important here.
When the pain you must endure your touch and wait for him to leave. It will happen when you learn to live life without her. Sooner or later you can, and pain will replace a deep sadness and nostalgia later.
And then be able to smile, remembering the times spent together. It's already happened before.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Solving Hardy Weinberg Problems
The school should not instill anything. But even the household must inculcate anything.
"inculcate" means "limestone in the foot", "introduce a force." I do not think it desirable to levy an education based on the introduction of ideas and principles.
coming from school or family, provided that principles have no value. Argue that public schools should not be in passing, but the family is a bit 'like saying "public school teachers slap our children. We want to be the ones to slap. " A madness.
The school must, first of all, teach to think. With his head, obviously. To do that we must learn to read, to write, to love life and the world. The world is enormous. Life has many facets. We must learn to decipher the world and life. If you learn to perceive the good and the right, the bad and wrong emerge by themselves, accordingly. No need to indicate what is good and what is bad. Enough to teach to see, understand and reflect. That is why those who are absolutely in bad faith does not want to be taught to think of the boys. If you learn to think we can no longer make them believe that the abuse of power, dishonesty, bad faith, the badge, selfishness, are good and beautiful.
We public school teachers we must teach thinking. I can not inculcate principles, otherwise they are not principles, but basic information. Fill the heads of information is useless. Indeed. Serves only to those who want to manipulate the minds and lives according to their own advantage. Give the information to use them without teaching is equivalent to providing the ingredients to cook them without teaching. If you do not give you the tools to use what you have six in their hands. You're depending on them.
We must teach our children and our children to think for themselves.
learn to defend against rogue by the exploiters, and will enjoy the beauty of life. Free.
Solo chi non ha interessi personali da salvaguardare può insegnare a pensare. I professori di scuola pubblica non hanno interessi economici da salvaguardare, questo è certo. Ecco perché fanno paura.
Friday, February 25, 2011
Japanese Molested Train
La professoressa mi incarica di dirvi che non ha potuto scrivere perché ha l'influenza.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Unpainted Model Resin Kits
publishing the link from this blog SEO Italy in an article entitled " Twitter and branding: 10 rules to promote and grow their brand on Twitter " It's definitely a reading interesting for anyone involved in SEO and positioning engine
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Uncensored Kates Playground
Film of 1942 by Michael Curtiz with the great Humphrey Bogart, the film is a "legendary" in the history of cinema. At the beginning of the Second World War, the American expatriate Rick Blaine runs a club in Casablanca, Morocco controlled by pro-Nazi regime of Vichy France. The criminal Ugarte arrives in the room with the letters of transit Rick stolen, which would allow to move freely by the Germans in occupied Europe and, therefore, reach the neutral Portugal and from there to arrive in the United States. Meanwhile Ilsa Lund, Rick loved by Paris before the war, arrived in Casablanca with her husband Victor Laszlo, leader of the Czechoslovak resistance. When Ilsa fell in love with Rick believed her husband was dead, killed by the Nazis in a concentration camp, and discovered that he was still alive, had suddenly left Rick without explanation, to return from Laszlo. But now they need Ilsa and Laszlo the letters of transit to flee to America and continue their opposition to Nazism. At the end of Rick and Ilsa Laszlo will start on the plane to Lisbon, the Nazi is killed by Rick and between it and the Commissioner for Renault born a beautiful friendship, which began with the famous phrase: "Louis, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship. "
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Connecting A Soundcard To Midi Controller
Purtroppo è da un po’ di tempo che ho una brutta sensazione. Quella di essere intrappolata in una enorme fregatura.
Se avete voglia di seguirmi nel ragionamento, continuate a leggere.
from a question: are we all equal or not? Let me explain: we are all equal and we have to somehow have the same rights, or are different, have different value, some people are superior to others and therefore we have different rights?
In a democracy, is instinctive to say that we are all equal. But do not let us say, Think about it a bit 'above, before you decide.
do not know if we are all equal.
To do that we should be clear about what it means to be "equal." If it means having the same intelligence, the same sensitivity, same creativity, honesty, ability, desire to work, to work for others, then no, we are not all equal. God forbid. There are hordes of incompetent of dishonest people who do not want to work, who think only of themselves. Are not we all like them.
We should also be clear what we mean by "law": human rights, civil, political, are those who, in a community, it is for each individual. Rights are inviolable and inalienable rights of survival and human dignity: the right to eat at least enough to survive, to live in a sheltered place and dignity, to shelter from the cold, the right health and education, freedom of speech and thought, the right to be treated with respect, to maintain their dignity.
But have to ask, but the rights belong to everyone, regardless of moral or intellectual qualities?
Here, more precisely, this is the question: even dishonest, looters, criminals, fools and stupid people should have rights?
Or should be reserved for more rights for those most deserving, because they are more intelligent, better educated or more honest?
I think there are rights that must accrue to everyone, including criminals, the ignorant, unable to.
Faced with these rights, basic needs, we must all be equal.
Those who earn their own abilities are not rights, but extra benefits. It is right that those who have more ability, more intelligence, more courage would have greater benefits.
And we came to this problem in our society not only happens rarely that a person of value - moral and intellectual - is rewarded, but it happens a lot more benefits that are reserved for criminals and dishonest.
According to the medieval and feudal mentality - sorry if it makes it much easier to highlight the concept - the nobles and members of the clergy were worth much more than the people of the third state. Doctors, merchants, craftsmen, farmers, writers had no real socio-political power. Nobles and clergy were appropriate setsso the concept of value, deciding that the value was tied to the nobility and the rule of "religious." Simplifying again, the concept was this: we are worth more because we are part of the nobility and clergy, and you must serve, revere and work with us because you are inferior. And the concept was accepted by all as fair and even obvious.
power has allowed them to keep things as they were for many years, for centuries, until a different mentality has found its way, has changed the concept of "value" and introduced the concept that we are equal.
I do not want to dwell.
is visible to all (those who want to see, of course) the fact that the Italian company now consists of a minority of rich, filthy rich and powerful, and a majority of middle-class often small children, poor people and poor people. Are not they the ones who have the political and economic power. They are the rich and powerful. And that's what causes me anxiety and restlessness: yell known that that will change things, that will give more resources to education and health, that will solve the problem of unemployment, which will organize facilities for children, young, poor and elderly. They claim that lower taxes, which will help young people, which will eliminate waste, control pollution, to fight the mafia and the underworld.
Instead they do nothing. Leave things as they are and, if possible, worse. They make the rich get rich and the poor poorer. They cut up everything that we use (everything is public), more on what we eat (bread, pasta), and encourage all who use them (all private) and what have they (yachts, villas, air , etc.).. Because if you end up in cow health and education, they do not care nothing about, why not attend public hospitals or public schools.
The powerful claim that we are working for their welfare, to continue to have parties and travel, while we pull the belt.
Floor convince us that because they are higher and we lower our duty to admire them and served and revered.
So we went back to the Middle Ages. And without people being aware of it.
absurd is not a huge rip-off?
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Battery For Pop Up Camper
We were fed so much and in many different ways the phrase "love means never having to say you're sorry that we have come to believe the truth irrefutable.
In Valentine's Day I decided to refute it.
then I say no fear that "love" also means to say "sorry". And every time I need, I add.
Why one should never have to say I'm sorry, feel? It could happen if the two were saints, perhaps. O mummies. Or people who never meet. How can it happen, otherwise, two people sharing a life have nothing to be reproached anything? Or that, having, in all circumstances be able to keep quiet and avoid throw shoes or insults such as to compel then to a "sorry" repairer?
There are many couples who live together based on good education and that between a "thank you", a "please, darling," a "would you be so kind," but certainly, with pleasure! "spend their lives ignoring the substance, if not cornificandosi politely.
There are many others that insult you (and not even say "sorry" when it's over), but in substance they love and can not do without each other.
love does not mean never having to say you're sorry.
love and desire to be with someone forever, the whole street. And even more.
love means to feel more like part of you. Want to share with that person all the important moments of your life. And his.
Quando ami senti di non essere solo a vivere la vita. Dividi con l’altro le fatiche e le gioie. Ti rifugi fra le sue braccia, gli offri le tue. Dividi l’intimità e il corpo nelle notti d’amore. Condividi i pensieri, le speranze, i sogni e le paure.
Quando ami, i tuoi occhi sanno leggere al di là dei suoi, fino al profondo dei suoi pensieri e dei suoi sentimenti. I tuoi occhi sanno comunicare senza parole, e i suoi sanno comprendere il messaggio. Le tue mani accarezzano le sue in un modo tutto speciale.
L’amore è una coperta per scaldarti, una vela per solcare tutti i mari, un porto dove rifugiarti. Quando ami sai capire, perdonare, dimenticare.
Amare non means never having to say you're sorry. Two people in love can also make mistakes. It is human, make mistakes. If you are tired, angry, sick, sad, it can happen to send the other to that country, and say nasty words. With the one you love you must be yourself. And if "yourself" she wanted to scream a bit 'to let off steam, sometimes I think it's legal. Provided that the possibility is mutual, of course.
it wrong, and unintentionally hurt or disappoint the person you love, you just say "sorry".
Sometimes "sorry" means "I love you."
"Love" also means to say "sorry".
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Felicitacion De Boda Frase
| February 13, 2011, 4:16 am Music # ....!! ;))) |
| February 13, 2011, 4:14 a.m. ³ n Japanese Version: n VS version gringa: http:/ / You tell me # n Music |
| February 13, 2011, 4:14 a.m. # Musica # nowplaying @ BeOneRadio via - Tito Nieves - Like Child's Play |
| February 13, 2011, 4:14 am Music # # @ nowplaying BeOneRadio < /a> via - Tito Nieves - Como A Juego De Ninos |
| February 13, 2011 @ 4:07 am digg Chipmunk feat. Champion Chris Brown (text, translation and video) # music |
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Brazil's Primary Sector
If it is true that Pontius Pilate existed and said "I wash my hands" must really say that he has made school.
The parents of a child of four years do not have the money to the table and some teachers have their meal ticket for her.
A mayor (League) said that "it is inadmissible" give up its meal ticket. If the teacher does not eat does not eat anyone in his place, in other words. While it is best to follow the rules to throw the meal, give it. I suppose that if you add the information that parents the African child have four other children, aged between one and eight years, it would not help, indeed, perhaps the mayor could say "had to be more careful not to give birth to five children."
does not say if the mayor was speaking at an institutional level and, perhaps, privately, gave him the good of the child. But I think if that happened it was said loudly in all the newscasts. In conclusion: where the child eats? I do not know. I wash my hands.
four Roma children burnt to death because they are the type of heating they had available was a tin / brazier that, you know, sometimes due to fires that spread in an instant to the bedding, the rags, the plastic of the caravans and who's in it. They are often children. Children like ours, although Roma.
The mayor has requested that additional funds were allocated to solve the problem of illegal camps. The Minister (Northern League) says he does not understand, who does not know, because it has already allocated the money. Too many. But we live in squatter camps in an inhumane way. Every year there are children dying burned. substance of the dialogue: "We have no money and if we had them we would try to solve very different problems and more important." "But then? What should make those Roma, those children? "" I do not know. Do not even pay taxes. It is not my job. Let them go elsewhere. They can not stay in the squatter camps. "(I wash my hands.)
" But they are children! "" I know, but we can not do anything! We are in crisis. We can not afford it. We already have our poor! Do not even pay taxes. The mother left them alone to go looking for something to eat? He did not have. Now shouting? Pretends. The gypsies always pretend. Non-compliance of mourning for people who leave children alone. I urge the mayor to get around at night through the streets of downtown. There are many elderly, homeless and desperate people who sleep in the street. Why not ask the 30 million to give them a home? "
We must wash our hands, in fact.
But there's something terrible behind these allegations.
Despair has no age or skin color. A desperate is just desperate. In the face of despair, we can not wash our hands in the name of the accounts of the laundress, economic interests. Something must be done. Take charge immediately of the problem. Then we'll see how to fix it. Then fareanno all the reasoning necessary.
not always two plus two equals four. Sometimes it has to do five. No other justification than the moral obligation to protect the weak. First of all children. Even foreign children. Even those rom. All. A child is a child.
In ourItaly, where the powerful have the destiny of the weak, when their economic interests are well before the lives and dignity, "I care" became "I wash my hands." Or worse.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
How To Find What Engine Is In My 2003 Yukon Xl
Sometimes the trip. Without using your legs. With no means of transport. Without LSD or other. Only in the mind.
a few minutes. I go where I want to go at that time. It is not fantasy. It is free thought.
Like me with music.
I bring with me if you like.
The places where I have almost always solitary, away from everything. Escape, in short.
A plain sight. Gray, brown, burgundy. I see it from above. I like to see things from above and then declined. A very long road. Silence.
I set out along the road toward the horizon. The sky is white and yellow.
Now I'm riding a camel. As I guess that straddle a camel. I feel the smell of camel and is equal to the smell of horse. The camel is. We walk towards the horizon without haste.
around, always gray, brown and burgundy. It looks like a landscape turned off, but it is not. It is very nice, however.
Light wind on your face. Tranquillity. Silence. Far down there, I like to see a figure who is waiting for me. I choose to see my mother that I no longer have. He smiles. I really like being a bit 'with her, here in my places of the mind. It gives me a hand to help me get off the camel. He smiles and I smile. There are no words that come out of his mouth. But it looks that convey thoughts.
tell her everything about me and of my life with that look. And she welcomes what is beautiful has happened to me. We are together, sitting at a table, eyes on the horizon. We drink tea, even if we never drank together, when he was alive. Always smiling.
The music tells me that it is evening and I have to go back. The wordless greeting and hug. I climb back on the camel, aided by my mother, and go. The return trip takes a minute.
I was fine. Without using your legs. With no means of transport. Without LSD or other. Only in the mind.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Cover Letter For Beautician
| February 6, 2011 @ 1:18 am AJ_is_addictive LINDAAAAAAAAA MY !!!!! Miss you! Aww tà £ o I'm far from an angel, but God will bless you and §! How was your day? # amore |
| February 5, 2011, 11:36 pm @ RT juliooliveiraa : Affz have to stop calling the people of # AMORE the people think and intimate ja ..! And so educate § Ã £ o same ..! |
| February 5, 2011, 11:36 pm Affz have to stop calling the people of # AMORE the people think and intimate ja ..! And so educate § Ã £ o same ..! |
| February 5, 2011 at 10:50 pm # Follow â ™ '@ RT DominicanKUSH # NowPlaying : Rich & Fame - Fast Lane http : / / cc: @ underthebotree # music â ™ «We're # listening to Amore # |
| February 5, 2011 @ 10:45 pm Debora_Louise or lindinn Viu como à © @ jvcwil fofo?! *-* Rs # love |
Driver Pctv 150e/55e Seven
Suicide in itself is very difficult to accept. But the suicide of a teenager is untenable. Anyone who has somehow crossed his life with a suicide knows that it can be terrible sense of powerlessness that grips you. "Why," "if" and "maybe", you think. Not "why did he do?" But "because I did not understand? Why did not ask me anything? Because no one has noticed anything? If I had said something, even if I had imagined, perhaps .. "
Suicide is the most terrible failures and causes the most excruciating pain. Whoever kills leaves and leaves you with your questions answered. It is the rejection of life and from all over the world, including yourself that remains.
not want to talk to their parents. A parent dies with the suicide. A child who kills himself takes away the parents.
not want to talk to teachers, pain and fear they feel when they read of a teenager who commits suicide. Afraid it might happen to them a child who commits suicide. Pain because suicide is the negation of life, the life that they, at school, should be taught to deal with. And pain and fear as a boy in class who had committed suicide for years that shows that their work did not help to save him from himself and maybe, if they had explained questo, se avessero detto quello, avrebbe potuto salvarsi.
Voglio parlare della vita e dei ragazzi che non sanno viverla.
La cosa più importante della vita è proprio la vita stessa. Tutto quello che facciamo, pensiamo, desideriamo avviene nella vita. Senza vita non c’è più niente. La vita sa essere bella ma anche terribile. Quando si dice di un ragazzo che muore che “aveva tutta la vita davanti” si dice che non aveva vissuto e non potrà più farlo.
Un adolescente è come un bruco che deve diventare farfalla. Noi, che dovremmo fargli vedere la farfalla che c’è in lui, a volte non ci riusciamo. Noi, insegnanti e genitori, che sappiamo per esperienza which will become butterfly, sometimes does not know how to listen and recognize all the pain, all the despair that a boy tries to see themselves and believe caterpillar forever. "Forever" is an eternal time to accept for those who are ill. The boy who commits suicide is incapable of understanding that pain is temporary, that every fool that can happen to be soon forgotten, that nothing happens if you do not have the girl, because sooner or later meet, what you can live your life even if you've discovered to be homosexual, this time called the "best age" is in fact, for many, an age terrible, but it will pass.
We adults have a duty to prevent this dead-end despair that can lead to suicide. The boys and girls who do not accept themselves, their lives, and the frustration that comes from the note that is not peaceful as they wish, they may want a permanent escape, an exit from the world to save them, that all gates in a flash their suffering. They do not want to suffer, why not find a reason to do so, because they are convinced that there is no solution. They feel that the pain will only increase, because they will never be beautiful, skinny, how society wants them. Will not succeed, will not be loved. Caterpillars will remain forever, while others are already butterflies.
Dominika was seventeen. He was a teenager. At 9 am on a school he took a rope from the gym, he hung in the bathroom and it was gone forever.
Dominika she looked in the mirror and saw fat. Too fat. It was not like the thought that the company wanted. He tried many times with diets to remove the extra pounds - perhaps only-you saw on his body. The boy who loved chose another. Normal. Right. Love can not be an obligation. But she has been living proof of the fact that his body was just right. Who knows what will have suffered. How will cry. Sola with herself and with her being burn forever. If he had confided. If you had asked us to all of us, even strangers. Had he been able to wait. If he had written in a theme. If he had warned her friends. If he had asked for help from the teacher of the first hour. If there had been a gym rope. If he had written on facebook, maybe one of us would read, perhaps we would have known how to help, we would save him from himself and his desperation to burn forever. Why did they do in school? Why did he do today? Why has not asked for help from parents? If, if, if. Maybe, maybe, maybe. Why, why, why.
Dear Dominika, you were wrong to go così. Bastava solo aspettare e avresti vissuto chissà quanti anni. Avevi tutta la vita davanti.
"Paradiso sto arrivando", ha scritto. Spero che, almeno, esista davvero un paradiso.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Scooter Wheels Metal Core For Sale
Non solo “Quello che non funziona si butta” (post 83°), ma anche quello che non serve.
Lo hanno scoperto sulla loro pelle cento bellissimi Husky da slitta che, dato che non servivano più perché i turisti erano molto diminuiti, sono stati massacrati con una bella fucilata in mezzo agli occhi azzurri e finiti da un colpo di grazia vibrato con a knife. A bullet for one and no one else, to save even those. That's why the knife. For pity's sake. Because the worker "has seen horrible scenes." I find it hard not to believe it, because the scenes are horrible just thinking about it. The black and white robe stained red with blood are not beautiful to imagine.
The Husky is guilty of being a good dog, playful, strong, strong, sweet and docile. A perfect dog to roam tourists from Vancouver, running on the sled through the snow. But now tourists, unfortunately for them, are a few: What are all those husky? Nothing. What is not needed is thrown, it's simple.
The solution was to kill them like dogs.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Baby Crushing My Ribs
Many assume that to foreigners living in Italy is far better than the one that led to their land and the gratitude that we should allow them to live here. Better? I doubt it.
This morning I crossed the street, just for a moment, the sad look of a young black woman and I felt his great nostalgia.
Foreigners are sad away from their land, even if it is poor or very poor. Although we eat because we make them work (even in black).
Imagine a beach in Africa. Imagine a young black woman who walks in the countryside. Blue sea, clear sky, sand. Colorful outfits, red, yellow, blue, black skin, under the old tree of words, music, silence.
A girl lies down on the sand. Ride with the white teeth. Washing, cooking, pet a goat, ties a white handkerchief on his head and green mo 'turban.
Bring in Italy that girl, put a black coat, replace the sun and the colors of his homeland with the fog in Milan, give her a sandwich from McDonald's and then think again that surely here in Italy There is fine.
There, at his home, far away, she woke with the sun and ended the day with the stars. There were his friends, his family, his children.
Here there is no wind noise, there are no colors, it's cold, ice, snow, confusion, traffic, malice, wickedness, deceit, selfishness, bunga bunga. Above all, there's so cold. Often in our hearts. There are looks for them, for those foreigners who have come from somewhere and who knows what shady deals. Foreigners who steal the work to the Italians. "What if they return to their homes." Would do so immediately, if they could. People pass and
ignores them. Nobody cares what he thinks that black girl from the look sad, and what were his dreams. She was poor, and this must suffice. She's lucky to be here in our beautiful and artistic treasures of Italy full of tourists. The pleasure must, Italy.
Otherwise, why do not you go?
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Risk Tolerance Questionaire Mcq Types
"I am a mother of a girl of 14 who still attends the third grade.
All 'age' of 9 years and had a tumor 'was made and then cured .. in recent years has followed the follow-up of the disease with controls in day hospital .. We were able to make them lose only a month and a half of elementary because we have assumed a 'teacher in contact with the teacher keep her updated with what was being done at school .. Finally this afternoon we held a teacher until the middle 'of the eighth grade. ... But the medium has always had difficulty with math .. despite the' efforts at home .. 's math teacher went on to write of' unable and 's ass and mortify my daughter that she felt embarrassed and closed more and more common problem .. at least 4 / 5 pupils of the same class and also talking to the principal who was aware of the problem and nn' failed to resolve anything .. them 'I asked the exchange section xl' years that draws me to follow nn xke granted 'if my daughter had moved to do the same with 4 other girls with the same problem ..
Surely I'm wrong .. I changed schools my daughter who had threatened to open No more books because they 'where he was wrong too .. (but it was just mathematics!) I thought that would solve .. x love regain matter but I was wrong .. In the new school was wrong in nn only mathematics but also in Italian history, geography, French, English .. Still despite the work at home (I state that I was present when the house was the 'teacher) and' nn commitment of the girl .. that was even more sport .. I tried to tell the school that the girl was followed by a teacher at home .. And it 'was much worse! have called twice immature saying that maybe the problem was just that! That was self-nn .. In December of last year and then in the middle 'of the eighth grade in the new school shortly before running out of teacher afternoon .. My daughter tells us that wants to reject that and maybe 'as they say his teachers immature .. and that despite the afternoons on the books we can, and that nn and' terrified by examination. We saw the drawing of failures and discouragement as we thought we'd let her do .. thinking that maybe I would have done well again .. even if we talk about middle school!! Yet everything seems strange! And if that was the live nn nn personally believe and I would suspect mental retardation .. That is nn! Anyway
nn In June she was admitted to the examinations and now we are still in middle school .. with the same failure in math .. with 6:30 in Italian history, geography than ever that vote even when responding to all the teachers say that .. always has her head in the air .. in the afternoon hours ago 'tasks and is questioned by a girl who is x degrees in teaching the teachers .. but .. I wonder if he studied nn I venture to say that it' followed. . are always at home with her and the girl and I follow .. The tasks are performed .. Nn know 'what to do .. Two days ago 'comes home saying that alarmed scientists spoke of tumors (the' teacher knows' his misadventure!) And the prof said that if you and 'daughters of women who have had breast cancer prevention would be fair to remove the x mammary gland .. (A 'statement so amazes me! And discomfort and if' that really was) and now returns home heartbroken xke 'she and her friends have heard the teacher say to another Italian support, believing that nn be heard that my daughter (xke 'asked the time before the change of the chair that had broken the back), "the Marion P. and' insipid as his mother (" that's me!). "I state that I have always had a relaxed attitude quiet and respectful with this teacher who knew the first nn and being new I have from the 'beginning of the school having three times certain things .. leave me astounded helpless .. .. Nn so complicated I see the 'how to deal with these manifestations of insensitivity and ignorance .. nn I state that I'm a mother that' a priori reason to her daughter .. in front of this maze of life I would like some advice from her on how to deal with both my daughter with school .. I want to believe that there are still good teachers .. and my daughter still has chance to redeem himself in high school .. I feel very helpless! Thanks x I have read and just trying to understand my "papyrus"! Sincerely
Dear Elisa,
I read your letter several times, because we feel much pain and why is the testimony of the bad that happens in the Italian school. I would like to help, but it is not easy. I try.
School because they can not be situations like this happen. On the one hand, a mother and a daughter who are sick and if not come by chance and luck on the road to a real teacher, motivated, prepared and capable, are destined to suffer.
the other a school that has many defects, which has no resources, which is structured and ill-conceived, that is out of step with the times (to improve things not to comply) and, above all, who can not marry his difficulties with those of families and children. To address these hardships, the school should offer more highly trained teachers from all points of view (paid specialists, not as good as low-level employees) and much greater resources, allowing classes of ten students and the possibility of having the support of other specialists who can provide support for teachers, to ' alunnno and the parent in every situation. Sci.
I must say that there really are teachers unprepared for the boys, unfit to teach, who are ignorant (because they never bothered to study how to solve problems and then just do not know), unmotivated, and often very frustrated. Those teachers can effectively demonstrate their inability and reveal their anger, their fear and their frustration turning to words that kids should not even be in their mind.
not offend the guys because they have behaved badly, not humble themselves because they do not understand, do not try to make them study more terrorizing. But they do not know why other strategies, because they are tired of all the difficult situations in which they stupidly and try to take revenge with the guys and sometimes with their parents.
Those teachers should be sacked without mercy, Elisa.
parallel to this discussion, though, we do another.
There are really unprepared parents to educate their children, who are ignorant (because never had the chance to study or will find out about all the problems that revolve around the school, children and young people and therefore do not ask questions and judge without knowing). Parents are tired, unmotivated, presumptuous, permissive and protective and often very frustrated because the child is not like they would like. Or because the school does not help them as they expect.
Those parents can effectively demonstrate their inability and reveal their anger, their fear and frustration by defining their clueless and insensitive teachers, highlighting the problems, increase their frustration.
Parents get angry when I'm tired of all difficult situations in which they live and try to give teachers all the blame for the luxury of thinking that there would be problems if teachers were better.
The conflict is generated by the collision of the problems of the various parties. Everyone has responsibilities.
Maybe, Elisa, that the words which you have been reported have not been precisely those that the tone was not aggressive. Maybe the girl who followed Marilena home not tell the truth (because it has interest to give a justification of why the girl did not improve despite his help, and blame the teachers). Maybe Marion really is a bit 'immature, really is not autonomous. There would be no harm: it can happen, especially if you have had health problems that somehow affected his life. Or it may be that the teachers are really the stupid and ignorant.
But we have to say that you have changed schools, and the problem should be resolved. But no. So one wonders (and I suggest you ask), but you are unprepared, incompetent, insensitive? No one understood anything of Marilena? Have it all with you?
is difficult, Elisa, because in my over twenty years of experience, I know that problems are minimized, by teachers, not underlined. Teachers, soprattutto se incompetenti, se sanno di non aver fatto niente per l’alunno, cercano di promuoverlo. Ma quello che succede ai genitori frustrati che cercano di scaricare la colpa sugli insegnanti per non doverla dare a se stessi, capita anche agli insegnanti, che cercano di ignorare i problemi che non sanno risolvere, che cercano di dare ai genitori la colpa delle azioni didattiche e disciplinari che hanno fallito, per trovare un alibi alla loro incapacità di risolvere i problemi. Da un lato il genitore che pretende aiuto, dall’altro il docente che nessuno ha preparato ad aiutare e che non ha risorse per farlo. In mezzo c’è Marilena, che, anche lei, dà la colpa ai docenti delle sue difficoltà, per non dover ammettere di avere problems. A side is the manager who does not want to do anything, because he knows he can not do anything. Can not dismiss the teacher. Can not prove that it is true that they said "ass" to your daughter, because, of course, the teacher would deny.
The School - I've already said - is wrong. In school, I repeat, there should be the best teachers (and many that do not teach for fallback) and more resources. There is neither one nor the other. With regard to the accusation
Marilena to be "silly" like you, do not spend more time. not worth it. Could you tell Marilena that, on second thought, do you think it is wrong, because it remains less evil.
also because you have no evidence that those words have been said really. And why, if they were true, those are words of people stupid and pathetic child.
apparent by your words (it seems) that you let your daughter shine your contempt for teachers. Do not. Strive to demonstrate confidence in them even if you do not have. It is important for your daughter. And I think if you do find that she, too, which will be less biased, you will notice less offended by the teachers. Why to blame the teachers for your daughter may also be a way to download the frustration su di loro.
Vai di nuovo dagli insegnanti e spiega loro che capisci le loro difficoltà e che vorresti che ti spiegassero che cosa devono fare. Fallo dopo aver riflettuto sulle mie osservazioni.
Se davvero risulta che si rivolgono agli alunni con insulti, scrivere una lettera alla dirigente e fatela protollare, chiedendo che intervenga perché indaghi e, se dovesse risultare, prenda dei provvedimenti perché non accada più.
Leggi anche le altre mie note sulla scuola, se non lo hai ancora fatto.
Per esempio queste:; oppure questa:
Spero di averti aiutato un po’.
Fammi sapere!
Jester Knitting Pattern
immortal words that sometimes is good (re) reading: Bring me the sunflower
Eugenio Montale
Bring me the sunflower that I may transplant it
in my land burned by the saline
and monsters all day to the blue of the sky
reflecting the anxiety of its yellow face. They tend to
clarify things dark
you run out of bodies in a flow
of colors: in this music.
vanish and therefore the chance of venture.
Friday, January 28, 2011
Do Dots Mean Squash Balls
La fragilità delle donne è solo apparente. Le donne sono forti. Sono state paragonate alle rose, che sono delicate, ma protette dalle spine. Ma le donne non sono rose. Le donne sono camelie, perché, come le camelie, sono forti e non hanno bisogno delle spine.
Le donne sono forti e coraggiose, ognuna a modo suo. Se serve sanno tirar fuori le unghie e le spine.
Sopportano il dolore e la fatica, senza cedere, senza risparmiarsi. Come le camelie, sono sensibili, but resist.
Women are protective. They are sweet and hard, as needed. They know and they know so much about silence. They can be aggressive and submissive. They are teachers believe in letting the man to be their weakest, they need help and protection. Because they know that humans need to believe. Why are women they love.
Some women are so smart that they did not even need to prove to everyone. They hide their intelligence. Women who think women who are exhausted to raise children with such difficulty, working women, mend, cook, iron, wash, care for, organize, and make believe that humans are things from nothing, because the important things is really all him. Why are women they love.
women who write, read, play politics, photograph, paint, travel, talk, invent, build, heal, teach, suffer, cry and always will pop up. Women who know how to fight without fear, as appropriate. How
camellias, women need to be treated, watered. But this does not mean they are delicate.
Women who sell and prostitute themselves for money or power, are not fragile and delicate. I'm stupid.
In the language of flowers, the Camellia means "perfect beauty and superiority not performed." Women are not haughty roses, camellias are, they do not need to show their superiority.
There are also men who are strong, sensitive, intelligent and brave. They are men who are like women. And vice versa. Never say more than a smart woman is a woman with balls.
Women, is the moment of rescue.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Ideas For Words On Funeral Flowers
"Asked a news blackout." 152 °
"The family has requested a news blackout."
"Investigators have requested a news blackout in this delicate moment of the investigation."
In my sentences are now ridiculous. At a minimum, are perfectly useless, because the news blackout was observed only when the public, usually morbidly hungry for possibly macabre details, the story does not matter anymore, because something new has happened, there are other juicy news to taste, unfortunately some nice, some heinous murder, kidnapping strange, inexplicable disappearance on which to spend evenings in the company of television journalist-investigator feud.
am truly undecided, however, whether to attribute this total lack of respect for the news blackout on the part of journalists to a possible "professional idiot" - I do not know if there is a pathology of gender - Leading to not decode the contents of the messages received (in this case the contents "do not talk anymore!"), Or a strong disregard for the moral issues referred to as "ruthless indifference", dictated by the interest of the scoop , which brings success, which brings money into the pockets.
To me it seems so clear: "Do not talk about it more, do not reveal the details of the affair, and the conclusions that the investigators arrived, it could hinder the investigation, endanger the hostages, to escape the guilt." This means "to ask the press blackout." Instead, no sir. Nothing to do. Serve in the however, and while they say that "the family has requested a news blackout," perhaps because the kidnappers have threatened to blow his brains out to be abducted if he learns something, they-the press-and them - the voyeur television, he threw himself dead body on the details and spread them by all means, if possible with smoke signals.
"We do not know if a ransom was asked, why the family is locked in a tight secrecy and investigators have called a news blackout because of the sensitivity of time investigating, but sources would not confirm that the ransom was asked for two hours ago. "
" The girl's body, cruelly forty-seven killed with knives by two unknown foreign accent, was found at home, surrounded by a pool of blood. The cleaning lady had to clean for hours splashing blood on the walls, showing you the exclusive. A neighbor, who lives in the pink house next to the house scene of the crime, and we give only the initials, S. and C, because we were asked not to reveal the name for security reasons, said that he saw in his face one of the kidnappers and to be able to recognize it. "
" The kidnapped girl was carrying a cell phone and Investigators are waiting for the lights to locate the kidnapper. "
"Behold house where the family lives hours of anxiety waiting for the kidnappers will do live. His mother, suffering from serious heart, called a news blackout. Well, this is the house, in via Roma 124. Ring the bell. 'Who is it? Leave us alone, please '. 'Madam, we are of the TGX. Tell us, how he feels in these hours of waiting? What proof? '. No, for now the mother of the girl is heard to respond. From the house of the family de Tal 'that's all for now. We leave you in the company of "The Little investigator," which will broadcast a special entitled "Where is my child?". During the broadcast will be interviewed away family facts to come from Brazil, the grocer from whom they buy the sausage, the newspaper of trust, the pastor who baptized the girl and all the patrons of the bar next door, who will provide their hypothesis investigation. The presenter will show every corner of the house with the help of a model. "
Well, this is the" news blackout "today in Italy. The beauty is that there are things for which the "news blackout" is absolutely and strangely total.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Lon Linear Regression Vba
the Day of Remembrance you absolutely must remember. Not
never forget what it was. To commemorate the death of those who were robbed of life, dignity, affection, memories. It is essential, because otherwise there will have learned nothing from history.
As a teacher I have the duty to go to my students this terrible witness, and from year to year, on Memorial Day than on any other day, I forget everything that is on school books, grammar, literature, geography, and they do travel back in time, in history, to remind them of the tragedy that is consumed, and to warn them, because anything can happen and why in other parts of the world is already happening. Again, and without us doing anything to prevent it.
When you study history, you study the history of a people, but at the same time in human history. The Holocaust taught us that man can become unclean beast and kill millions of people. Not armed soldiers, but civilians, women, old people, children, men and women, without even a destroyed wrong reasons, such as the need or greediness. Men like us, and in this sense, everything that has happened we are concerned.
Millions of dead are many. We must explain to the girls, what it means. Do not have to get used to the term "million dead" should be horrified, listening. So we have to understand that nine million are three times the entire population of Rome, for example, all children, boys, all young, all adults and all the elders of Rome. But even this is not the idea. Perhaps it is best to imagine all the spectators in the stadium's largest content and Italy say that if they think that a hundred stages, when full, can have an idea of \u200b\u200bhow many people were removed from the world for no reason. "Remove from the world", "wipe from the face of the Earth" here is what was the purpose of extermination.
absolutely must not forget.
I must say, mei to pupils, it is important that know and study what happened, because it never happens again. I have to say to each other. I have a duty to do so, although every time I'm in pain because I can not - nor want - to get used to.
think those people who you love - I say.
Think about your old cat Mustache, Tweety to your dog, your piano, your beloved books to your iPod. Think of your best shirt, one that does not want to lend to your brother. Think about your mother, to his photographs, the ring that gave her grandmother, the teeth when you were little, which keeps for years in a box of silver. Think of blankets, medicines, garden flowers, the costume new bathroom, your favorite perfume. Look around and choose all the things you enjoy, the ones you need to live and all those you love.
Think of your parents, grandparents, siblings and friends. One by one. And when you did, imagine that for no reason, one day, someone comes along who takes away everything and everyone. Out with the old cat, the dog away, via the school, street clothes, blankets, thermometer, medicines, comb, soap, books and everything else. And if you wonder why this cruelty, the question will remain unanswered because there is no why, if not the ability of Man - at times - to make horrible gestures.
must understand that the horror of the Holocaust is not so much the fact that millions of people have been killed, but the fact that the first were destroyed inside. Every murder is an embarrassment to all humanity.
Imagine the old, men and women, accustomed to modesty, left outdoors, naked as worms, in the eyes of all. Treated worse than most of the stray dogs, with neither food nor water, cold, heat, rain, including lice, fleas and cockroaches. Women and men shaved, his eyes staring into the face cadaverous, who sleep on bunks stacked wood and straw, in addition to the dead, alongside the excrement. Children unaware of tutto, strappati dalle braccia delle madri. Uomini ammazzati dagli stenti, dalla fatica, dalle malattie, dal dolore.
Uomini, donne e bambini che dobbiamo conservare nel cuore.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Can I Workout During An Outbreak?
Mi piacerebbe avere tanto tempo: per me, e per stare con le persone che amo.
Mi piacerebbe leggere tutti i libri che voglio e che aspettano che arrivi il momento buono, accatastati su un tavolino in salotto.
Vorrei trovarmi di fronte a un deserto sterminato, di sabbia rossa, e guardare il tramonto.
Vivere in un luogo di fronte al mare e addormentarmi con il rumore delle onde.
Ritrovare i valori lost and found that are shared by all.
I would live in harmony with the world. See only smiles and kindness around me.
I'd like to know that nobody takes advantage of the old ingenuity just to take away what little they have.
I'd never have to read that a child of ten months was beaten up.
Or that a man was brutally killed for having accidentally hit a dog.
I'd like to live in the woods and hear the wind blow through the leaves, the murmur of the rain, the animal noises, and moving cars, the roar of engines, car horns and stereos blaring.
I'd listen to my music sitting on a rocking chair on the veranda, in front of a big white house, like in the movies.
I'd like to live in a society where the honest and the dishonest live well live badly, and not vice versa.
I'd like to entertain every day in conversation with writers, poets, artists and intelligent people, and drink tea with them, and joy in eating a slice of lemon cake made with my hands.
I'd never see on television programs, garbage, trash interviews, statements garbage, garbage characters.
I'd find the little things in bad taste and not only see the bad taste everywhere.
I wish I could pick a bouquet of flowers as often as you wish.
I wish no one felt the despair of not having a job, while the rest of society continues his life, indifferent.
I wish I had a small land turtle.
I review all the places of my childhood.
I wish everyone could see at least a dream come true.
I would not read more than exploiters and exploited, the immensely rich and the poor.
I wish no child or woman or man suffer violence.
I'd like to know che tutto, sempre, si aggiusterà.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Scope Mouthwash Swallowed
Mi scuserete se d’ora in poi non metterò più la elle maiuscola alla parola “Legge”. Non mi sembra che la legge italiana meriti una maiuscola.
Non sono mai riuscita a capire se effettivamente un ricco e potente che va in prigione venga trattato come una persona qualunque. Sinceramente ne dubito molto. Una cosa è certa: non viene trattato allo stesso modo né dai media né dalla gente comune.
Leggo che un Tale di cui ho rimosso il nome, finalmente finito dietro le sbarre per la non piccola colpa di favoreggiamento aggravato alla mafia e rivelazione di segreto istruttorio, spent the first night in jail in a "peaceful". On the day of his arrest was greeted by applause from handshakes, pats on the shoulder, eyes shining with tears and real. I did not see well if it was accompanied to the entrance of the prison of Rebibbia from a blue car, but I do not be surprised if it were so. I read that "led to jail in the image of Our Lady, Santa Rosalia, patron saint of Palermo, the Gospel" and said he was sustained by faith.
I wonder: What's interesting to me that if he spent the night "serene" or "troubled"? Actually I would rather know that he spent the night regretted what he had done on the assumption that if you have locked up - even so powerful - there must be a little bit of truth.
And why emphasize his back and that the journalists of news that has brought Saints, Madonnas and gospel? Is the question that should attract the sympathy of Catholics, proving himself a mystic lamb. But if it were to take some small fault (the law sometimes works a little, after all), while aiding, where he kept his saints and Madonnas that they should keep him on the right path?
they tell us that another big guy went to see him after that first night in jail, and "the two are moved, they cried together. " Apart from that this interests me very little, but because we tell him, I wonder. How many people are locked up in prisons (and not in prison ", Minister of Education) Italian? And how come we do not know anything about them and how they spent the night? They all cells as that assigned to this? That will eat the exact same slop of others, if others eat slop?
of prisoners being held in Italian prisons, overcrowded, sanitary conditions unlivable, we know something only when they commit suicide, hanging himself, or poisoned with drugs, severing his carotid artery, putting his head in a bag di plastica fino alla morte. Solo nel 2010 si sono suicidati sessantatré detenuti, fra l’indifferenza generale.
Ma per il Tale i riflettori sono accesi e le rotative girano.
Il Tale afferma di non meritare la condanna. Oddio, magari lo pensa perché vede che fuori ci sono fior di mascalzoni ancora in libertà e lui, forse a ragione, in fondo, dice “Caio, che ne ha fatte di tutti i colori (tanto per fare degli esempi, a caso: corruzione, concorso esterno in associazione mafiosa, finanziamento illecito a partiti, falso in bilancio, e magari anche concussione e favoreggiamento della prostituzione minorile), è ancora fuori e io, soltanto per un po’ di favoreggiamento, mi sono preso seven years? "Indeed
's that remain perplexed. If the law were in law would be too much, Dick, and long ago, and have already thrown away the key. But no.
The law is absolutely not the same for everyone, and even the treatment of offenders (those who commit crimes are so called) excellent. Certainly not in prison will turn to that call by name, or saying "You, come here." I still call "president" if he was president, "doctor" if he was a doctor, "attorney" if he was a lawyer, "Commander" if he was Commander. What if the prince called "Prince." But what is more serious, I would call "honorable" if he had been honorable. Although honorable, deserves a prison when there is very little, I think.
"The law in its majestic equality, forbids the rich as the poor to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets and to steal bread." Is a phrase attributed to Anatole France, which is a great truth. In fact, the law is the law equal for all those who have no money to pay lawyers. Or for those who only has one. For others, those who have those lawyers-mastiff that many times we see, the law is discutibilissima extremely changeable, moody and versatile. For them, the law should be "interpreted". To help them, of course.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Congratulations Pregnant
If you happen to refer to any being dishonest, despicable, immoral, depraved, which is also very low in stature, not calls more "nano" in a derogatory sense.
What if it also suffers from baldness, do not add "bald" to "dwarf".
not cited for contempt in the words of Fabrizio de Andrè "beats the drum language
far as to say that a dwarf is a bitch for sure because his heart is too, too close to the asshole."
The depraved and dishonest would be liable even if it were slender and had his hair thick and shiny.
Do not do it for him. Think about how they feel about people with dwarfism. Or even people of small stature. Or those bald. Do it for them.
If we stop, everyone, to use "nano" as an offense, to end up offending groped a doubt offend many.
If so we will continue to call the low "otherwise high" or "with pseudonana.
not use "fat" refers to persons who are overweight, just because you did something and you want to hit him. Being overweight is not an argument to counter different ideas.
's like saying "negro" black, "Southerner" to the south.
I happened to hear two guys arguing. both Italians. One shouted to another, "Albanian." Has become a national insult.
so happen to hear children and be on "Mongol", the 'handicapped', the "delayed", the "cap", the "fat".
And you see mothers, found that silent, as if it were the most normal thing in the world.
If you encounter a dishonest, a mafioso, a briber, un incapace, che è di bassa statura, non chiamatelo “nano”. Chiamatelo “disonesto” o “mafioso”, o “corruttore”, o “incapace”. Dategli il nome che merita, e lasciate stare i nani.